Employment and Skills delivery

2014 – 2020

Discussion document

September 2013


In July the Department for Education and Skills circulated a discussion document outlining the Welsh Government’s strategic approach to the delivery of employment and skills support for both individuals and businesses which will provide a basis for future utilisation of European Structural Funds.

A range of responses were received from a number of our key stakeholders who were generally in favour of the intended approach as outlined in the document and re-iterated below. Responses were received from a wide range of organisations and representative bodies including the WLGA, WCVA, education and training providers, third sector organisations and individual local authorities. The feedback, along with a number of face-to-face meetings undertaken during the summer, has helped to shape the next iteration of the employment and skills footprint document.

Feedback has confirmed that we are on track to deliver against the three key drivers behind our developments:

·  the need for a more simplified and streamlined model of delivery that will avoid the issues of duplication and competition experienced across the current programme landscape;

·  articulation of a ‘footprint’ for delivery that takes account of national, regional and local needs and which sets clear strategic direction for those involved in the delivery of employment and skills support to adults;

·  the need for a more integrated assessment and referral service for businesses and individuals wishing to access support for their skills needs, where possible through a single access point.

We have also been developing further our ideas for Welsh Government-led employment and skills support activities and are proposing a Flexible Skills Fund and Employer Skills Priorities Fund as part of our response in addition to those pan-Wales programmes referred to in the document issued in July. Further detail on these is provided below.

The purpose of this version of the footprint document is to provide stakeholders with an opportunity to be further informed about our intended approach. It also provides an opportunity for further input into the more detailed delivery arrangements as set out in the delivery table contained within the document.

We would very much welcome your views and suggestions for inclusion in the delivery table in order to ensure we capture the full range of anticipated activities at each level of delivery. Please forward your comments to . We would also be happy to facilitate face-to-face meetings if you feel that would be more beneficial.

Once again I look forward to hearing from you.

Cath Jenkins

Deputy Director

Employment and Skills

Employment and Skills delivery approach 2014-2020


DfES is currently developing a new approach to employment and skills support which will deliver a more integrated employment and skills offer from 2014 onwards. DfES will focus on providing leadership and direction, adopting more of a strategic commissioning role as opposed to a direct delivery role, with a view to creating a more coherent and integrated portfolio of programmes at national, regional and local level.

The recent Guilford Review of the implementation arrangements for the 2014 round of European funding clearly indicates the value of a more locally focussed approach to identifying and responding to needs set within the context of an Economic Prioritisation Framework. Building on the outcomes from this Review, we are working with WEFO to inform the emerging Economic Prioritisation Framework, and to develop a clear footprint for delivery at national, regional and local level. This will provide the platform for an integrated portfolio of employment and skills activity and a clear basis for utilisation of DfES programme funds as match funding within both DfES-led and externally-led projects.

Proposed approach

In line with the above, co-ordination of employment and skills delivery will be undertaken through an integrated portfolio of projects that respond to clearly identified and evidenced need and operate at a combination of national, regional and local levels.

DfES will set the national strategic priorities which, through joint working with other Welsh Government departments, will also reflect the need for contribution to wider potential outcomes in areas such as regeneration, economic development and tackling poverty through employment and skills interventions. DfES will develop a small number of strategic projects alongside existing delivery arrangements such as apprenticeships and Jobs Growth Wales, further detail is included in the table below.


Key to the successful delivery of employment and skills support is a clearly defined provision landscape that ensures sufficient coverage and avoids duplication and competition whilst taking account of local and regional as well as national requirements. Provision will be defined within a three tier approach and will comprise a portfolio of project delivery that combines national, regional and local schemes:

National Tier: DfES will define strategic priorities at a national level, including quality expectations, and will act as lead sponsor for a small number of large, strategic pan-Wales programmes. This is likely to include activities such as a national apprenticeship scheme and Jobs Growth Wales as well as a new single engagement, assessment and referral service for individuals and employers wishing to access skills support (Skills Gateway). DfES is also currently considering the development of two employer-focussed interventions; the Employer Skills Priorities Fund, which would build on the existing Sector Priorities Fund approach to deliver more employer-responsive skills provision, and the Flexible Skills Fund, which aims to meet the recruitment and skills needs of strategically important companies. All of the above will ensure that there is a consistent approach across Wales to delivering strategic, national-level priorities in line with key Welsh Government policies.

It is anticipated that there may also be a need to commission other (non Welsh Government-led) national activity.

Regional Tier: Based on evidence of regional skills and employment needs, provision will be commissioned that complements the national schemes as outlined above. This is likely to include a range of workforce up-skilling provision and support for entry into, and progression within the workplace, responding to specific regional economic conditions and priorities. It is also likely to include regionally-focused youth engagement activities.

Local Tier: This will effectively be a gap filling provision at a very local level. This is likely to be niche provision i.e. specific targeting of hardest to help and most disadvantaged.

The table below provides a suggestion of the anticipated delivery arrangements and associated activities across the three tiers outlined above. This table has been compiled following feedback and direct engagement with a number of key stakeholders, however it is not a definitive list and we would welcome further comment/input to ensure we have as robust as possible a list of anticipated activities at each tier of delivery. In particular we need to be mindful of the developments taking place at a regional level that will influence the delivery arrangements at that and the more local level. There is also a need to ensure that any identified activities are supported by a robust assessment of need and sound evidence base for the type of intervention being proposed at each level.


Updated 27th September 2013

West Wales and the Valleys Priorities

European Structural Funds
Priorities and Themes / National Delivery / Regional Delivery / Local Delivery / Activities not yet allocated to a specific delivery tier
Welsh Government Lead Sponsor / Other Agency /organisation Lead Sponsor / Regional Responses / Local Community Responses
Youth Employment and Attainment / Theme 1: Youth Employment (up to 25 years old)
Theme 2: Youth Attainment and Engagement / Labour market participation for young people e.g. Jobs Growth Wales (currently to March 2015).
Apprenticeships across all relevant vocational areas
Traineeships for 16-18 year olds:
·  Assessment of need
·  Activities to prevent disengagement
·  Motivation
·  Confidence
Supporting transition from education to employment. A strategic project to support schools in their delivery of the Careers and the world of work framework. Activities to include:
- Work experience;
- Practitioner training (initial and CPD);
- Enhancing/co-ordinating employer engagement in schools & colleges;
- Entrepreneurship activities (links with Young Enterprise & Inquiry into Youth Entrepreneurship);
- Engaging young people through Sport / Third sector - transitional employment for disadvantaged young people aged 16 – 24 who have more complex barriers to work.
First stage intervention projects for the most disadvantaged and disaffected young people for whom employment or education would not be immediately appropriate will feed into the above transitional employment projects. / Activity identified through provision mapping and evidence gathering to support Youth Engagement and Progression Framework
Provision to support more flexible course start dates – ‘roll on, roll off’ provision (especially in FE).
Support to overcome more complex barriers to participation in education or training i.e. drug and alcohol misuse
Support targeted at disadvantaged groups in particular looked after children and care leavers, young people who have offended, young people with additional learning needs.
Early identification and tracking process for young people who are in danger of becoming NEET / Activity identified through provision mapping and evidence gathering to support Youth Engagement and Progression Framework
Bespoke local responses to identified need not met through national and regional delivery.
·  Niche provision i.e. specific targeting of hardest to help and most disadvantaged
·  Training through effective non-traditional means
Skills for Growth / Theme 1: Adaptability & Progression / Apprenticeships across all relevant vocational areas
Delivery of employer-led skills provision
[Employer Skills Priorities Fund]
Meeting the recruitment and skills needs of individuals and of strategically important companies which cannot be met through other existing provision and/or where there is a clear case for Welsh Government intervention.
[Flexible Skills Fund]
National referral and assessment system including access to Adult careers advice and guidance
[Skills Gateway]
Employer engagement and job matching activities
[Skills Gateway] / Bespoke local responses to identified need not met through national and regional delivery. / ESOL
Theme 2: Skills for Research & Innovation / Delivery of employer-led skills provision
[Employer Skills Priorities Fund]
Meeting the recruitment and skills needs of individuals and of strategically important companies which cannot be met through other existing provision and/or where there is a clear case for Welsh Government intervention.
[Flexible Skills Fund] / Graduate employment support:
·  Work placements
·  Self-employment support
High level skills development through tailor made training opportunities. Application of research through placements with companies – especially SMEs.
Development of foundation degrees within a regional dimension, responding to specific institutional expertise and resource provision, as well as regional sector demand.
[HE-led projects]
Theme 3: Leadership and Management / Bespoke local responses to identified need not met through national and regional delivery. / Leadership and Management skills, with particular reference to skills that support economic growth, adaptability, procurement and promotion of overseas trade.
Theme 4: Gender Equality / Overcoming inequalities in the labour market [Chwarae Teg] / Labour market engagement for disadvantaged groups – furthest from the labour market
Soft skills i.e. confidence building, motivation etc – overcoming barriers to engagement in the labour market.
Tackling Poverty through Sustainable
Employment / Theme 1: Helping people into employment / National referral and assessment system including access to Adult careers advice and guidance
[Skills Gateway]
Employer engagement and job matching activities
[Skills Gateway]
Meeting the recruitment and skills needs of individuals and of strategically important companies which cannot be met through other existing provision and/or where there is a clear case for Welsh Government intervention
[Flexible Skills Fund] / Third sector - First step engagement interventions to provide support to those furthest from the labour market, with complex disadvantages and barriers to employment, including workless families. Facilitated through small, tailored, participant-focussed, locally delivered projects mainly from the third sector.
Supported employment for individuals across all target groups (50+, Work Limiting Health Conditions, Women returners, Ex-offenders, Substance Misuse and Lone Parents) wanting to take the next step through a mixture of:
- transitional employment opportunities to help people prepare for work
- support for people with entrenched multiple barriers rather than just ‘work ready’ individuals
- actions to improve the skill base of each participant
Note: The activities
will be coordinated at regional and local level and ensure that services can be participant-centred without reference to multiple boundaries. / Accredited work focussed training
Work Placements and work experiences with in work mentoring & support
Support to overcome final barriers to participation in the labour market i.e. childcare, transport, accredited sector specific vocational training and qualifications
Employer incentives to employ redundant workers
Up-skilling/re-skilling for redundant workers / Bespoke local responses to identified need not met through national and regional delivery.
·  Niche provision i.e. specific targeting of hardest to help and most disadvantaged
·  Training through effective non-traditional means / ESOL
Digital Skills
Theme 2: Inclusion & Engagement in the labour market / National referral and assessment system including access to Adult careers advice and guidance
[Skills Gateway] / Support to overcome more complex barriers to participation in the labour market i.e. drug and alcohol misuse / Bespoke local responses to identified need not met through national and regional delivery.
·  Niche provision i.e. specific targeting of hardest to help and most disadvantaged
·  Training through effective non-traditional means
Theme 3: Helping people stay & progress into work / Continued delivery of Healthy Working Wales, to Improve health and well being at work; to reduce the impact of Ill-health at work; and, to encourage early intervention services. / Provision of early intervention, work focused health support.
ABMU – continued delivery of Well being through Work (condition management support). / Access to work focused health care through NHS or 3rd sector delivery. / Continued delivery of the Fit for Work Services

East Wales Priorities

European Structural Funds
Priorities and Themes / National Delivery / Regional Delivery / Local Delivery / Activities not yet allocated to a specific delivery tier
Welsh Government Lead Sponsor / Other Agency/organisation Lead Sponsor / Regional Responses / Local Community Responses
Skills for Growth / Apprenticeships across all relevant vocational areas
National referral and assessment system [Skills Gateway]
Workforce development activities
[Skills Gateway]
Funding accessible to FEIs specifically for the delivery of employer-led skills provision
[Employer Skills Priorities Fund] / Overcoming inequalities in the labour market [Chwarae Teg] / Bespoke local responses to identified need not met through national and regional delivery.
Tackling Poverty through Sustainable
Employment / TBC by WEFO / National referral and assessment system including access to Adult careers advice and guidance
[Skills Gateway]
Employer engagement and job matching activities
[Skills Gateway]
Meeting the skills needs of companies of strategic importance which cannot be met through other existing provision and/or where there is a clear case for Welsh Government intervention
[Flexible Skills Fund] / Third sector - First step engagement interventions to provide support to those furthest from the labour market, with complex disadvantages and barriers to employment, including workless families. Facilitated through small, tailored, participant-focussed, locally delivered projects mainly from the third sector.
Supported employment for individuals across all target groups (50+, Work Limiting Health Conditions, Women returners, Ex-offenders, Substance Misuse and Lone Parents) wanting to take the next step through a mixture of:
- transitional employment opportunities to help people prepare for work
- support for people with entrenched multiple barriers rather than just ‘work ready’ individuals
- actions to improve the skill base of each participant
Note: The activities
will be coordinated at regional and local level and ensure that services can be participant-centred without reference to multiple boundaries. / Accredited work focussed training
Work Placements and work experiences with in work mentoring & support
Support to overcome final barriers to participation in the labour market i.e. childcare, transport, accredited sector specific vocational training and qualifications
Employer incentives to employ redundant workers
Up-skilling/re-skilling for redundant workers / Bespoke local responses to identified need not met through national and regional delivery.
·  Niche provision i.e. specific targeting of hardest to help and most disadvantaged
·  Training through effective non-traditional means / Digital skills
Youth Employment / Labour market participation for young people e.g. Jobs Growth Wales (currently to March 2015).
Traineeships for 16-18 year olds:
·  Assessment of need
·  Activities to prevent disengagement
·  Motivation
·  Confidence
Supporting transition from education to employment. A strategic project to support schools in their delivery of the Careers and the world of work framework. / Third sector - transitional employment for disadvantaged young people aged 16 – 24 who have more complex barriers to work.
First stage intervention projects for the most disadvantaged and disaffected young people for whom employment or education would not be immediately appropriate will feed into the above transitional employment projects. / Activity identified through provision mapping to support Youth Engagement and Progression Framework
Provision to support more flexible course start dates – ‘roll on, roll off’ provision (especially in FE).
Support to overcome more complex barriers to participation in education or training i.e. drug and alcohol misuse
Early identification and tracking process for young people who are in danger of becoming NEET / Activity identified through provision mapping to support Youth Engagement and Progression Framework
Bespoke local responses to identified need not met through national and regional delivery.
·  Niche provision i.e. specific targeting of hardest to help and most disadvantaged
·  Training through effective non-traditional means