Feedingstuffs, Fertilisers, Grain and Poultry Division
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine,
Backweston Campus,
Celbridge, Co. Kildare,
Ireland /

Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Application for licence to manufacture and marketliming materials

(See Annex attached)

(i)Marketing of Non – EEC Fertilisers SI248/1978

(ii)Marketing of EC Fertilisers – EC Regulation 463/2013

I/We ______

Hereby apply for a licence under of the above-mentioned Regulations to manufacture liming materials at:



Phone: ______

Mobile: ______

e-mail: ______

Liming materials to which the following particulars relate:

  1. Lime Quality

(a)Total Neutralising Value______

(b)Particle sizes

Percentage passing through sieve size (mm)

(i)______%Size (mm) ______

(ii)______% Size (mm) ______

(iii)______%Size (mm) ______

(iv)______%Size (mm) ______

(c) Maximum moisture content______

(d) Total Calcium (%) (Reg 463/2013 only)______

(e) Total Magnesium (%) (Reg 463/2013 only)______

  1. List of Manufacturing Machinery:

(a) Make______

(b) Model ______

(c)Production capacity ______

  1. Covered Storage Capacity

Area and capacity of roofed storage for finished product:

Area (sq m) ______Storage Capacity (tonnes) ______

  1. Quality Control

Proposed annual sampling and analysis programme to ensure accurate statements of total neutralising value, particle size and determination of moisture content.


5. Planning Permission

Local Planning Authority: ______

Has planning permission been applied for? Yes No

If ‘Yes’ has it been granted?Yes No

I/We certify that the foregoing particulars are in all respects correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief.

Signature______Date ______

______Date ______

Office Address______


State whether Proprietor, Chairman,Manager, Secretary: ______


Conditions and accompanying documents:

The application form above should be completed by the applicant and returned toCrop Production and Safety Division at the address below.

Two copies of an Ordnance Survey map of the proposed site must be forwarded with the application.

Following receipt of the completed application form and maps, the local DAFM officer will inspect the site, storage facilities and production equipment.

The DAFM officer will arrange with the manufacturer to take samples from test drill bore-holes in the proposed site.

The samples taken from the bore-holes are then analysed by the State Laboratory for lime content and quality – i.e. total neutralising value. In the case of an application under Regulation 463/2013, total carbon and magnesium content will also be analysed.

Once all the conditions outlined are deemed satisfactory,the Department will issue a licence to the applicant.

Please forward completed application form and accompanying documentation to:

Ms Ann Murphy

Crop Policy, Production & Safety Division

(Feedingstuffs & Fertilisers Section)

Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Administration Building, Backweston Campus


Co Kildare.