St James School Board


Wednesday September 21, 2016 @ 6:00PM

I.  Call to Order by Goebel. All Board members present.

II.  Opening Prayer by Goebel.

III.  Acceptance of Agenda. Motion by Mitchell; 2nd by Lievanos. Passed and approved.

IV.  Welcome Visitors by Goebel.

V.  Approval of previous minutes. Motion by Lievanos; 2nd by Nichols. Passed and approved.

VI.  Finance Update. Mary Sue Marek not present. No report.

VII.  Principal McBride Report

·  Written report provided to Board organized by Principal evaluation standards.

·  Discussion of including Report in Bulletin.

·  All teaching positions are filled at this time.

VIII.  Pastor Report. No Report.

IX.  Old Business

·  Registration enrollment update

i.  106 students for total enrollment.

ii. 72 students K-5

iii.  14 – 3 yr. old pre-school

iv.  20 – 4 yr. old pre-school

·  Preschool enrollment update

i.  See above.

·  Discrepancy on line 52122 Instructional, Budget – No report.

·  Doors and lights update

i.  Fr. Weir reported that all except two fire doors have been installed. Lights in gym are installed. Rest of complex to be completed.

·  Gym keys update

i.  Meeting with basketball coaches has been rescheduled. Will discuss rental policy and liability with coaches.

X.  New Business

·  Update on free and reduced lunch program

i.  16 students are receiving free lunch

ii. 15 students are receiving reduced lunch

·  Evaluation of parish finance meeting

i.  Fr. Weir, Goebel and Mrs. McBride attended. 15 parishioners attended. Meeting went well. School able to show that it is doing a good job with funds available. This includes charging tuition that is less than State reimbursement for pre-school program per student. Fr. Weir stressed importance of paying a just wage and the teachings of the Church.

·  Fall Fest Update – final numbers are not in.

·  Thankyous for RAGBRAI. Goebel to send out to Hispanic Ministry and Knights of Columbus.

·  Technology update

i.  Troubles with SuccessMaker being addressed.

ii. Lights in hall and classrooms have gone out. Electrician contacted.

iii.  All teachers have new computers. Previous WCRF grant complete.

·  Professional Development update

i.  See written Principal’s report. Mrs. McBride making arrangements for PD.

XI.  Committee Reports

·  Policy – None.

·  Budget – Fr. Weir reported that the parish scholarship money transfer will occur within the week. STO in the process of getting credited. Will need to adjust the budget for next year since only one pre-school room.

·  Building and Maintenance. – Peterson and Nichols to arrange meeting with Denny Drish by next meeting.

XII.  Meeting Reports

·  Finance Council – No Report.

·  Parish Council – No Report.

·  Home and School – Goebel reported that Home and School met last night. VSP email went out today. Fall Fundraiser information goes out tomorrow. Planning Homecoming float.

XIII.  Open Forum – Discussion with M. Chalupa regarding pre-school classroom. Discussion regarding staff and Mrs. McBride’s concerns about students and the hot temperatures in the building. Referred matter to Building committee and Home and School.

XIV.  Executive session. Motion by Mitchell; 2nd by Fr. Passed and approved.

XV.  Future Meeting Agenda Items and Date – Next meeting October 19, 2016, at 6pm.

XVI.  Adjournment. Motion by Mitchell; 2nd by Fr. Passed and approved.

2015-2016 SJS Board Goals:

1. Improved teacher(s) collaboration and involvement with school board activities and decisions

2. Continue to build and improve preschool programs

3. Work to update and transition School Policies to electronic format

4. Dedicated and improved evaluations of school administrator and, teachers and school board

5. Improved marketing strategies

6. Create school improvement list/goals for next 3-5year plans