Associate Professor Natalia Tsvetkova

American Studies Dep.

Colloquium on Literature in the field of International Relations

Fall 2014

This is an academic seminar in order to equalize your previous knowledge and educational background to the discourse of the field of International Relations.


There are 112 books for reading during the Fall semester 2014. Every student must read all these books per the semester (that means about 30 books every month) and prepare a brief presentation about the essence of contents, ideas, facts, and concepts discussed in the books selected for a presentation. Moreover, time to time you will write a critical review relative to some books.

The books will be disseminated by email.

Schedule of meetings: twice per month (September, October, November, and December) as follows:

September, 16 and 30 / First 30 books
October 14 and 28 / Next 30 books
November 11 and 25 / Following 30 books
December 9 and 16 / The rest.

Final Examination: a student is given a question relative to concepts, ideas, opinions, and etc. A student must represent argumentation and scholarly debates pictured in the given literature (60% of the review) and give his (her) own opinion (40% of the review).

List of books

1.  Ackerly B. A., Stern M., True J. Feminist Methodologies for International Relations – 2006

2.  Agnew J. Geopolicits – 1998

3.  Anderson P. J. The Global Politics of Power, Justice and Death. An Introduction to International Relations – 1996

4.  Barnett M., Duvail R, Power in Global Governance – 2005

5.  Baylis J., Smith S. The Globalization Of World Politics – 2001

6.  Beirsteker T. J., Spiro P. J., Sriram C. L., Raffo V. International Law and International Relations. Bridging Theory and Practice – 2007

7.  Buzan B., Waever O. Regions and Powers. The structure of international security – 2003

8.  Beitz C. R. Political Theory and International Relations – 1999

9.  Betts R. K., Mahnken T. G. Paradoxed of Strategic Intelligence. Essays in Honor of Michael I.Handel – 2005

10.  Birdsall A. The International Politics of Judicial Intervention. Creating a More Just Order – 2009

11.  Black J. Great Powers and the Quest for Hegemony – 2008

12.  Booth K. Theory of World Security – 2007

13.  Brown C., Ainley K. Understanding International Relations – 2005

14.  Burchill S., Linklater A., Devetak R. et al. Theories of International Relations – 2005

15.  Brown L.Religion and State - the Muslim Approach to Politics – 2001

16.  Cairns E., Roe M. The Role of Memory in Ethnic Conflict – 2003

17.  Caney S. Justice beyond borders – 2005

18.  Carpenter W. M., Wiencek D. G. Asian Security Handbook. Terrorism and the New Security Environment – 2005

19.  Cassels A. Ideology and International Relations – 1996

20.  Chandler D. Constructing Global Civil Society. Morality and Power in International Relations – 2004

21.  Chandler D., Volker H. Rethinking Ethical Foreign Policy. Pitfalls, possibilities and paradoxes – 2007

22.  Chernoff F. The Power of International Theory. Reforging the link to foreign policy-making through scientific enquiry – 2005

23.  Chernoff F. The Power of International Theory. Reforging the link to foreign policy-making through scientific enquiry - 2005

24.  Chernoff F. Theory and Metatheory in International Relations. Concepts and Contending Accounts – 2007

25.  Christie K., Roy D. The Politics of Human Rights In East Asia – 2001

26.  Colaresi M. P., Rasler K., Thompson W. R. Strategic Rivalries in World Politics. Position, Space and Conflict Escalation – 2007

27.  Crawford R. M. A. Idealism and Realism in International Relations. Beyond the Discipline – 2000

28.  Der Derian J. Critical Practices in International Theory. Selected Essays – 2009

29.  Dinstein Y. War, Aggression and Self-Defens – 2001

30.  Dodds K., Attkinson D. (ed.) Geopolitical Traditions – 2000

31.  Easley E. S. The War Over Perpetual Peace. An Exploration into the History of a Foundational International Relations Text – 2004

32.  Edkins J., Vaughan-Williams N. Critical Theorists and International Relations – 2009

33.  Elias J., Sutch P. International Relations. The Basics – 2007

34.  Etzioni A. From Empire to Community. A New Approach to International Relations – 2004

35.  Flint C. The Geography of War and Peace – 2005

36.  Forsythe D. P. Human Rights in International Relations - 2006

37.  Fox J. Religion, Civilization, and Civil War – 2004

38.  Fox J., Sandier S. Bringing Religion into International Relations – 2004

39.  Franke M. F. Global Limits. Immanuel Kant, International Relations, and Critique of World Politics – 2001

40.  Friedrichs J. European Approaches to International Relations Theory. A House with Many Mansions – 2004

41.  Frost M. Global Ethics. Anarchy, Freedom and International Relations – 2009

42.  Fukuyama F. The End of History and the Last Man - 1992

43.  Gismondi M. D. Ethics, Liberalism and Realism in International Relations – 2008

44.  Goldmann K. The Logic of Internationalism. Coercion and Accommodation - 1994

45.  Goodwin D. The Military and Negotiation - 2005

46.  Gray C. S. War, Peace and International Relations – 2007

47.  Grenfell D., James P. Rethinking Insecurity, War and Violence. Beyond Savage Globalization – 2009

48.  Griffiths M. International Relations Theory for the Twenty-First Century. An Introduction – 2007

49.  Griffiths M., O'Callaghan T., Roach S. C. International Relations. The Key Concepts – 2008

50.  Griffiths M. Realism, Idealism and International Politics. A Reinterpretation - 2002

51.  Griffiths M., Roach S. C., Solomon M. S. Fifty Key Thinkers in International Relations – 2009

52.  Hobson J. M. The State and International Relations – 2003

53.  Hurrel A. On Global Order – 2007

54.  Jackson R. Classical and Modern Thought on International Relations – 2005

55.  Jackson R. J., Towle R. Temptations of Power. The United States in Global Politics after 9-11 – 2006

56.  Jahn B. Classical Theory in International Relations – 2006

57.  Jeffery R. Evil and International Relations - 2008

58.  Jilberto F., Mommen A. Regionalization and Globalization in the Modern Economy – 1998

59.  Jones M., Jones R., Woods M. An Introduction to Political Geography – 2004

60.  Keohane R. O. Power and Governance in a Partially Globalized World – 2002

61.  Kurki M. Causation in International Relations. Reclaiming Causal Analysis – 2008

62.  Lebow R. N. A Cultural Theory of International Relations – 2008

63.  Lebow R. N. Coercion, Cooperation, and Ethics in International Relations – 2007

64.  Lebow R. N. The Tragic Vision of Politics. Ethics, interests and orders – 2003

65.  Lebow R. N., Lichbach M. I. Theory and Evidence in Comparative Politics and International Relations – 2007

66.  Linklater A., Suganami H. The English School of International Relations. A Contemporary Reassessment – 2006

67.  Lipschutz R. After Authority – 2000

68.  Mandaville P., Williams A. Meaning and International Relations – 2003

69.  Maurauis J., Morris M. Languages in a Globalising World – 2004

70.  McCarty N., Meirowitz A. Political Game Theory. An Introduction – 2007

71.  Melissen J. The New Public Diplomacy. Soft Power in International Relations – 2005

72.  McEvoy-Levy. American_Exceptionalismб 2001

73.  Morgan P. M. Deterrence Now – 2003

74.  Navari C. Internationalism and the State in the 20th Century – 2000

75.  Neumann I. B., Wæver O. The Future of International Relations. Masters in the Making – 1997

76.  Newman E. A Crisis in Global Institutions – 2007

77.  Nordstrom C. Shadows of War. Violence, Power,and international Profiteering in the Twenty-First Century – 2004

78.  O'Hagan J. Conceptualizin the West in International Relations. From Spengler to Said – 2002

79.  O'Sullivan M. Shrewd Sanctions - Statecraft and State Sponsors of Terrorism – 2003

80.  Overholt W. H. Asia, America, and Transformation of Geopolitics – 2008

81.  Parra F. Oil Politics – 2004

82.  Paul T. V., Wirtz J. J., Fortmann M. (eds.) Balance of - 2004

83.  Petito F., Hatzopoulos P. Religion in International Relations. The Return from Exile – 2003

84.  Price, R. Moral Limit and Possibility in World Politics, Cambridge- 2008

85.  Punzo L. (ed.) Cycles, Growth and Structural Change – 2001

86.  Reeves J. Culture and International Relations. Narratives, natives and tourists – 2004

87.  Ratcliffe P. Race, Ethnicity, and Nation – 1994

88.  Rengger N. International Relations, Political Theory and the Problem of Order - 2000

89.  Reus-Smit C. The Politics of International Law – 2004

90.  Rosenberg M. Speak Peace in a World of Conflict – 2005

91.  Salmon T. C., Imber M. F. Issues in International Relations – 2008

92.  Saltman M. Land and Territoriality – 2002

93.  Schafer M., Walker S. G. Beliefs and Leadership in World Politics – 2006

94.  Schindler D., Toman J. The Laws of Armed Conflicts. A Collection of Conventions, Resolutions and Other Documents – 2004

95.  Shapcott R. Justice, Community and Dialogue in International Relations – 2004

96.  Soeters J. L. Ethnic Conflict and Terrorism – 2005

97.  Smith T. W. History and International Relations - 1999

98.  Sylvester C. Feminist International Relations – 2004

99.  Tannenwald N. The Nuclear Taboo. The United States and the Non-Use of Nuclear Weapons Since 1945 – 2007

100.  Tetreault M., Lipshutz R. Global Politics as if People Mattered – 2009

101.  Tsvetkova N. Failure of American and Soviet Cultural Imperialism in German Universities, 1945-1990. Leiden, 2013

102.  Vasquez J. A. The Power of Power Politics. From Classical Realism to Neotraditionalism – 2004

103.  Watson A. Diplomacy – 1982

104.  Weber C. International Relations Theory. A Critical Introduction – 2005

105.  Wendt A. Social Theory of International Relations – 1999

106.  Wight C. Agents structures & international relations – 2006

107.  Williams A. Liberalism and War. The Victors and the Vanquished - 2006

108.  Williams M. C. Realism Reconsidered. The Legacy of Hans Morgenthau in International Relations – 2007

109.  Williams M. C. The Realism Tradition and the Limits of International Relations – 2005

110.  Yurdusev N. A. International Relations and the Philosophy of History. A Civilizational Approach – 2003

111.  Zagare F. C., Kilgour D. M. Perfect Deterrence – 2004

112.  Zaum D. The Sovereignty Paradox - 2007