Premiere1.docrev 11/11/10
- Review the Premiere workspace
- Manage too-large images
- Create in and out points and state what they do
- Unlinking audio and video
- Settingthe duration of a still image
- Using transitions
- Using video effects
Basics of creating a video
- Develop a script
- Assemble assets: music (watch copyright), still images
- Shoot the live video or import the video after taping
- Decide on the title, ending credits
- Assemble the elements on a time line
- Add transitions (between clips), and effects (directly to the clips themselves)
- Export the movie in the desired format (AVI, MPG, FLV)
- Create a DVD with menus. You actually do this in a separate program called AdobeEncore.)
- Create Flash Videos for the Web
Start Premiere
- When you start Premiere, you are asked whether to start a new project or open an existing project.
- Open a project from last class
- The project folder will have some additional folders that Premiere created: Don’t erase them
Import the remaining assets (Not the files that Premiere Created)
All our assets are now in the Project “bin”
Delete anything on the timeline
Review the Two Monitors
- There are two video monitor windows: Source and Program
- Source window shows the selected clip (video or audio), the one you are editing
- Program window shows your edited movie on the timeline/sequence
The Toolbox…define as we need them
- We will mainly use the Selection, Razor, Track Select
- Pen, (for making paths for titles)
- and Ripple Edit tools
- Selection used when we create titles, also to select clips after we razor them
- Razor used to split a clip into two parts so you can delete either segment…we did this with audio in the previous module.
- Ripple edit Change the duration of clips other than the last one.
Project Window
- Where we select the assets to put on the timeline. Like a bin of things we might want to use.
Source Window
- Edit video and audio clips
A clip is defined by a start time SMPTE code (in point) and an ending time…SMPTE (out point)
To save a clip in the Project panel:
- Right click on the clip in the Source Window
- Choose to make a subclip
- Give it a name in the window that opens
Practice # 1:
- Let’s see how we might set the InPointatfive frames, and the out point to 5 seconds
- To get to the 5 frame point, do one of the following:
1. Click and hold on the yellow counter,
- Or click the Step Forward icon 5 times
- OR Use the jog shuttle (The wheel)
- Or use the Blue slider/marker
- Now, click the left brace to SetinPoint
- Drag the blue marker to the right and set the out point to five seconds: 00:00:05:00…clip now from 5 frames to 5 seconds.
- Save the subclip as 5SecondClip
- Notice the blue (gray?) area: That’s the clip we want
- Drag the clip to the timeline
- Now, you’ve changed your mind!
To clear in-out points in the Source monitor
- Right-click in the clip area (blue) to reveal:
- Remove both at this time (in and out)
- Delete the clip from the timeline
Practice # 2: Create a clip from 00:00:02:02 to 00:00:4:00 . . . 2 seconds, 2 frames to 4 seconds
- Drag to the timeline
- In Source Window, jump to inpoint using tool:
- Jump to out point
- Delete from the timeline
Practice # 3: Video (Audio) Only options
Suppose we only want the video portion of a clip
- Click the Drag Video Only tool:
- Drag to timeline
- Can also add audio only
- Try it
- Delete from the timeline
- Drag pic1.avi directly to the timeline (Don’t Have to go through the Source monitor window)
- Use the zoom tool sliderto zoom in:
Questions on the Source Window?
Program Monitor
- In the Program monitor, play the “movie” using the various controls…try frame at a time, play head, wheel,…
Timeline Option: show all theframes, or just the first and last
- Click the tiny square (SetDisplay Style) next to the small circle , on the Video 1 track
- Try the various options
- Try Show Frames (it can take a LONG time to do this)
- Flip to head and tail frames
Timeline: Volume
- Add Sparks
- Find the yellow line…if not there, click :
- The yellow line represents the volume level
Later, we’ll see how to affect part of the audio volume
Unlinking Audio and Video
Note there is an audio track, but I made the clip be silent
- Let’s delete (uncouple) the audio track from the clip on the timeline (Note…probably would be easier to use the Drag Video option instead)
- Select the clip…the border turns black
- Both video and audio tracks are selected now.
- Choose Clip>Unlink:
- Click (select) just the audio track (click away, then click the audio track)
- Press Delete key
- The audio portion (only) is deleted.
- Now you can add your own audio track…maybe some music, or you talking… called voice-over)
Trimming audio (music) same process as video
- Open a file in Source Window
- Trim to about 60 secondslong starting at 00:02:45:17
- Click Inpoint icon
(Note premiere uses semicolons as SMPTE separators )
- SetOutpoint at 00:03:45:11
Or use I and O…play the clip, hit I to create Inpoint, O to create outpoint
G will erased the in/ot
- Click and hold in the solid light-green area
- Drag to Audio 1track
- Zoom out to see the entire timeline
- Play the movie…space bar, or Enter, or use the Program monitor
Working with Stills (photos)
- Dragimageto the Video 1timeline.
- Position the Playhead(Blue thing) on imge
- Check the Program monitor…picture too big!!
Resizing Images
Method # 1: Fit to Frame
- Position the blue play head over a portion of the image on the timeline ( Already did that)
- Select the clip
- Right-click on thetimeline clip and choose Scale to Frame Size
- Ctrl-Z
Method # 2: Use Effect Control
- Ctrl-Z
- …This method is more flexible…select the clip, then click the Effects Controltab at top of Source window
- Open the Motion tool and look for Scale
- Adjust the Scale value until the image is “safe”
- Now, you can evenMove the image
Click and drag on the image to adjust its position
Method #3: Pan the picture
- Instead of scaling (variation on previous method…ctrl-Z), you can click on the picture and just move it so the portion you want is in the safe area:
- Can even ScaleandPosition:
Later, we’ll see how to panacross an image
Changing the Still-Image Duration
- The default duration for a still image is 5 seconds
How do we change the duration?
Method # 1:For last image only
- To change the duration of the last image:
- Position the cursor at the end of the clip
- Will see a new cursor shape, drag to the right to change the duration:
Method # 2Use Menu
- Right-click the clip on the timeline and choose Speed/Duration
Will see:
- Change the duration to say 7 seconds
- Again, only works if it’s the last clip
- Drag imageto the end of the timeline
- Now, try to lengthen cozmo …can’t!!
Need Ripple Edit
Ripple Edit: For changing the duration of anyclip on the timeline
- Now, we decide that we want the Cosmo Calendar Train.jpg image to last 12 seconds
- We need to use Ripple Editin the toolboxto solve the problem.
- Select the tool
- Now lengthen the Cosmo Calendar Train.jpg clip (to 12 seconds)
- It WORKS!!
- Add four or five additional cat images to the timeline, don’t go too far beyond the music clip length
- Vary their durations
- Resize the images then so they fit the frame size…, try using all methods for resizing still images
- Use the Ripple Edit tool and change durations of inner clips.
- Click the Select tool to deselect the Ripple Edit tool
- Save
Playing the movie
- Play by hitting the space bar (fast display, low quality)
- Hit Enter – Renders the movie…makes higher quality
- At the top of your timeline, there is a red or green bar. If it is red, that section is not rendered. A green bar indicates rendered areas. Want all green before exporting to other formats
Review: ChangingAudio volume
- Note that there are several audio tracks on the timeline. We can use for:
- Music,
- Voice over
- Sound effects,…
- Select your track in the timeline
- The yellow line indicates the volume.
- You might have to click the arrow to the left ofAudio1 to show the actual wave form…Collapse/Expand Track:
You can change the level by selecting the yellow line (or a portion, as we’ll see later) and raising/lowering the volume
Remember to Save your project