St. Jeanne de Lestonnac Jogger Joust

January 30, 2015

Running Since 2009

Celebrating 5 years of Running!

Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac School

5th Annual SJDL Jogger Joust


Grab your running shoes and jog with your classmates in our annual jog-a-thon fundraising event on January 30, 2015! Not only does this event raise additional funds for our school, it also supports our ongoing efforts to promote physical fitness.

Grade Jog Time Location

Preschool and Pre-K 8:30 – 8:45 Gym

Kinder – 2nd grade 9:10 – 9:30 Field of Dreams

3rd – 5th Grade 9:55 – 10:15 Field of Dreams

6th – 8th Grade 10:30 – 11:00 Field of Dreams


·  Joggers receive goodie bag and water

·  1st, 2nd, and 3rd place boy AND girl Joggers in each grade receive Medals/Certificates

·  Classes with 95% participation earn Free Dress

·  Joggers raising $100 or more earn Free Dress

·  The class with 100% participation AND raises the most money (average per student) earns a Pizza Party

·  The top 5 Joggers that raise the most money earns a gift card (Scrip)

·  The boy AND girl Jogger with the most laps earns a gift card (Scrip)


·  T-shirts on sale for $15 each starting soon, while supplies last

·  Sponsor your favorite teacher or administrator

·  T-shirts may be worn for P.E. during the months of December through April

·  Free Dress days for Lancers in their Jogger Joust T-shirt on the following days:

o  Thursday, January 15

o  Day of Event, Friday, January 30


·  Recommended minimum pledge amount is $45 per student

·  “Participation” is defined as meeting the recommended minimum pledge amount AND jogging in the event.

-- Complete and return to teacher --

5th Annual SJDL Jogger Joust

Jogger’s Name: ______Boy/Girl Home Room: ______

______Yes, my child will participate in the Jogger Joust.

______No, my child cannot participate in the Jogger Joust.

Parent Signature: ______

Thank you for supporting a healthy lifestyle.

We’re St. Jeanne’s, the school with S.P.I.R.I.T.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Jogger Joust? The Jogger Joust is sponsored by the Home and School Board. Students collect pledges (on a per lap basis or a flat donation). Pre-Kindergarten runs in the school gym for 15 minutes. Kindergarten through 5th grade students will run around a designated lap on the Field of Dreams as many times as they can within a 20 minute time period. And, 6th through 8th grade students will run a designated lap on the Field of Dreams as many times as they can within a 30 minute time period. According to their pledge total, students and classes may earn parties or prizes. Medals and certificates are handed out to top running performances.

When is the Jogger Joust? Friday, January 30, 2015. Pre-Kindergarten starts at 8:30 in the gym. Parents are welcome to attend the event and cheer on their runners.

Grade Jog Time Location

Preschool and Pre-K 8:30 – 8:45 Gym

Kinder – 2nd grade 9:10 – 9:30 Field of Dreams

3rd – 5th Grade 9:55 – 10:15 Field of Dreams

6th – 8th Grade 10:30 – 11:00 Field of Dreams

Why does Home and School Board need to raise money? Each year the Home and School Board attempts to raise approximately $200,000 to financially support the school for classroom activities, teacher bonuses, and capital improvements which cannot be covered by tuition alone. This year the Home and School Board has three main fundraising events. These events are: The Jogger Joust, Golf & Glamour, and the May Festival. The money raised directly benefits our children and school.

What is the minimum requirement for pledges? Each child is responsible for raising a minimum of $45 in pledges. However, we encourage each student to reach or exceed $75 in pledges to bring us closer to our fundraising goal. Remember, 100% of the net proceeds will benefit our school!

What is the definition of “participation”? Participation” is defined as meeting the recommended minimum pledge amount and jogging in the event. Those that cannot run for medical reasons will be considered as “jogging” in the event.

When are pledges due? Students have until February 15 to turn in their pledges.

What kind of pledges are we supposed to collect ... flat or per lap? The choice is yours! There are spaces on the pledge sheet for either type of pledge.

When and where do we turn in the money? Turn in all money and pledge sheets at any time on or before February 15, 2015. The money should be submitted to the office.

When will prizes be awarded? Following the turn-in deadline, announcements will be made to the entire school and medals/certificates will be distributed within the classroom.

Can we collect cash as well as checks? Yes. Make checks payable to Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac or SJDL. If a donor needs verification of their donation for tax purposes, please note this on the pledge card and check.

What is the prize structure?

·  Joggers receive goodie bag and water

·  1st, 2nd, and 3rd place boy AND girl Joggers in each grade receive Medals/Certificates

·  Classes with 95% participation earn Free Dress

·  Joggers raising $100 or more earn Free Dress

·  The class with 100% participation AND raises the most money (average per student) earns a Pizza Party

·  The top 5 Joggers that raise the most money earns a gift card (Scrip)

·  The boy AND girl Jogger with the most laps earns a gift card (Scrip)

Why are T-Shirts sold for this event? The T-Shirts are a part of this event and others for two reasons; one is as an additional way to raise funds in support of this event, the other reason is to continue to promote school spirit as well as our school S.P.I.R.I.T

How much are the T-Shirts? The T-Shirts are $15 each and the net proceeds go directly back to the school. Those who buy a T-Shirt will receive 2 free dress Jogger Joust T-Shirt days, including the day of the event as well as for P.E. from December through April.

What can I do now to help support the Jogger Joust? We are in need of volunteers before, during, and after the event in various areas, such as set-up (3), clean-up (4), lap counters (16), snack preparers (4), etc. Please contact Melissa Cirillo at 714-305-0025 or .

Are donations of money and items tax deductible? The school is a 501(c)3 organization, so all donations are deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Your cancelled check serves as your tax receipt for donations under $250. For donations over $250 and above on a single check, the Home & School Board will issue donors a receipt for tax for tax purposes.

Besides pledges, what other kinds of activities can I do to raise money? You can recycle your soda cans and bottles from your house, your neighbor’s, or anyone you know and use that money toward pledges. You can also use your spare change jar and use the money for pledges. There have been examples of families having a lemonade-type stand to raise pledge money.

If I have additional questions, who should I contact? If you have additional questions, please contact David Sauber at or Jim Cirillo at .

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