Periodic Table Project
To design a display of the periodic table for students and teachers to see where each element is located in the periodic table, what the uses are for each element and other interesting facts about the discovery of or name origin of each element.
1. You will have two elements to research one element will be with another person (group of two) and the other one will be completed individually.
2. Using the worksheet below find all of the information possible listed on the worksheet for your group element. If you would like to add other information that you may find, please feel free to write that on the back in the empty spaces or on another sheet of paper.
3. Once you have completed the research portion of the assignment you may use the computers to begin designing your block on the periodic table.
4. Your block must not be larger than one 8.5’’ by 11’’ sheet of paper, portrait orientation.
5. Your block should contain the following:
· The symbol of the element in the middle of the paper in Comic Sans 130pt font
· The atomic number of the element at the top in the center above the symbol in Comic Sans 110 font
· The atomic mass of the element at the bottom in the center below the symbol in Comic Sans 110 font
· At least 7 more interesting facts about the origin of the name, discovery of the element, what it looks like, what it is used for, etc. You may arrange them however you would prefer but they must be visible from a distance since this will be displayed on the wall outside the classroom.
6. When you are finished with your group element send me the finished element in an email at .
7. You may then begin with the same process for your individual element of choice.
8. If you find that you have extra time there are 4 elements that no one will choose, you may do one of the four elements left. Come and see me to find out which ones they are.
Due Date:
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2009 by 4pm. All late Elements are 10pts off per day
Grading Rubric
· Completed Worksheet of Research Information……………………………………40 Points
· Symbol, Atomic Number, and Atomic Mass Placed on
· Block According To the Rubric ………………………….………………………………….10 Points
· 7 True and Interesting Facts Shown On the Block………………………………… 25 Points
· Information Shown on the Block Is Typed And Displayed Neatly
And Creatively ……………………………………………………………………………………….25 Points
This project will be a Quiz grade. Your individual block will be half of your grade and the group block will be the other half of the grade. Each block will be graded by the same rubric and your grade will be calculated as follows:
Points earned from your individual element + Points earned from group element
200 possible points
Name: ______Block:______
Name of the Element: ______
Group Number:______
Name the family to which your element belongs:______
When was it discovered? What country? When?: ______
Who discovered it: ______
Is it Natural or Man-Made: ______
What state of mater is it in at room temperature: ______
Where is this element found: ______
What are its uses? Where do you “bump into” your element in everyday life? (either in its pure form, in compound form, or in mixture form):______
What color is it: ______
Describe your element: ______
Where is your element found and how is it obtained?______
How is your element separated from other materials found with it?______
Boiling Point: ______
Odor: ______
Texture: ______
Flammability: ______
How Reactive is your element? Will it bond with other elements?: ______
Draw the element’s atomic structure (how many and where the protons, neutrons, and electrons are located in their energy levels):
What is an isotope and what are the isotopes of your element: ______
Give at least three interesting pictures of your element, its uses, or how it is obtained.
On the back of this page make sure that you site all sources of photos or information. If you used books make sure that reference the book title, page number, and author. For websites make sure you reference website and author if given.