Programs 2007- 08

In Partnership with


Global Asset & Wealth Management MBA Program

“Today’s Angel Investing Landscape”

Presenter: Todd Dean


Today’s angel investing landscape is vastly different from its beginnings with Broadway plays. Angel investing has a long history that has built the foundations for what are now some of our top companies globally. Individual angel investors have faced many pitfalls when investing on their own and ultimately lost money on a large percentage of their angel investments. These difficulties and lost investments have led to a demand for a more efficient and a smarter way to still be involved in early stage investing. This movement began in the early 90’s but has really gained traction in the past few years as there are now over 250 recognized angel groups in the United States. Angel groups have established a unique position today and will continue to grow and evolve in the coming years providing a more structured way of investing.

Growing up in the big sky state of Montana, Todd learned first hand the value of relationships, hard work and community at a young age. After attending the BusinessSchool at EasternMontanaCollege, Todd has 18 years of experience in the business community building his acumen and relationship network. The majority of those years were spent working for Bernard Rapaport, the billionaire CEO of American Income Life Insurance, where Todd started in sales and successfully worked his way up to the top agent in the nation and a role as regional manager. Over the years, Todd has developed a wide and influential association of business relationships throughout the northwest.

Recently Todd has experience working as an investor relations advisor and assisted in the fundraising for several prominent local startup companies including NodeLogic Networks, BioPassword, PayScale and LINQware to name a few.

Todd donates considerable time and energy to several regional charities and non-profits including the City Team Men’s Homeless Shelter, Hope Heart Institute, American Cancer Society, and the Washington State Wine Industry.

/ This event qualifies for 1 hour toward the CFA Institute's
Professional Development Program.
CFA Vancouver is proud to be an Approved Provider for CFA Institute’s Professional Development Program. As a benefit to our members, we will log this credit in the PD Diary for members who pre-register and attend this event. For more information please contact .

Member Programs 2007-08
in Partnership with


Global Asset & Wealth Management MBA Program

“Today’s Angel investing landscape”

Presenter: Todd Dean

Date: Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Location: SFUHarbour Centre,

Room 2270 Sauder Industries Policy Room,

515 West Hastings St.,Vancouver, BC

Registration: 1:30pm

Presentation/Q&A: 2:00pm 3:00pm




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Exp. Date: ______


Members / Candidates: $10.00YESNO

Non-Members/No-shows: $15.00

Payment may be made by cash or cheque at the event with cheques payable to CFA Vancouver. Save time at registration, PREPAY by Visa or MasterCard, please register by email for this event


RSVP Deadline: Friday, November 9, 2007
Phone:604-435-9889 Fax: 604-435-9892

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