BRSS TACS Capacity Building Opportunity Action Plan Template
Part I: Annotated Version
Subtask / Review, update and familiarize board members on LBHS policies, fiduciary responsibilities; recruit an advisory board.
Development of an advisory board to assist LBHS capacity on development, legal, accounting and finances, impact and program evaluation.
Systematize daily operations, especially accounting and database including database design, data collection, data, results and impact evaluation.
Overall Goal of the Action Plan / Build LBHS capacity to fulfill its mission and achieve its vision in the next 5 years.
Action Plan Objectives
Please list each objective succinctly; each will be described in detail in Part II. / Ideally, objectives are SMART Objectives (Specific, Measureable, Assignable, Realistic, and Time-Related). There is no maximum or minimum number of objectives, but Task Leads are cautioned against having too many objectives. List objectives in this section.
1.board development and enrichment
2. fund development
3. systematize daily operations
Summary of Action Plan
Please provide a narrative description of your Action Plan, why you have selected these objectives, and how they will address/improve recovery oriented systems and services or meet the goals and objectives for the listed subtask. / Provide the BRSS TACS team and other stakeholders with context for understanding the Action Plan.
Why Board Development? LBHS is a peer run organization created by peers. We have learned and built the board capacity as the organization has grown. There are new members as well. By focusing on board development, LBHS will strengthen the management of our organization, which will help build a sustainable community of care.
Why Fund Development? LBHS services are in high demand, since there are not any other peer run organization in the state of Utah serving with culturally and linguistically responsiveness. The MHSU peers in recovery community is part of a new paradigm to provide services, and there are not readily available funds to run these programs. LBHS has received some funds from University Neighborhood Partners, DSAMH, NAMI and private foundations. However, LBHS does not have a large fund/grant that can sustain the organization in the long term.
Why systematize daily operations? As an infant organization, LBHS needs to create shared knowledge and structure our methods among all associates. We need to measure the efficiency of our interventions and impact. This is a requirement to qualify for larger grants, keep track of our programs, and recruit and maintain active participants, associates and board members.
Outreach/Marketing Plan
Describe your outreach and marketing plan. /
  • Website
  • Social media
  • Event outreach
  • Partnerships

Ongoing Communication Plan
Describe your team’s plan for maintaining ongoing communication and accountability, including ensuring the ongoing meaningful involvement of peers (e.g., regularly scheduled team meetings, working group meetings, emails, task leads). / Working group meetings. Nine working groups, each of 3 -4 memberswill be formed,to tackle and advance each objective and subtasks. These teams will meet early in September, and subsequent meetings to complete the task will be scheduled then. These teams will be comprised of 2masters of public administration interns from a University of Utah nonprofit management class or Utah State University Social Work intern and one board member.
Google drive folders will be used to store files documenting subtask plans, execution and advances
Plans for Celebrating Success
Describe how your team will celebrate success at key milestones. / Generating small wins and acknowledging and celebrating successes are an important part of maintaining momentum, engagement, and a positive attitude throughout the challenging work of creating systems change. We often finish something and just move to the next item, but as a recovery-oriented team, it is important to recognize the contributions and successes of accomplishing action steps and making progress toward achieving objectives. Examples might include: sending announcements and updates to the team, or starting each team meeting by acknowledging the actions of team members.
We will have Three Team Meets scheduled throughout the fall semester (September-December 2017) where teams will present their progress and motivate each other; LBHS will give tokens of appreciation and there will be food at all events.
BRSS TACS Capacity Building Opportunity Action Plan Template
Part II: Action Plan
Objective 1 / Complete a page like this for each objective described on the first page.
Board Development and Enrichment
Description of Objective 1 / Description should provide sufficient detail about the objective to understand what you are doing (and why).
Review, update and familiarize board members on LBHS policies, fiduciary responsibilities.
  1. One subtask team will work on reviewing and updating LBHS policies, prepare documentation and presentations to the board of directors for their approval by December 2017. A Board Policy Handbook and Board members orientation will be one product.
Development of an advisory board to assist LBHS capacity on development, legal, accounting and finances, and impact and program evaluation.
  1. Another subtask team will identify advisory board needs and profile potential members to be presented and approved by the board of directors. An Advisory board will start functioning by January 2018.

Please list the resources to be utilized to achieve this objective (e.g., new partnerships, consultants, training curricula, etc.). / Provide potential resources to the best of your ability based on the subtask and your knowledge of what may be relevant for that subtask.
Partnership agreement with the University of Utah(UofU)faculty awarded by University Neighborhood Partners the 2017-2019 Community Scholar in Residence.
Membership and ongoing training at Utah Nonprofit Association.
University of Utah Master of Public Administration nonprofit management class interns.
Utah State University Bachelor of Social Work interns.
Describe what you will accomplish at conclusion of TA and how you will measure the intended outcomes. / The Action Plan requirement asks to identify short-term outcomes to be accomplished by the end of the BRSS TACS contract year on September 9, 2017. They should be described here. Depending upon the scope of the objective, the team may want to articulate longer-term outcomes and identify them as well. For example, for the objective of creating a peer support certification program, the short-term outcome may be the establishment of an approved training program by September 9, 2017 and the long-term outcome is to gain approval from jurisdiction authorities and approval for Medicaid billable peer support services. To help identify outcomes, consider the questions: Begin with the end in mind – when you are finished with this work, what will be different? When will you know if this objective has been achieved? The outcomes must have value to the team and reflect what they value.
  1. LBHS Policies Handbook.
  2. Advisory Board
  3. MPA and SW interns’ successful practicum completion.
  4. Skillful and knowledgeable board members.
  1. Find and review old policies, make a list of new policies and possible adaptation.
  2. Learn and train all board members and staff the on the intricate of advisory board, how does it work and what does it do. How to form one, from recruitment to function.
  3. Visit and do a presentation at the UofU to engage student in our organization, basically sale it. Find student and create teams.
  4. Receive training and instruction on what a board is, function and responsibility.

Objective 1: ACTION STEPS
(Add additional lines as needed) / Person Responsible(Primary and Secondary) / Timeline
(start and end dates)
1.1 Describe the detailed steps needed that it will take to accomplish the objective. They should list each action step (usually they are sequential) necessary to achieve the objective (using as much space as needed). Identify who, what, where, when how as much as possible. / Who will be leading this action step and is accountable for its completion?
Board Chair Teresa Molina, MPA faculty and interns. / When will this action step occur? (may give either start and stop dates or a completion date).

Completion Date: December 2017

BRSS TACS Capacity Building Opportunity Action Plan Template
Part II: Action Plan
Objective 2 / This is the same form as above and should be completed for the second objective. This form should be completed for each of the objectives the team identifies. Three forms are provided but they can have as many (or as few) objectives as they think they need and can accomplish.
Description of Objective 2
Please list the resources to be utilized to achieve this objective (e.g., new partnerships, consultants, training curricula, etc.).
Describe what you will accomplish at conclusion of TA and how you will measure the intended outcomes.
Objective 2: ACTION STEPS
(Add additional lines as needed) / Person Responsible(Primary and Secondary) / Timeline
(start and end dates)
BRSS TACS Capacity Building Opportunity Action Plan Template
Part II: Action Plan
Objective 3
Description of Objective 3
Please list the resources to be utilized to achieve this objective (e.g., new partnerships, consultants, training curricula, etc.).
Describe what you will accomplish at conclusion of TA and how you will measure the intended outcomes.
Objective 3: ACTION STEPS
(Add additional lines as needed) / Person Responsible(Primary and Secondary) / Timeline
(start and end dates)