Aldridge State High School

Year 9 General English, 2017

Unit: Monsters Inc.

Task One: NARRATIVE – Story Transformation

Student’s Name: ______

Teacher’s Name: ______

Learning Goals Assessed
  • Apply the narrative structure of a short story
  • Construct a short story that positions the reader to empathise with a monster.

Date Set: ______Check date:______
Due date: ______Length: 300– 3500 words
In this unit, you have listened to, read and viewed a variety of informative and literary texts featuring different representations of monsters and creatures.
CONSTRUCT a story in first person based on an existing monster or one of your own creation. Your story must be
written from the monster’s perspective and explore why the creature has been misunderstood. This may be an
intervention in the traditional story or could alter the traditional story. You should include a monster profile and
develop a feeling of empathy for the creature. You may choose to illustrate your story to enhance the impact.
Essential Vocabulary / Literacy/Numeracy
Monsters creatures
Empathy personification
Narrative suspense
Feelings and emotions
Modern and classic monsters
Perspective allusion / Timelines and chronological sequence
Verbs / CCE’s
CONSTRUCT: To assemble, build or create something by placing parts together for a particular purpose.
Process of Construct:
  1. What do I have to make?
  2. What are the individual parts I need to make it?
  3. Arrange the parts in correct sequence.
  4. Join the parts together.
- Using correct spelling, punctuation and grammar
- Using vocabulary appropriate to a context
- Interpreting the meaning of picture/illustrations

CONSTRUCT =to assemble, build or create something by placing parts together for a particular purpose.


  1. Determine what you need to construct ______
  2. Identify or create the individual parts needed. ______
  3. Arrange parts in correct sequence.______
  4. Join the parts together.______




A / B / C / D / E
Understanding and skills dimensions
/ Receptive modes evidence listening, reading, viewing
/ Ideas and information in texts / Discerning analysis, evaluation and synthesis of the ways texts represent different viewpoints and perspectives on events, people, situations and issues / Effective analysis, evaluation and synthesis of the ways texts represent different viewpoints and perspectives on events, people, situations and issues / Analysis, evaluation and synthesis of the ways texts represent different viewpoints and perspectives on events, people, situations and issues / Explanation of different viewpoints on events, people, situations and issues in texts / Statement about events, people, situations and issues in texts
Text structures / Discerning analysis of how text structures are used to achieve different purposes and effects / Effective analysis of how text structures are used to achieve different purposes and effects / Analysis of how text structures are used to achieve different purposes and effects / Explanation of text structures used to achieve different purposes / Identification of aspects of text structures and purposes
Language Features / Discerning analysis of how language and textual features achieve different purposes and effects / Effective analysis of how language and textual features achieve different purposes and effects / Analysis of how language and textual features achieve different purposes and effects / Explanation of how language and textual features achieve different purposes / Identification of language and textual features
Productive modes
Evidence of speaking, writing and creating / Ideas and information in texts / Discerning selection, organisation and synthesis of a variety of relevant ideas and information for different purposes and audiences / Effective selection, organisation and synthesis of a variety of relevant ideas and information for different purposes and audiences / Selection, organisation and synthesis of a variety of relevant ideas and information for different purposes and audiences / Selection and combination of ideas and information for different purposes / Use of ideas and information to state an opinion
Text Structures / Discerning use of text structures to achieve different purposes and effects / Effective use of text structures to achieve different purposes and effects / Use of text structures to achieve different purposes and effects / Use of aspects of text structures for different purposes / Use of aspects of text structures
Language features / Discerning use of a range of grammatical structures and vocabulary to achieve different purposes and effects / Effective use of a range of grammatical structures and vocabulary to achieve different purposes and effects / Use of a range of grammatical structures and vocabulary to achieve different purposes and effects / Use of grammatical structures and vocabulary for different purposes / Use of a narrow range of grammatical structures and vocabulary
Discerning use of a variety of textual and language features to achieve different purposes and effects:
• written features such as punctuation and spelling / Effective use of a variety of textual and language features to achieve different purposes and effects:
• written features such as punctuation and spelling / Use of a variety of textual and language features to achieve different purposes and effects:
• written features such as punctuation and spelling / Use of textual and language features that vary in suitability:
• written features such as punctuation and spelling / Use of textual and language features that impede meaning:
• written features such as punctuation and spelling