HERTFORD HOCKEY CLUB: Committee Meeting minutes 7 Sep 2015

Present: All 20 committee members, other than those sending apologies

1.  Apologies: Steve Bailes, Alec Short, Nick Downer

2.  Matters from previous meeting’s minutes (not addressed later)

As the AGM minutes were still not quite complete, this was postponed

3.  Playing Status

a.  Progress for the coming season: Mens/Ladies

Mens: With the current absence of a 2s captain, Alec/Stan will complete squad selection, and work closely with Clive to ensure teams are effectively and promptly selected

Ladies: still short of a 4s GK. Pledge may have someone Action: Stan to follow up

b.  Coaching – Senior/Youth

Senior: Both men’s and ladies’ progressing well

Youth: want to approach and encourage more players to get involved with the youth training – not just 1st team players. Action: Stan & Helen to approach club members

Contracts to be sent to the coaches imminently Action: Lindsey

Coaching courses – England Hockey still working on these. Richard will communicate as/when appropriate courses are available

c.  Umpiring:

Currently we are low on numbers. Umpires are having to double up to cover games

Game timings to be arranged where possible to facilitate umpiring options Action: Clive/Elliot

Need to check up on Dave O’s availability Action: Elliot

Over the summer, no new umpires have been trained so far. There are several waiting for appropriate courses including Aletta, Jess, Dave H, Stan, Nik, Jules, Helen G

We could approach EH re getting a specific Hertford based course – if we have enough numbers

d.  Website/Membership

Currently all progressing well, ca 100 members joined/paid so far – mainly juniors

4.  Financial Issues

Trevor has asked both Hockey and Cricket Clubs for an extra £3k so the bar area ceiling can be replaced while we have the opportunity. Lindsey confirmed the money is available. The committee agreed to this request

5.  Sponsorship

One set of shirts in progress, others underway

Junior U8-U12 being addressed from the monies raised by the youth section on Saturday mornings

6.  Youth hockey report

Currently well attended – by both juniors (expecting >200) and coaches

May use Heathmount pitch for an extra youth training slot. Cost is ca £50/session. Lindsey agreed, but reminded the committee to keep her posted on potential additional expenditure

7.  Club First

Steve, Di & Bev still need to meet to discuss requirements for Club First re-instatement

Action: Bev to set up

8.  Recruitment of Officers

Mens 2s captain & Vice captains – still outstanding Action: men’s section

9.  HCHA/Pavilion

In his absence, Steve provided a report on the pavilion progress – summarised here

Internal work has started and should be finished 14/15 September. A temporary Ladies loo will be provided but no ladies changing facilities (which is normal for us for first two weeks of Steve has asked SBS to use their changing room but heard nothing yet.
Men's changing is virtually ruled out as there could be 2 cricket teams.
Bar is obviously available.
Work on the new changing rooms starts 16/18 September and should be completed 1/2 October but inevitably may extend. The pavilion will always be available at weekends but we will just have to work with the cricketers as to changing rooms etc.
Clearly for September everyone should use facilities at SFO when playing there.
In conjunction with the cricketers, we are down to do the decorating of the work as a volunteering effort. We shall want to start very soon but Steve will get back to everyone on this.
Opening event
We need an opening event for the pavilion to satisfy Sport England - they would like us to offer a hockey opportunity to the community.

Does anyone know a hockey or other celebrity who might open the thing?
Given the uncertainty over completion of the Pavilion refurbishment, the committee agreed a date other than Club Day would be best – probably Nov/Dec.

There are lots of possibilities, hence Richard, Tim, Molly and Lindsey will take the lead in planning this event

As a result of the Pavilion refurbishment, parking at the clubhouse is reduced. But the school carpark can be used instead

10.  Social

  1. Club Day arranged for Sun 4th Oct. Planned to be a family focussed event – BBQ and tournament for both adults and juniors. Costs need to be estimated and built into the BBQ ticket prices
  2. Beer Hockey: we have been approached as a club concerning the opportunity to have a ‘hockey beer’, with our own name and label on it. We would make some profit on each barrel, with 1 free barrel for every 7 bought. For it to be worthwhile, we would need to use at least 2 barrels/month. There are 2 beers to select from a 3.7% and a 4.3%. We will try 1 barrel of the 3.7% beer, and guage opinion. This could be used as an opportunity for club involvement- members to suggest a beer name.

The monies from this will be kept separate from the bar as a whole – so the benefits from this can be more easily seen at the end of the season Action: Chris to get a test barrel

11.  Kit

Going forward with Pro Shop (though hockey centre is still available)

They are sourcing Mercian shirts – so the same as current tops.

They have completed the sponsored shirts in 1 week, highlighting their timelines should be acceptable

Pro Shop are aware that order delivery times will be important going forward

BUT - when can members start ordering kit? And what about ladies socks – how soon will these be available? Action: Nik to Email club by end of week

12.  Pitch access – Padlock keys

Need to make sure those opening up the pitch for games or training have keys.

The 8 padlock keys we have are with: Richard, Jules, Dorian, Steve B (x2), Nick D, Molly (keys currently with Mary) and in the boiler room.

Mary obviously needs a set, hence she can keep the set she currently has, and Molly should have the spare set currently with Steve B. Action: Molly to liaise with Steve over keys

13.  AOB

  1. Simon Ball School

Steve has emailed Mary about changing facilities and emergency access but had nothing back.
Steve has a Pitch Meeting on 16 September so if there is anything to raise let him know.

Richard highlighted that the school staff car park gate needs to be open on a Sat morning. Also that the pitch is getting v dirty, with a lot of rubbish, glass included, ie a safety risk. When the pitch is locked up, kids are climbing over the tall fencing to get onto and play on the pitch. Action: Bev/Richard to update Steve prior to 16th - done

There is concern over the future state of the goals – these need to be turned round and locked up at the end of each day, to limit subsequent damage.

Clive and Lindsey need to know whenever the pitch is used on Sunday. Clive needs to update Mary – ideally before its use.

  1. Cleaner needed: Andy took over this towards the end of last season, but will be unavailable this season. This will be advertised on the website.

Action: Lindsey to Email what’s needed to Nik, for addition to the website

  1. Need to fill pavilion wall space with hockey ‘stuff’ during the season. Such as:

-  hockey photos montage

-  A trophy cabinet for increasing No of club trophies Action Steve/Clive

-  A T-shirt on the wall, with the last year’s player of the year on it

  1. Captains would appreciate more information:

-  on pitch use – start of day, end of day Action: Richard

-  on pavillion use and close up Action Chris

  1. Kit

-  Match balls – Sian to source Action Sian

-  FA kits – Sian to provide FA kits for the 2 new teams and the mens 1s and restocking other FA kits as required Action Sian

-  Masks – as agreed previously, each team to be provided with 2 facemasks

Action: Nik to investigate with Pro Shop

f.  150 Club

Only a few members now. But some monies are still in system from ongoing member payments. Sian needs to deal with current backlog. New members should then be encouraged, with more regular draws subsequently. Clare R used to run it, hence she probably has all of the detail over the system, as the current committee are not familiar with the details of how it should be run/managed

g.  Indoor youth tournaments – several looming. To be discussed offline (not relevant to most of committee)

Next meeting: Mon 12th Oct, 8 pm , hopefully in Pavilion

Molly sends her apologies in advance