The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm

“Knowledge is a house that must be built from the ground up…We know how to make the roof. The information is useless if we don’t understand the foundations on which it is to be placed” (10).

Chapters 1-4

Describe the technology found in 2194 using specific examples. Is it believable? Why or why not?

What do you make of society based on what you know now?

What elements of science fiction are reflected in the novel at this point?

What do you predict will happen to Tendai, Rita, and Kuda?

Does the foreign setting make the novel more difficult to read? Explain.

Explain the italicized quote at the top of the page. Do you agree or disagree. Explain your position. You may need to go back to page 10 to read the passage.

“Moral sewage, that’s us” (74).

Chapters 5-10

A)What elements of science fiction can be found in these chapters? Use specific examples.

B)What is your perception of the She Elephant? Dead Man’s Vlei? Vlei people?

C)What is your reaction to Ear, Eye, and Arm?

D)Why is plastic so valuable and rare in 2194? (Chapter 8)

E)Explain why Dead Man’s Vlei could be considered a moral sewer? Do you agree? Explain.

F)Do you think there is a valid reason for not genetically altering animals, such as the blue monkey? Explain.

“We do not speak of the city here…Forget your robots and traffic, your crime and drugs. This is Resthaven, the Heart of Africa” (100).

Chapters 11-15

A)What do you make of Tendai finding the ndoro? Does this fit into science fiction? Explain.

B)Take a moment to reflect on society again. Are people friendly, suspicious, violent, etc.? How would you characterize society? Take the children’s experience in Vainona for instance.

C)Resthaven is quite a departure from the city, busy market places, and Dead Man’s Vlei. Compare and contrast Resthaven from Mazoe.

D)Why do you think people are only aware of detectives existing in old fiction stories?

E)Is there a bigger message in the novel? In other words, is it more than just a story meant to entertain? Explain your position.

F)In your opinion, is Resthaven a potential haven or trap? Explain your thoughts regarding this unique area.

“True creativity thrives on disorder, simply tucks in its roots and grows on chaos” (124).

Chapters 16-20

A)Has your opinion of Resthaven changed as you learned more about the inner workings of its people? Explain your position using specific examples.

B)Do you think a world without technology is a safer one? Why?

C)What elements of science fiction do you notice in these selected chapters?

D)What could be foreshadowed by Arm seeing strange shapes around the Gondwannan ambassador?

E)Consider the Mellower’s words found in the quoted material at the top of the page. Do you agree with his assessment of creativity? Why? What role does the Mellower play in the lives of those in the story?

F)How does the foreign setting impact the plot for you? Is it more difficult to grasp the story or easier? More enjoyable or less?

“What’s in there is a dream everyone has agreed to preserve…Resthaven is a living culture. You can’t pick out the bits you like and throw away the rest. It all works together” (150-157).

Chapters 21-25

A)How do you feel about Resthaven and its people now? Is following the old ways still a good idea or does the technologically advanced world offer a better alternative? Is Resthaven worth preserving? Explain your position using examples from the novel.

B)Do you agree or disagree with Tendai’s moral stance on the candy provided by Trashman’s less than honest purchase? Explain.

C)How is Ear, Eye, and Arm’s reception as bogeymen in Resthaven similar to their reception in society as a whole?

D)What do you make of Myanda? Why does she choose to stay, even after being named a witch?

E)Tendai notices Borrowdale is so ALIVE while Resthaven “smelled of the remote past.” Why is that?

F)You meet the Mellower’s mother for the first time. What is your impression of her? What do you think about the children never bothering to learn the Mellower’s real name?

Chapters 26-30

A)What do the English seem to value more than people?

B)Is the Mellower a good man or does his ability of praise make him a dangerous individual?

C)As the novel introduces variations of the people of Zimbabwe, what do you infer about society, after adding English Borrowdale to the mix?

D)Who is worse: the She Elephant or Mrs. Horsepool-Worhthingham? Explain.

E)At this point in the novel, who or what do you believe is the villain of the novel? Explain.

“Where do you think the Vlei people are now? In a nasty hospital where they can’t get fresh air or work how they please. They get drugs pumped into them to keep them quiet. They’re never going to work in a bank or teach a class at the University” (240).

Chapters 31-35

A)Is moral decay rampant in society? If so, what is the cause?

B)Does Mrs. Horsepool-Worthingham redeem herself in your eyes after her attempt to protect the children or is she only protecting her investment?

C)Is what the General did to the Vlei people acceptable? Why? What would you suggest be done with the Vlei people. Consider what the She Elephant tells the children regarding her people in the quoted material above.

D)What do you make of Arm and his ability to feel the emotions of others? What does his reactions to the world around him tell us about society?

E)What is the purpose of the Masks?

“Don’t look behind a mask!” (265).

Chapters 36-40 and Epilogue

A)It is finally revealed why the General was never able to destroy the Masks, the one gang to continue to plague the land. Why is that?

B)Who is/are the heroes who save the day? Explain.

C)Tendai’s birthday marks an important transition? What growth has taken place in Tendai since the beginning of his journey?

D)The She Elephant is involved in a great deal of the plot. Has she changed significantly over the course of the novel? Explain.

E)Are you disappointed or pleased with Arm’s loss of his ability? Explain.

F)Do you view Dead Man’s Vlei differently by the conclusion of the novel? Explain.

G)Could there be a deeper meaning to “Don’t look behind the mask”? Consider Tendai’s reaction when he realized what truly lay behind the mask. Explain your thoughts.

H)Is there anything valuable you can walk away with after reading EEA? Please be reasonable and thoughtful in your response. EXPLAIN.