Franklin County Community Foundation, Inc.


Thank you for your interest in the Franklin County Community Foundation’s Grant Program. The following information will assist you in determining whether to apply for funding and explain how to proceed if you are eligible to do so. Please review these materials carefully.


The Mission of the Franklin County Community Foundation is to build permanent partnerships in giving that effectively connect donors and community projects to promote an enriched future for all citizens of FranklinCounty.


The Franklin County Community Foundation, Inc. makes grants to tax-exempt organizations operating or proposing to operate programs for the benefit of Franklin County residents.


The Franklin county Community Foundation, Inc. makes grants to increase the capacity of FranklinCounty’s not-for profit organizations to respond effectively to the needs of the community. We will fund projects in the areas of civic, cultural, health, education, and social services. The Franklin County Community Foundation Grants Committee and Board of Directors will use their discretion in selecting grants that best serve the community. In general, the Foundation prefers funding:

  • Start-up costs for new programs
  • One-time projects or needs
  • Capital needs beyond an applicant’s capabilities and means.

The Franklin County Community Foundation, Inc. will not normally consider grants from unrestricted funds for the following purposes:

  • Grants to individuals
  • Operating expenses or operating deficits
  • Operation budgets (salaries)
  • Annual fund campaigns
  • Religious or sectarian purposes
  • Propaganda, political or otherwise, attempting to influence litigation or intervene in any political affairs or campaigns on behalf of any candidate for public office so as to endanger the charitable nature of the community trust
  • Accredited Public/Private school services required by state law. This includes the direct funding of school curriculum
  • Standard instructional or regular operation costs of non-public schools
  • Repeat funding in back-to-back years for the same project or goals
  • Travel purposes
  • Any purpose that is not in conformity with the constraints placed upon the Foundation by the IRS

The Grant Committee and the Board of Directors will generally follow these guidelines for the approval of grants, but maintains its discretion to approve those grants that it feels best serve the needs of the Community.


All grant seekers must have prior governing board approval for the project seeking funding. The approval of signed minutes and a signed letter from governing board must be available to the Franklin County Community Foundation.

To be eligible to receive funding from the Franklin County Community Foundation, a grant application must be submitted. If the request is within the Foundation’s granting guidelines, an interview will be scheduled with the Grant Committee.

Applications which do not contain all of the requested information may not be considered. If information requested is not available, an explanation as to why is required. To facilitate the preparation of complete grant applications, those seeking grants are encouraged to use the Franklin County Community Foundation staff for assistance. Completed grant applications must be submitted by the deadline determined each year by the Foundation to be considered.

Grant recommendations will be presented to the Foundation Board of Directors by the Grants Selection Committee chairperson. Grants will be approved only by a majority favorable vote by the Board of Directors at a regular or called meeting. All applicants will be notified of the decision by the Foundation in writing.

Any change in status of the organization must be immediately reported to the Foundation office. Only at the discretion of the Foundation may the terms of the grant be altered, amended or changed. On rare occasions, the Foundation may consider a grant request at a time other than the normal established grant cycles. These exceptions are solely at the discretion of the Foundation following the Discretionary Grants Policy.

Once a grant is awarded, the Foundation anticipates that the funds shall be expended during the grant period stated on the Grant Agreement. If for some reason the project or program implementation is delayed, the grant recipient shall submit in writing the reason for the delay and a request for extending the funds until the following year. It will then be solely at the discretion of the Foundation to determine if the funds shall be held into the subsequent year.

The Franklin County Community Foundation, Inc. reserves the right to revoke a grant if the implemented project does not comply with our guidelines or reflect the application that was submitted.

  • The Franklin County Community Foundation will not indulge in discrimination as to race, color, creed, age, sex, religion, or national origin in the consideration of grant requests.
  • The Franklin County Community Foundation Grant Selection Committee will recommend grants that will make the most impact from fund distribution. Their final decision will reflect the grant guidelines.
  • Legal requirements forbid staff, trustees, directors, committee members and their families from profiting financially from any philanthropic grant. All persons actively connected with the Foundation will consistently strive to avoid self-interest in the processing and disposition of the grant request.


  1. Determine if your organization and project meet the criteria of the Foundation.
  2. Complete and submit the proper grant application to the Franklin County Community Foundation.

If mailing, send application to:

Franklin County Community Foundation

Grants Committee

527 Main Street

Brookville, IN 47012

Applications may also be emailed to . The Foundation will send an acknowledgement email to the applicant stating that the application has been received.

Completed Grant Applications must be received at the FCCF office by 4:00 PM on

Tuesday, January 16, 2018.

  1. The completed application will be forwarded to the Franklin County Community Foundation Grants Committee for their review. If the request is within the Foundation’s granting guidelines, an interview will be scheduled with the Grants Committee.

Approved by the Board of Directors

August 17, 2016

Franklin County Community Foundation, Inc.

2018 Small Project Grant Application

Name of Organization:______

Director of Organization:______

Project Contact Person:______

Mailing Address:______


Treasurer or Project Financial Officer:______

Organizations latest fiscal year-end information;

Year-end Date:______Annual Receipts: $______Annual Expenses: $______

Name of Project:______

Describe Project and its purpose on an attached sheet.

Project Amount Requested: $______(up to $3,000)

Has the applicant requested funds for this project from other granting organizations?

______Yes ______No If “yes” who and how much:



Specifically describe budgeted use of Project Funds by line item on an attached sheet.

If the project exceeds our limit, where will the additional funds come from? ______




Estimated number of Franklin County Residents served or impacted by this project (on an annual basis). ______

Please provide details (on an attached sheet) on how the FCCF will be recognized if a grant is awarded to your organization.


Authorized Signature & Title (if emailing you may type your name here)Date

Project Timeline:______

(beginning date)(estimated completion date)

Application due by 4pm Tuesday, January 16, 2018

to or 527 Main Street, Brookville, IN 47012


_____A completed application

_____Copy of the IRS ruling / determination of 501(C)(3) status for your organization

_____Breakdown of what the grant will be spent for along with estimate / proposal if to be used to purchase equipment or for a construction project

Someone from your organization must be available to discuss this project / application with the Grant Committee. The Grant Committee expects “in person” meetings at the FCCF office. We anticipate meetings to last ten minutes or less. We plan to schedule meetings the week of January 29. You will be contacted to set up a date and time.

**The Franklin County Community Foundation does not make grants for identical or similar projects in successive years.