Santiago Canyon College - College Council

MINUTES – January 8, 2008

Administrators: John Hernandez, Mary Halvorson, Steve Kawa, Jose Vargas, Juan Vázquez

Faculty: Morrie Barembaum, Linda Cucovatz (absent), Rosi Enriquez (absent), Laura Wirtz , Connie Wilson, John Smith, vacant (alt)

Classified: Diane Durdella, Zina Edwards, Sheryl Martin (absent), Janell McWilliam, Margaret Bennett (alt)

Student: Sean Dadashi (absent) Technology: Curt Childress Communication: AnnMarie Librescu

Approved 2/12/08

1. Approval of Minutes, 12/11/07 / Motion to approve minutes of 12/11/07 as presented (Kawa/Vargas). / Motion passed unanimously.
1.  Associated Student Government: Sean Dadashi
2.  Continuing Education: Jose Vargas
3.  Classified Advisory Group: Zina Edwards
4.  Communications: AnnMarie Librescu
5.  Technology: Curt Childress
6.  Budget/Facilities/Safety/Admin Services: Steve Kawa
7.  Curriculum and Instruction Committee: Linda Cucovatz
8.  Academic Affairs/Accreditation: Mary Halvorson
9.  Student Success Committee/Student Services: John Hernandez
10.  Educational Master Plan Committee/Academic Senate: Morrie Barembaum
11.  President: Juan Vázquez / No report.
a.  The spring semester began yesterday, January 7th. Flex activities were held last week.
b.  Canyon High School is using the most recent technology newsletter to promote the class on their campus.
No report.
Distributed the latest edition of “Career Focus” magazine. Public works and water were highlighted. The publication was sent to 75,000 addresses (increase of 25,000).
Computers have been re-imaged at OEC for the new semester, and SCC will be next.
a.  Budget: Juan noted that the board is supporting no layoffs of permanent employees. Budget meetings with administrators and faculty leadership are scheduled for next week. The colleges do want to continue growth so they do not fall behind.
b.  Facilities: A) Softball field is two weeks behind because they are waiting for DSA approval of the plans for netting around the field. B) The state has approved all contracts for the science building. Seville will start meeting with contractors. C) Fine & Performing Arts building was not approved by the State Chancellor’s Office – our scores were not high enough. The building will be moved to next year’s round for consideration (and the college will revise the plan to help gain approval). D) Drawings for the gymnasium have gone to DSA.
Next meeting is in February.
a.  Instruction portion of Datatel is coming on-line this semester. Staff will be inputting all course outlines, with a fall 2008 early registration deadline.
b.  New curriculum handbook is now available (including more MIS codes).
c.  Currently editing accreditation report, with a steering committee meeting planned for February, and possible completion in April.
Student Success Council will meet in March; intersession enrollment is 80% of capacity; Admissions and Records has completed assessment of their SLOs, and all other departments are in the process; new Coordinator of Community Services is Brenda Hohnstein; and, AmeriCorp is recruiting for the new cohort of foster youth mentors and for tutors.
Senate Retreat scheduled for February 6.
Juan thanked the group for their hard work over the past year, and looks forward to 2008. / Budget change details will be provided at the next council meeting
Steve requested a faculty representative for the SCC Facilities Committee to replace Rudy Frias, who is on sabbatical.
Sergio Rodriguez will be asked to provide a status overview of Datatel to the council.
Contact Steve or Juan if you are aware of any safety hazards.

Santiago Canyon College - Mission Statement

Santiago Canyon College (SCC) is a diverse learning community dedicated to intellectual and personal growth. Our purpose is to foster a learning environment that helps students develop knowledge and understanding, critical thinking, sound decision making, cultural awareness, effective communication skills, and a commitment to local and global citizenship.

Santiago Canyon College offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes university transfer, associate degree and certificate programs. In addition, we provide community services, career education, continuing education, high school diploma program, basic skills development, and a range of support services for full and part-time students, including those with family and career responsibilities. At SCC we encourage students to plan, implement, and evaluate their educational progress through meaningful reflection and interaction with both the college and community. (Approved by College Council 10/23/07)