Atmosphere Unit Crossword Puzzle

Atmosphere Unit Crossword Puzzle Clues


5. a violently rotating column of air going from a cloud to the ground

8. a storm with lightning and thunder

9. a climate with generally mild temperatures and steady precipitation

10. the condition of Earth’s atmosphere at a particular time and place

11. the higher this goes, the further away from sea level it is

13. a rapid rise in water level during a hurricane

16. the characteristic weather conditions in an area over a long period of time

18. the transfer of energy by direct contact

20. the dry area on the downwind side of a mountain

21. the process when liquid water turns to water vapor

22. a disturbance of wind patterns and ocean currents in the Pacific Ocean that causes temporary climate changes

24. what causes global winds to curve

26. the temperature at which air with a given amount of water vapor will reach saturation

27. the process when water vapor turns into liquid water

31. are groups by temperature and precipitation

32. the distance north or south of the equator

33. a low-pressure system that starts in the tropics with high winds (but less than 120 km/hr)

35. the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth

37. carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and water vapor

40. layered lumps or balls of ice that fall from cumulonimbus clouds

43. a blinding snowstorm with high winds and low temperatures

44. a mass of moving ocean water that affects climate

46. a wind that changes direction with the seasons

48. this coats surfaces with ice when rain falls

50. a climate with large temperature differences between seasons


1. when rates of evaporation and condensation are equal in the atmosphere

2. the warmer body of air over a city

3. brings clear calm weather

4. a wind that flows in the upper troposphere from west to east over long distances at great speeds

6. radiation from the sun that is what heats the Earth

7. small pellets of ice that form when rain passes through a layer of cold air and freeze before reaching the ground

12. a large volume of air that has nearly the same temperature and humidity at different locations at the same altitude

14. the process where gases in the atmosphere absorb and emit infrared radiation which results in an increase in surface temperature

15. climates of smaller areas within a subclimate

17. rain that has become more acidic than normal because of pollution

19. any type of liquid or solid water that falls to Earth’s surface

23. a tropical low-pressure system with sustained winds of 120 km/hr or more

25. this is the highest when closest to Earth’s surface

28. winds that travel long distances in steady patterns over several weeks

29. the amount of water vapor in the air

30. brings very stormy weather

34. pattern of temperature changes and weather trends over the course of a year

36. the transfer of energy by waves from the sun

38. the comparison of the amount of water vapor in the air with the maximum amount of water vapor that can be present in air at that temperature

39. the transfer of energy that allows hot air to rise up

41. the horizontal movement of air caused by differences in air pressure

42. radiation from the sun that is blocked out by the ozone layer

43. an instrument used to measure air pressure

45. made up of 3 oxygen molecules

47. the force of air molecules pushing on an area. This decreases as you increase in altitude.

48. where two different air masses meet

49. a period of time on Earth were surface temperatures drop significantly and huge ice sheets spread out beyond the polar regions