Yorkie Friends Rescue Monthly Newsletter

/ July 2007

Featured Pet - Mitzy

Nobody’s Dog


YFR Dogs In Need of Forever Home

Story of “Little Man”

By Kerrie Minicozzi

In the middle ofa cold winternight in Florida astarving and mangleddog was in a left all alone, closed in a box,on thestep of avet's office in Port Charlotte. No note, no blanket, just an old beat up, hurt, broken, lonely Yorkie, covered in urine and feces. The vet and the vet tech took pity on this poor unfortunate soul. They fixed him up best they could. It was touch and go for this underweight, 2 pound Yorkie. He needed so much carethat Shawn,the kind vet technician took him home to try and rehabilitate him.They named him, appropriately, Little Man. After 5 months of fork feeding and loving him, he was now a whooping 4 pounds. Shawn already had 4 rescued dogs in her home, and while she loved Little Man, she new that he needed someone who could be home in order to feed him more often and spend more time with him. Yorkie Friends Rescue was contacted.Shawn wanted him to have a good home. Having a heart of gold, Bev, one of the founders of Yorkie Friends,accepted the responsibility for Little Man. It was agreed upon that Bev would forever care for this Little Man. Bev drove from Alabama to Florida to get him. He was driven Underground Railroad style from Port Charlotte Florida then to Orlando Florida then to Flagler Beach Florida, where he met his new mom. Bev's face lit up when she saw him. He didn't move much in the car on the drive there. He didn't really eat or drink anything either and we were starting to worry. All of his remaining teeth had been removed due to neglect, he also seemed deaf, and he was still so very boney!! Bev scooped him up in her arms and whispered to him, "I will take care of you forever, andno one will ever harm you again." I remember the love in her eyes for him. She is truly an angel sent from Heaven. He then was transported to Jacksonville Florida ………and finally "HOME" to Alabama! He actually went straight to the vet, because Bev was so worried about him not eating or drinking. The vet was relieved Little Man did not seem to be dehydrated, but was concerned for the Little Man's legs. His age cannot be determined, but it is thought that he is probably between 10 and 15 years old, most likely the older age. It appeared he had been thrown from a moving car, or drop kicked by someone wearing heavy boots. At one time in his little life,both of his left legs, and some of his ribs have been broken, and he was never given medical care to heal them. They are crooked and mangled, but he still seems to feel great and have no pain from them. I know in my heart that he will never want for anything. After an extremely long drive, through 3 states, Little Man is "HOME". The first night he slept in his bed safe and sound. The next day he ate, drank and was introduced to the other pets, which are also old and disabled. He fit right in. He even went up and down the stairs! I know he will never be hurt or be anything but a beloved pet. If it weren't for the kind hearts of the vet and Shawn, he could have been euthanized without a second thought. He certainly did not look like a dog that had any chance of a quality life. Rescue is willing to take care of him for the rest of his life. He will never be available for adoption because Bev couldn'tbear notbeing with her Little Man. He will require hand feeding 3 times daily and a lot of good medical care for his legs as they develop arthritis. Just a little TLC and Little Man is perfect!