Board of Selectmen Public Meeting Minutes, Oct. 20, 2014

Present – Chairman Coolidge, Selectwoman Viandier, Selectmen Danforth, John Thompson, Norman Green, Lenny Caron, Jim Delaney, Mark Stetson. Irene Jewett, Peter Zak

Meeting Opened at 6:02 by Chairman Coolidge

Road Agent

John Thompson stated that all major road wash outs from the rain are now passable.

Selectmen Coolidge asked John what he thought caused the road washouts and John stated that we received too much rain in a short period of time and the fact that all the leaves dropped too, which plugged up the drainage pipes.

Peter Zak gave some history of how the water flows from his property and Tucker Mountain Road.

John said he could fix the leak, stabilize the culvert and Lafiosca’s garage immediately.

Chairman Coolidge said the Town will call the State in the morning to see what can be done for an emergency purpose in regards to Wetlands permit. He said we will need to have a engineer review the drainage issue on Maple St.

John Thompson handed in five work order’s for other storm drainage issues needing work done.

John said the guard rail on Lawrence St. will cost approx. $17 thousand dollars to fix 180 Ft of guard rail. The Town will need to call the insurance company to see if it will be covered.

John was handed the list of the snow plow companies to review.

Town Administrator

Marj Roy handed the Selectmen the Five Assessing Bids. They all were opened, and reviewed they met the minimum requirements. The companies were Avitar, Steve M Allen, KRT Appraisal, Brett Purvis, Commerford Nieder Perkins LLC. The Selectmen will review the bids.

Loren from Avitar gave an overview of Avitar’s bid for Assessing.

John Smith & Bill Leber agreed to be on the Cable TV Committee.

Norm Green asked about what he needed to do for the Horseshoe club to continue to use the Town Property. No Selectmen can grant a lease for more than two years. The Horseshoe club needs to request a property lease via warrant article at Town Meeting and must submit insurance coverage.

Lenny Caron wondered if the Town was aware that the local medical clinic is closing their doors. Chairman Coolidge said he is aware and has spoken to New London Hospital and Dartmouth Hitchcock to see if they would be interested in taking over the clinic

Police Department

Chief Laramie presented his budget which includes a 3% cost of living raise for all his employees. Dispatched has gone down.

Other Business

Chairman Coolidge discussed the Noise Ordinance on the books, due to the fact that we had a large group of men in the audience thinking their firearm rights were going to change as a result of the Noise Ordinance. Chairman Coolidge said as a good neighbor people should consider their neighbors and not be out target shooting before 9am or after dark. The Chief Laramie said that the Ordinance was put in place in case the Police department needed to use the ruling due to complaints. He said in over twenty years he has only used the ordinance three times. It wasn’t directed toward gun use. He mirrored other Towns incase of noise complaints like loud music after midnight etc.

Jim Delaney suggested that the HVAC system be put into the budget.

Comcast notice stated they will launch a new channel.

Elevator maintenance contract signed by Chairman Coolidge

Meeting adjourned 8:05 pm

Meeting Minutes submitted by Elita Reed.