The Rev. Dr. Rose E. Niles is Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary’snew

Development Officer, in the Houston area, fromthe Presbyterian Mission Agency

in Louisville, KY, where she served as Associate for Theological Education and

SeminaryRelations for the Committee on Theological Education for almost seven


A life-long Presbyterian, Niles’s leadership in the church was recognized at anearly

age. Ordained a ruling elder at the at the age of fourteenat the UniversityHeights

Presbyterian Church, Bronx, NY; at seventeen, she was elected vice-moderator of

the Synod of the Northeast; and in 1995 she was elected as Moderator of the Synod.

Her degrees include a Bachelor’s (AB) from Harvard Radcliffe University in

Comparative World Religion (’83), a Masters of Divinity (MDiv) from Harvard Divinity

School (’90) and a Doctor of Ministry (DMin) from New York Theological Seminary

working in the area of Immigration Justice Ministries (NYTS) (’01).

In Hudson River Presbytery, she served on the Nominating Committee, the Permanent Judicial Commission and the Committee on Preparation for Ministry. Dr. Niles was received as a member of the Presbytery of the New Covenant in March of 2014. In Mount Vernon NY Rose served the local community as an elected member and president of the Mount Vernon City School District Board of Trustees. At New York Theological Seminary she has taught in multiple programs, supervised DMin projects and taught in their master’s degree program in Sing-Sing maximum security prison.

Rose also served the wider church as interim temporary supply pastor at Grace-HopePresbyterian Church: a historical African Diaspora congregation planted by faculty and students of Louisville Seminary.

Recently, Rose served as a member of the “Circle of Interpreters” on the Horizon’s Bible Study, Reconciling Paul: A Contemporary Study of 2 Corinthians.

A poet and author, Rose draws from her immigrant, bi-racial, Afro-Caribbean and Australianheritages as she seeks to affirm the full humanity of all people.

The Rev. Keatan Kingis a native of Austin, Texas and a lifelong Presbyterian.

Keatan graduated from Austin College in 2009 witha B.A. in Cultural Anthropology

and Spanish and she received her Master of Divinity from Louisville Presbyterian

Theological Seminary in 2013.

Throughout her life and theological training, ministry with young peopleretains

special emphasis in her work and commitmentto the church.Keatan has a heart for

ministry with youth and young adults and seeksto accompany young people as they

experience the transformative loveof Jesus Christ in their lives. Keatan is dedicated

to the spiritual growth and theological formation of youth and young adults and

works to equip them to serve as faithful, compassionate, and imaginative leaders
in both the Church and the world.

In her free time, Keatan enjoys running, reading, cooking, nail art, being

outdoors and spending time with friends.