Title:The Power of Innovation - Creating Energy with Footsteps - Shell - from YouTube
Duration: 2:53 minutes
The Power of Innovation - Creating Energy with Footsteps - Shell - from YouTubeFilm Transcript
[Background music]
Slow, calm music.
“It’s predicted that by 2050 the world will be using 75% more energy than it does now. Meeting that extra demand will require a broader mix of energy solutions and a new generation of scientists and engineers with a passion to innovate and develop them.”
[Video footage]
Rio at sunset. Large buildings in Rio.
Streetlamp shining at night.
Children playing football in the dark.
Houses crammed together on a hillside, lights turning on.
Man walking down alleyway.
View of Rio at sunset, large buildings and roads.
[Text displays]
The power of innovation
Interview with Laurence Kemball-Cook
“My name is Laurence Kemball-Cook, I’m an industrial design engineer.I’ve invented a new technology that converts the weight of a footstep into electricity, which can be used to power applications in a city."
[Video footage]
Laurence using a screwdriver on a piece of machinery.
People walking on a road – close-up of their feet.
Close-up of the machinery Laurence is working on.
Streetlight turning on.
Lots of people crossing a road.
“Every step you guys take on one of our tiles will convert your weight, just that small amount of movement, into electrical power.”
[Video footage]
Laurence talking to a group of children.
Child jumping on a tile.
Children jumping up and down together. A light that Laurence is holding turns on. Children cheer.
Children jumping on the tiles in slow motion.
[Video footage]
Favela on a hillside.
[Text displays]
Morro da Mineira | Brazil 2014
“Shell had the idea of rebuilding the football field in the Morro da Mineira favela using these kinetic tiles and solar power. Now on this field play itself helps turn the lights on and to keep them on, giving a kid somewhere safe to play at night. It’s already making a huge difference to this community.”
[Video footage]
People rolling out AstroTurf, dragging it to the edge to cover the pitch.
Children playing on the pitch in the day. Children watching through the fence. Children playing at night.
“I got the support I needed to develop this idea through a programme called Shell Livewire, which helps entrepreneurs to build on their inventions and to make them real. It’s about inspiring young people to explore fields of science, engineering and technology so they can come up with bright, new ideas to help meet the rising energy demand.”
[Video footage]
Laurence working at a computer. A man with mask welding.
Laurence talking to people, showing them plans.
Children dancing and jumping on the tiles.
Children in a classroom, reading and looking through microscopes.
A train going through a station.
People on an escalator.
A shot of busy traffic on road.
Trees and leaves.
“Most of us don’t really know about how much energy we use. Energy is all around us. The technology offers a way that people can take part in that process.”
[Video footage]
Car and a motorcycle on a road.
Electricity cables.
People walking along a street, walking up steps.
Children dancing on the tiles.
Children looking out over Rio.
Close-up of a person’s feet as they walk.
Children running through a favela.
Children watching others play football.
“We’re all on a journey together now.”
[Video footage]
Child looking out of a window.
Child standing on a roof.
Young children looking out of a window. Child on a balcony.
People smiling at camera.
“We’ve got a long way to go.”
[Video footage]
Children playing football at night.
Children playing football on a small dirt pitch.
Floodlight comes on. Children playing at night on the new AstroTurf pitch. Child looks up at the light.
Laurence looks up.
“But we’ll get there”
[Video footage]
Rio at sunset.
Children jumping up and down.
Laurence walking through a narrow alley.
“One step at a time.”
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Copyright Shell International Limited 2014
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The world needs more scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians.
Seach: STEM