Name: ______
Ellis Island Autobiography Rubric
Criteria / 10 pts / 5 pts / 0 pts / CommentsAutobiographical Information name, parents names, age, birthdate, birth place / Paper contains all of the required information. Information is well developed / Paper contains some of the required information. / Paper contains few or none of the required information
Immigration Plans where you plan to live, work/education history, career plans / Contains all of the required information. Information is well developed / Contains some of the required information. / Contains few or none of the required information
Style / All parts of autobiography are well developed and organized in an appropriate way. Time spent on paper is evident / Autobiography is somewhat developed or organization is somewhat appropriate. / Paper lacks proper organization or evidence of time spent on working.
Conventions / Paper contains few to no spelling or punctuation errors. / Paper contains some spelling or punctuation errors, but does not interfere with understanding. / Paper contains several spelling or punctuation errors that interferes with understanding.
Total Points
Name: ______
Ellis Island Autobiography Rubric
Criteria / 10 pts / 5 pts / 0 pts / CommentsAutobiographical Information name, parents names, age, birthdate, birth place / Paper contains all of the required information. Information is well developed / Paper contains some of the required information. / Paper contains few or none of the required information
Immigration Plans where you plan to live, work/education history, career plans / Contains all of the required information. Information is well developed / Contains some of the required information. / Contains few or none of the required information
Style / All parts of autobiography are well developed and organized in an appropriate way. Time spent on paper is evident / Autobiography is somewhat developed or organization is somewhat appropriate. / Paper lacks proper organization or evidence of time spent on working.
Conventions / Paper contains few to no spelling or punctuation errors. / Paper contains some spelling or punctuation errors, but does not interfere with understanding. / Paper contains several spelling or punctuation errors that interferes with understanding.
Total Points