President: Bill Griffiths Chairman: Dave Muston Treasurer: Dianne Sutton

MKHA Heritage Grant Application 2013/14

(supported by Milton Keynes Council)

Milton Keynes Heritage Association isvery pleased to offer heritage based grants to MKHA member organisations, once again supported by our partner Milton Keynes Council. The grants are open to all members of MKHA, wherever they are geographically based. Joint applications between member groups will be considered.

Grants are available up to a maximum of £750 per organization. Applications must be community and heritage linked, and meet at least ONE of following strategic priorities, and be in advance of the planned activity or purchase:


Be healthy (Children and young people), improved health and wellbeing (Adults), Improves health by accessing heritage through walks, trails and outdoor activity

Enjoy and achieve (Children and young people), improve quality of life – Helps groups outside your organisation to find out more about heritage in an enjoyable way

Positive contribution (Adults, children and young people) – Enables groups outside of your organisation to activelycontribute to own your work

Building strong communities – Enables several groups to work together in your local area to access heritage

Increased choice and control – Improves public heritage choices by improving access to collection material through events, activities (especially as part of events such as Heritage Open Days or by using Discover Milton Keynes)

And contribute to ONE of the following programme areas:




This year MKHA will also consider grant applications which are based on:

Seed funding –grants that are to be used to match funding secured elsewhere, or to lever in additional funding

Prefunding – an application up to £250 to assist an application to another funder

Top-up funding - to assist an existing project to be completed, or an addition to an existing project

Strategic funding – to be used to support MKHA wide projects such as IT training, contributions to majorheritage eventweekends, or purchase of a significantcollection for wider benefit

Possible ideas:-

Special activities linked to HODs or other planned heritage events

Exhibitions, Events and Activity in connection with Discover Milton Keynes

Opening heritage buildings to the public, community heritage projects, village trails (with direct local school input), school visits and reminiscences, heritage booklet, newsletter, interactive exhibition in the community, competitions, oral history recording, digital photography locally (Then and Now), training course costs

Safeguarding archives, heritage impact studies, youth or ethnic group heritage study

Purchase of hardware and software and display material to assist a specific project.

Please submit the attached completed grant application form via post or emailto Jennifer Cooper/MKHA Secretary c/o Milton Keynes Museum, McConnell Drive, Wolverton, Milton Keynes, MK12 5EL .

The MKHA Executive Committee will evaluate the proposals at the earliest possible meeting, with input from Milton Keynes Council’s Heritage Officer. The applicant group will be notified as soon as possible after the meeting, whether the application was successful or not, or advising changes to the application. A formal letter for successful applications will be sent.

If you have an idea which you would like to discuss please contact one of the other members of the MKHA Executive Committee as soon as possible.

MKHA Heritage grant application form 2013/14

(Supported by Milton Keynes Council)

Section 1: About You

Number of members/volunteers in organisation:
Contact name
Contact address
Contact telephone number
Contact email address

Section 2: About your project

Partner organisation(s) details and contact (if appropriate)
Number of volunteers/members in partner organisation:
Amount of grant sought (with details of expenditure)
Project details
Which audiences are being targeted? (Families, children, young people, adults, older people, ethnic groups, disadvantaged groups, other)
How many people will be involved in your project? (Break down by Families, children, young people, adults, older people, ethnic groups, disadvantaged groups, other)
To which Priority(ies) does your grant contribute?
To which programme does your grant contribute? (Collections, Events, Volunteering)
Any other comments:

Section 3: Timescales, Grant Criteria and Outcomes

Timescale of project (with key milestones):
Details of linkage to grant criteria (must be completed otherwise application will not be considered):
Outputs, outcomes and benefits from project (how will it be measured):

Section 4: Signature

Signature of applicant:
Date of application:

Please note that all organisations awarded a grant will be expected to provide a short written quarterly update of progress to MKHA Executive Committee meetings. A final written feedback report will be required on completion of the project.Photographic images or copies of the output from the project should be provided to MKHA to be used to assist publicity of the grant scheme. Please also use the MKHA logo on grant output material.

Please return this form to:

Jennifer Cooper, MKHA Secretary, c/o Milton Keynes Museum, McConnell Drive, Wolverton, Milton Keynes MK12 5EL