Thomas Township Board Meeting October 2013

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8215 Shields Drive, Saginaw, MI 48609

October 7, 2013

7:00o’clock p.m.

1.The Regular Board Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Supervisor Weise.

2.PRESENT:Weise, Thayer, Radewahn, Thompson, Brosofski, Ryder-Petre, Weber


ALSO PRESENT:Fire Chief, Michael Cousins; DPW Director, Rick Hopper; Township Attorney, Otto Brandt; Finance Director, Deidre Frollo;Director of Community Development, Dan Sika; Police Chief, Steve Kocsis; Township Manager, Russell Taylor; Parks and Recreation Director, John Corriveau; Deputy Clerk, Betsy Wietfeldtand 7interested parties.

3.The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

4.Motion was made by Brosofski, seconded by Thompsonto approve the agenda aspresented. Motion carried unanimously.



8215 Shields Drive, Saginaw, MI 48609

October 7, 2013

7 P.M.

1.Call to Order

2.Roll Call

3.Pledge of Allegiance

4.Approval of Agenda

5.Consent Agenda

A.Approval of Board Minutes September 9, 2013.

B.Approval of Expenditures.

6.Communications-Petitions-Citizen Comments

It is requested that you state your name and address for the record.

7.Public Hearing


8.Unfinished Business


9.New Business

A.Accept the Audit for the 2012/2013 fiscal year.

B.Approve Resolution 13-17 to enroll parcel 28-12-3-05-2003-000 in PA 116 at the request of the owner, Mark and Katherine Garrett.

C.Approve Resolution 13-18 to enroll parcel 28-12-3-17-1002-001 in PA 116 at the request of the owner, Mark and Katherine Garrett.

D.Approve Resolution 13-19 to enroll parcel 28-12-3-04-4002-006 in PA 116 at the request of the owners Mark and Katherine Garrett.

E.Amend the fee schedule to include a permit fee for work in the designated right of way of the Thomas Township Trail.

F.Approve text amendment 13-Z-02 amending the Thomas Township Zoning Ordinance 13-Z-01 Outdoor Living Space.

G.Approve text amendment 13-Z-03 amending the Thomas Township Zoning Ordinance 13-Z-01; Motorized/Non-Motorized Race Tracks.

H.Approve text amendment 13-Z-04 amending the Thomas Township Zoning Ordinance 13-Z-01; Driveway Locations- Dead End Roads.

I.Approve Ordinance 13-G-07 amending Ordinance 98-G-01 to add Chapter 6 Discharge of Fireworks to Title 3 prohibiting the ignition, discharge and use of consumer fireworks during prescribed hours of each day.

J.Approve the second year of the lawn mowing and landscaping contract to Tri-Valley Landscaping.

K.Approve Proclamation 13-02 in support of America Recycles Day, November 15, 2013.

L.Discuss future trash/recycling collection methods to recommend to the MMWA.


A.SupervisorD.ManagerH.Fire Dept.

B.ClerkE.Community DevelopmentI.Police Dept

C.TreasurerF.DPW J.Parks & Recreation

G.FinanceK.Board Members

11.Executive Session



5.It was moved by Ryder-Petre, seconded by Thayerto approve the consent agenda, as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

A.Approval of Township Board Minutes from the regular meeting 09/09/2013;

B.Expenditures consisting of;

General Fund $ 76,749.24 Public Safety-Fire Department 12,856.90

Fire Apparatus 0.00

Public Safety-Police Department 61,886.33 Public Safety-Drug Law Enforcement 0.00

Downtown Development Authority 508.95

Parks 20,327.44

Parks Capital Improvement Fund 0.00

Road Revolving Fund 95,570.53

HSC Grant Administration 0.00

Sewer Fund 15,674.43

Water Fund 425,518.02

Municipal Refuse 70.52 Watermain Extensions 0.00

HSC Expansion 0.00 Tax 3,625,512.55

6. Communications-Petitions-Citizen Comments:


7.Public Hearing


8.Old Business


9.New Business:

A.It was moved by Weber, seconded by Radewahnto accept the audit for the 2012/2013 Fiscal Year. Motion carried unanimously.

B.It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Ryder-Petre to approve Resolution 13- 17 to enroll parcel 28-12-05-2003-000 in PA 116. Motion carriedunanimously.


Ayes: Weise, Radewahn, Thompson, Weber, Ryder-Petre, Brosofski, Thayer

Nays: None

Absent: None

C.It was moved by Ryder-Petre, seconded by Brosofski to approve Resolution 13- 18 to enroll parcel 28-12-3-17-1002-001 in PA 116. Motion carried unanimously.


Ayes: Weise, Radewahn, Thompson, Weber, Ryder-Petre, Brosofski, Thayer

Nays: None

Absent: None

D.It was moved by Thayer, seconded by Weberto approve Resolution 13-19 to enroll parcel 28-12-3-04/4002-006 in PA 116. Motion carried unanimously.


Ayes: Weise, Radewahn, Thompson, Weber, Ryder-Petre, Brosofski, Thayer

Nays: None

Absent: None

E.It was moved by Thompson seconded by Brosofski to approve Resolution 13-20 toamend the fee schedule to include a permit fee for work in the designated right of way of the Thomas Trail. Motion carried unanimously.


Ayes: Weise, Radewahn, Thompson, Weber, Ryder-Petre, Brosofski, Thayer

Nays: None

Absent: None

F.It was moved by Weber, seconded by Radewahn to approve 13-Z-02 amending the Thomas Township Zoning Ordinance to include Outdoor Living Space. Motion carried unanimously.

G.It was moved by Radewahn, seconded by Thayer to approve 13-Z-03 amending the Thomas Township Zoning Ordinance to include Motorized/Non- Motorized Race Tracks. Motion carried unanimously.

H.It was moved by Brosofski, seconded by Thayer to approve 13-Z-04 amending the Thomas Township Zoning Ordinance to amend Driveway Locations-Dead End Roads. Motion carried unanimously.

I.It was moved by Weber, seconded Ryder-Petre to approve Ordinance 13-G- 07 amending Ordinance 98-G-01 to add Chapter 6 Discharge of Fireworks to Title 3 prohibiting the ignition, discharge and use of consumer fireworks during prescribed hours of each day. Motion carried unanimously.

J.It was moved by Radewahn, seconded by Thompson to approve the second year of the lawn mowing and landscaping contract to Tri-Valley Landscaping. Motion carried unanimously.

K.It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Thayer to approve Proclamation 13- 02 in support of America Recycles Day, November 15, 2013. Motion carried unanimously.

L.It was moved by Ryder-Petre, seconded by Thompson to recommend to the MMWA that they acquire bids for the current service levels presently provided to our residents and as an alternative the use of the 45 gallon curb cart for weekly recycling and the 65 gallon cur cart for trash with a once a month and post-Christmas Holiday unlimited collection. Furthermore residents would also reserve the right to pick a smaller or larger curb cart depending upon their needs. Motion carried unanimously.

10.Report of Officers and Staff:

A.Supervisor’s Report:None

B.Clerk’s Report:None

C.Treasurer’s Report: Thanked Deidre and her Staff for a great audit.

D.Manager’s Report: Thanked Deidre for her work on the audit. Also explained the 1st Annual Thomas Township Trailblazer Walk/Run.

E.Receive and file Community Development Reports.

F.Receive and file Finance Departments Reports.

G.Receive and file Fire Departments Reports.

H.Receive and file Police Departments Reports.

IReceive and file Parks and Recreations Reports.

J.Board Member Reports: None.

K.Receive and file DPW reports.

11.Executive Session:


12.It was moved by Brosofski, seconded by Thompsonto adjourn the meeting at 7:42p.m. Carried unanimously.


Edward Brosofski, Clerk

