Resizing photos using Express by

Express is a simple online photo editing tool that you can use to resize your photos to work with the MLS. Right now RAR has a file size limit of 700Kb per photo. With newer digital cameras, unless you change the default image size, the files will be over 2MB and RAR will give you an error if you try to upload them. This guide will show you step by step how to load a picture into Express, resize it, and then save it back to your PC, ready to be uploaded onto RAR. This guide also assumes that you already have the photos transferred from your camera to your PC.

  1. Go to You should see the following:

  1. Click on “Open Image from computer” and an Explorer box will pop up. Navigate to where you have your pictures saved, and select the image you want to resize. Most likely your photos will be saved under My Pictures. You can either double-click the image or click on it once to select, and then click Open.

  2. Your photo will now load. Depending on how large the photo is, it might take a few moments so don’t worry if it doesn’t respond right away. Once you see the photo on your screen, click on the down arrow by the Basic tab to expand your options.

  3. Click on Resize and change the Width to 1024. As long as the Constrain proportions box is checked, the Height will change automatically. The height will most likely be 768, but if it is something else, that’s fine. Click Apply when done.

  4. Click the green Donebutton in the lower left corner of the screen. A new box will popup showing the progress. Once it’s done, click on Save. An Explorer window will open again asking where you want to save the photo on your computer. It will default to the location the the photo was opened from. If you want to keep the original full size photo, you’ll have to change the file name to something different. I usually just add “resized” to the end of the file name. If you don’t want to keep the original, just click Save. The window will close and you’re done! Repeat the steps for any other photos you need to resize.

Express can also be used to crop, rotate, and do other simple adjustments to photos. Once you feel comfortable using it, you can move onto Editor by to do much more with your photos! Editor can be found at