RISEBA Course specification VV 009-02

Course/ module title: / English for Specific Purposes
Programmes in which to be offered / Joint doctoral programme”Business Management”
Credit value: / 2 CP(3 ECTS) ECTS=credits x 1.5
Academic hours: / 80 / Contact hour / 28
Independent studies / 52
Language: / English
Faculty member: / Sandra Kraze, dr philol. Assistant professor
Pre-requisites: / The knowledge of English according to European Levels- self assessment grid, at least B2 level
Aim of the course/module: / To offer an insight into various business genres, vocabulary building, in the appropriate science area in order to analyse independently scientific literature, be able to express their research ideas and results, communicate by using terminology of the research area. It envisages the development of skills and competences necessary for English for Academic Purposes
Requirements for obtaining credits (assessment structure): / Participation in lectures and labs: 30%, independent work, 40%, presentations 10% and 20% examination
Date, time / Syllabus outline (themes, teaching and learning methods: seminars, practical assignments and other): / Contact hours
1. Study course structure, content and learning outcomes. Special terminology, peculiarities of academic text, stylistic features and text composition. / 4
2. Style of a research article, peculiarities and language of research paper, complex sentence structure, linking elements. / 4
3. Annotations, summary writing related to research field / 8
4. Presentations of literature review, public speech, presenting research idea orally and in writing. / 4
5. Specific terminology, speaking and writing about research gap,identifying patterns in text, academic vocabulary and grammar in use. / 6
6. Examination / 2
total / 28
Independent studies organization and tasks: / Academic hours
1.Reading of research literature in English, writing annotated bibliography- a written work / 4
2. Writing a review of literature- a written work / 8
3. Writing a research article, summary of previous research in the field, writing statements of research gap,introduction, main research statements, writing conclusions- written work / 10
4. Summary writing based on independent reading, context of research/ background / 30
total / 52
1Credit =40 Academic (contact hours + independent studies) hours
On successful completion of the course/module, student will be able to (knowledge, skills and competences):
Learning outcomes: / Assessment criteria
(40-69%) / (70-89%) / (90-100%)
1.Be able independently to put forward research ideas, be able to structure and manage scientific projects, communicate in English on an international level; / With difficulties formulate research topic, no evidence or difficulties in producing annotated bibliography, is able to demonstrate academic style features, weakness in text production, texts cannot be handled logically, vague structure, difficulties in expressing arguments, no clear text coherence / Is able to formulate research topic in a logical way, puts forward arguments, clear structure, aim, body, logical arrangement, has some difficulties in text structure, applies adequate academic vocabulary and grammar, complex sentence structure, is able to present research in English both orally and in writing,is able to communicate about research topic in international environment / Is able to formulate research topic in a logical way, puts forward arguments, clear structure, aim, body, logical arrangement, applies adequate academic vocabulary and grammar, complex sentence structure, is able to present research in English both orally and in writing, is able to communicate about research topic in international environment
2.Be able to demonstrate stylistic peculiarities of published research articles, demonstrate the peculiarities of reports; / Has difficulties in logical text structure when producing annotated bibliography and has weaknesses in reporting information about research topic, has difficulties in writing a research article / Logical arrangement of the text and annotated bibliographies, applies academic formal writing skills, is able to write a research article in English, demonstrates the use of terminology, but has some difficulties in coherent text structure and grammar, has not fully achieved the skill of writing a research article in English / Logical arrangement of the text and annotated bibliographies, applies academic formal writing skills, is familiar with terminology and presents it skilfully, is able to write a research article in English, is able to report on research topic, is able to participate in discussions on research topic in English and write an article
3.Is able to produce a research article in English for publication purposes with adequate language of research paper; is able to prepare a review in English on the basis of research literature / With difficulties reports on research issues, difficulties in presenting an argument and opinion, knows terminology of research topic, uses simple language constructions to present research topic / Logically structures and provides information on research literature, some difficulty in handling arguments, knows terminology of research topic / Logically structures and provides information on research literature, arguments are well presented, knows terminology of research topic, is able independently to report on research issues and participate in discussions
4.Is able to communicate both orally and in a written form about research issues, is able to present the research paper to specialist and non specialist audience / Has difficulties in text structure, no signposting and linking words, no rapport is created to follow the presentation, not enough arguments presented, lacks text coherence / Demonstrates logical text arrangement, is able to present research topic and formulate research idea, introduction, body and conclusions, handles the research topic but has some difficulties related to communicate research in written form concerning the main body of research / Demonstrates logical text arrangement, is able to present research topic and formulate research idea, introduction, body and conclusions, handles the research topic, is able credibly to present research both orally and in writing
Evidence of obtained learning outcomes: / Learning outcomes
Assessment methods
Written work 1 / X
Written work 2 / X
Written work 3 / X / X
Presentation of individual work / X
Examination / X / X / X
Recommended literature
  1. Swales, M., Genre Analysis English in academic and research settings: CUP- Cambridge, 1991.
  2. McCarthy M.,O”Dell F. Academic Vocabulary in use:CUP,Cambridge,2008.-176p. ISBN-13978-0-521-68939-7
  3. Hamp-Lyons L.,Heasly B., Study Writing. A Course in writing skills for academic purposes:CUP-Cambridge,2006.-213 p. ISBN 978-0-521-5349-3
  4. Murray Rowena, Moore Sarah. The Handbook of Academic Writing: OUP-Oxford ,2006
  5. Bloomberg, L. D. and Volpe, M. Completing Qualitative Dissertation. Sage Publications,2008.-232 p. , ISBN 978-1-41-29-5650-5

Additional literature and learning materials/resources:
1.Bryman A., Bell E. Business Research methods.-OUP,2nd edition, , New York
2007.-786 p., SBN 978-0-19-928498-6
2. Partridge B.,Starfield S. Thesis and Dissertation Writing in a Second Language. A Handbook for supervisers: Routledge, 2008.- 189 p. ISBN 978-0-415-37173-5
3. Augstskolās pieejamās datu bāzes:
Emerald /
Rubricon** /
Springer /
Approved/Updated: / 13.02.2014
Department director: / ____S.Ozolina______(signature)
Programme director: / ___V.Vikmane______(signature)