Santa Cruz 60’s Hip History Project

Outline of group discussion at the Blue Sun Restaurant, Boulder Creek, Wed. 11/16/05

Present: Fredwood, Ralph, Leon, Peter & T. Mike


Aptos: Trout Gulch Rd. T. Mike, Sally, Marcellus & Nancy & John & Brother Lou, home birth of Zumara,

Moon Festivals: A key to Community catharsis and identity imprinting

The moon as feminine, spontaneous, music & dance, the spiritual & psychedelic combined with organic foods and exotic substances, all of it wildly, gloriously, ever unpredictably transformational. Merged with Warmth & the 21st Century Ensemble, college dance classes, Native American drumming, a roaring fire and all night vigils; whole families participated, moms, dads, kids, the neighbors, dogs, and by dawn dozens of sleeping bags under the Apple Trees were dappled with dew as we drummed the moon back into the earth and greeted the sun with a prayer.

Bear Tribe: Sun Bear, sweats & native teachings: Bear Tribe

Ben Lomond:


The Dome on Alba Road: BirthCenter: Raven, Karen Lang, etc.

Boulder Creek:

Max Hartstein’s 21st Century Ensemble in barn


Fred & Roberta McPherson, Lew & Estelle Fine, etc.

Still Point: Jai Fu Tai Chi

Bonny Doon

PacificHigh School on Skyline Blvd.

John “Curly” Lingerman’s Place w/Doon & Zoo who lived in caves


Holiday Cabins/Commune—burned down & Bulldozed by locals

Pat Bisconte & Family in Zayante

Oganookie Music Commune


Last Chance Road:

La SelvaBeach:

The Flower Barn Commune: Leon & ? Tabory. Bob. Tofu. Emily. Babies being born; pot being processed & sold, peyote & acid distribution hub

Santa Cruz:

Ralph & Caroline Abraham’s notorious house of love & transformations, where Chaos theory was truly born!

Hip Pocket Book Store: Peter Demma, 3 ½ years.

Conflict over Ron Boise sculptures & Leon Tabory’s Free Speech Night (modeled after San Francisco happenings).

Ken Kesey, Neil Cassidy & The Merry Prankster’s footprints

Tom Scribner & The Redwood Rip-Saw (IWW) & Musical Saw

Bought by Ron Lau, sold to a co-op run by Patty & Al Deludavicho, sold to Neil Coonerty, Book Shop Santa Cruz.

Odyssey Record Store: Lew Fine’s Astrology & Metaphysical Books niche

Dr. Miller’s Building: Birth Center & Dr. Peter Nash

William James Foundation: PennyUniversity at

Café Pergalisi behind Book Shop Santa Cruz

Free Spaghetti Dinner and The Sun Newspaper:

Spinny Walker, Bruce Kleinstein, JayShore,

KUSP-FM—David Freedman, Engineer

Staff of Life Bakery

1st Organic Food Co-Op on Soquel Drive near 7th Ave.

The Crepe Place

KUUMBWAJazzCenter—Sheila Burns, Tim Jackson & Rich ?


Webb’s Organic Farm,

Greg Wells the Honey man,

Staircase Theatre


Mount Madonna: Hari Das Baba

UFW Organizing with Cesar Chavez

Theatro Camposino with Corky Gonzales

The Barn in Scott’s Valley: Leo Tabory

Long Hairs attacked, beaten & shot at in SL Valley

The Cooper House Music Scene:

Warmth: Don McCaslin


Paul Lee, Fred McPherson & Ralph Abraham

John Grinder & Richard Bandler

Batish Senior (singer), Linda Burmen-Hall

Chadwick’s Garden.

Earth Day Disaster: the firing of scapegoats & trashing of the History of Consciousness Program. (Acid involved? Nudity? Fred & Paul Lee to narrate?)

Poet William Everson at Kresge’s Dome.


T. Mike Walker,

Poet Mort Marcus, Dancer Tandy Beal,

Jazz Musician Ray Brown—Aptos Jazz Band, Cabrillo Jazz Band

Defining Moment Story: De La Vega Park Free Concert, several bands, jugs of apple cider heavily dosed with LSD were passed through the crowd and 1,000 people were ripped at once—including a herd of wild bikers on Harley’s. Several people passed out from the acid and the heat. Ambulances had trouble getting in and called the cops, who came in force complete in riot gear. One of the bikers threw a bottle at them and the battle was on. Men, women and children, stoned out of their minds, ran for their lives. One member of our band had parked his van outside the park far away from the police line, and he ten or twelve of us to safety and drove us out the back way looping back into Soquel and then down to Aptos where we collapsed at Nirvana, my farm. Expand.