February 23, 2017

Board Members in Attendance – Mark Thompson, Rod Mann (for Tim Irwin), Sheldon Wimmer (Chair), Ramon Beck (for Kimberly Bryant), Gary Gygi, Daniel Zappala, Brian Braithwaite

Others in Attendance – Chandler Goodman, Nathan Crane, Shane Sorensen, Brian Gwilliam, Brad Freeman, James Lawrence, Danny Campbell, Travis Flygare, Brian Oaks, Lon Lott, Nancy Jones,

  1. Invocation – Daniel Zappala
  1. Public comment – Brian Oaks a resident of Highland, expressed his admiration to the Fire/EMS department for saving his life about 3 weeks ago. He told how he was playing church ball and took a charge and felt like his rib had been bruised but an hour later he was on the floor of his home with paramedics performing life saving procedures on him. Only 3% survive and he is grateful that he is one of those rare cases. He wanted the Board to know how well their departments performed that evening.
  1. Amend Interlocal Agreement to allow Board Members to be changed on a yearly basis – Nathan explained that it was brought up at our last meeting by Mayor Gygi that it would be beneficial for cities to beable to change their board members when the need arose. Gary Gygi made the motion to change the interlocal agreement as follows: The term of each Board member shall be the shorter of four years from the date of appointment or when the Board member leaves elected or appointed office held with the represented City; unless a change is made by the representative city in accordance with their respective procedures. A Board member may be reappointed to multiple terms as a Board member if otherwise eligible. Mark Thompson seconded the motion. Discussion ensued regarding the wording. The voting was unanimous. Nathan reminded the board that this change will need to be approved by their respective city councils.
  1. Adopt an Alternate Dispute Resolution for employees to use as a form of addressing complaints not grievances – Sheldonis proposing a resolution that can give employees who have a complaint an avenue to express and hopefully resolve issues more quickly; and to the satisfaction of both parties involved. Sheldon clarified that this is not a replacement to our grievance policy. Sheldon asked for feedback from the Board so that they can make a final version available for voting next meeting.
  1. Update from Committees studying Metrics for Police and Fire/EMS – Nathan Crane mentioned the Heart of the Matter presentation and asked if the Board would like to form a subcommittee to discuss the findings. No comment was made by any of the Board to form a committee.

BrianGwilliamsaid that they are developing a way to get the numbers out of Spillman to prepare a metrics for the police department. His officers are doing a better job of documenting their activities to help with this report.

  1. Update on State Legislature Bill 198 – Dispatch Funding for 911 Calls – BrianGwilliam explained how the bill would adversely affect Utah County and the money that is allocated from the 911 calls. The Dispatch centers in Utah County receive $300,000-$500,000 annually which could be lowered with the passage of this bill and be redistributed to the larger entities in Salt Lake County. He suggested that the Board read the Bill and make comments to the Legislature.
  1. Financials – Laurie stated that although the numbers look good it may be deceptive since the District has not paid rent this year so that there would be enough cash for unbudgeted items, ie attorney fees, retirement buyout, ex-employee payout to name a few. Brian Braithwaite asked if we would be opening the budget to make adjustments. Laurie stated that in May this would have to be done.
  1. Approve Minutes – January 12, 2017 Gary Gygi made amotionto approve the minutes with the correction to Daniel Zappala’s name spelling. Mark Thompson seconded the motion and the voting was unanimous.
  1. Set dates for upcoming Board Meetings – Discussion ensued and the Board asked staff to provide the dates for the upcoming budget meetings.
  1. Executive Session - GaryGygl made themotion to move into executive session for the discussion of the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual, pursuant to Section 52-4-205(1) of the Utah Code Annotated. The motion was seconded by Mark Thompson and the voting was unanimous. Gary Gygi made a motion to move out of executive session. Seconded by Rod Mann.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 a.m.