

17 February 2004


Venue: Department for Victorian Communities

Rooms 1 & 2, Level 15

1 Spring Street



Present: Lynne Makin (Chair) (Upper Murray Regional Library), Chris Payne (Mitchell), Graham Dudley, Jennifer Gawne (Dept Victorian Communities), Wendy Quihampton, Debra Rosenfeldt, Brendan Fitzgerald, Frances Savage, Sue Ward (State Library, Public Libraries Unit), Chris Kelly, (Hume), Adele Kenneally (Glenelg), Anne Holmes (Boroondara), Jenny Ruffy (Monash), Neville Humphris (Moreland), Peter Carter (Casey Cardinia), Margaret Smith, Sally Armistead (Corangamite), Rebecca Herington (NILS), Julie Rae (Central Highlands), Jan Miller (Moonee Valley) Alison Katona (Mornington), Karen Batiste (Kingston), Anna Cook (East Gippsland Shire Library) Elaine Richmond (High Country), Heather Phillips (Frankston), Karen Ward-Smith (Dandenong), Anne Rasmussen (Stonnington), Katrina Knox (Darebin), Christine McLaren (West Gippsland Regional Library Service), Sonia Higgs (URML)


John Binnion (Eastern Region), Libby Sturrock (NILS), Sue Kelly (Mildura), Gabrielle Blair (Brimbank), Patti Manolis (Maribyrong), Jan Penney (Central Goldfields), Trish Smyth (Kingston), Susan Orr (Campaspe), Barbara Horn (Yarra Melbourne), John Murrell (West Gippsland Regional Library Service),, Damien Tyquin (Port Phillip)

2. Minutes of meeting held on 9 December 2003 at the State Library of Victoria

Moved Russ Elwin, seconded Chris Payne, That the minutes be adopted. Carried.

3.Business arising from the Minutes

Libraries – our staffing future seminar held 25/11/03. Further discussion on this item later in agenda.



  • From Susan Feeney, State Library of Western Australia seeking interest in Family Literacy project.


  • From President, Viclink to Chair, Ministerial Advisory Committee (MAC) Joanne Duncan, MP, regarding library funding

Moved Julie Rae, seconded Karen Ward Smith

That the correspondence be accepted.

  1. Financial report

The treasurer spoke to the financial report, which had been circulated before the meeting. It was noted that some subscriptions from Gulliver and Bruce have been received.

Moved Chris Payne, seconded Anne Holmes

That the financial report be accepted. Carried.

  1. Gulliver report

Julie Rae reported on the forum held on 6 February to showcase possible Bruce databases. Julie compiling information for decisions to be made on core databases at April meeting. Information to be posted on Extranet prior to meeting. NZ libraries discontinuing membership end June to pursue NZ model. Feedback from forum most positive, two day forum proposed for next year.

7.Department for Victorian Communities Report

A copy of the report was circulated at the meeting, copy to be sent with minutes.

Quarterly grants were paid early January.

Ministerial Advisory Committee on Public Libraries will meet on 22 February. New member Cr Dianne McAuliffe from Moorabool (Central Highlands) has been appointed.

Country Library Services Manual workshops for city libraries to be held as requested: Monday 5th, Tuesday 6th and Monday 19th. Invitation to be circulated.

Participation sought for working group to review the Annual Survey questionnaire: Lynne Makin and Pater Carter to participate.

Directory of Public Libraries 2004: Mitchell have now submitted their updated data.

  1. State Library Public Libraries Unit Report

The report was circulated prior to the meeting.

Sue Ward, new .5 Project Officer of the MYILPP was introduced to the meeting.

The project Officer’s position recently vacated by Damian Tyquin will be advertised soon. Debra Rosenfeld is now managing the Libraries Building Communities Project, which is running slightly behind schedule.

Outcomes of the Planning workshop to be conducted on 1 April will be presented to the Library Board on 1 July.

A meeting on the Statewide Network Infrastucture Project (SNIP) submissions will be scheduled in the next few weeks.

The Open Road Conference held 6 February was a great success, attended by 150 delegates. Thanks to John Murrell, Patti Manolis and Barbara Horn for their work on this project.

9.CPLG News

Meeting held 17 February. Planning for workshop on 23 March and training component of Statewide Projects discussed.

  1. Viclink Executive Report

The Executive met on 10th February and discussed the following issues:

  • Secretariat review - a new brief, EOI to be done to ensure optimum value can be achieved.
  • SWIFT – Advisory Committee on Public Libraries now has responsibility for this project
  • Proposal from the Law Foundation for setting up legal resources in Victorian public libraries – ongoing, meeting to be held 18 February.
  • Financial matters – accounts for payment and ratification
  • ALIA purchasing and licensing agreement workshop attended by Julie Rae
  • Gulliver evaluation tool – external interest
  • Gulliver Forum
  • Kinetica – account payment methods for consortia discussed
  • Business Plan
  • ILL subcommittee: Julie Rae to attend meeting
  • Framework for Collaborative Action
  • Planning day for Statewide Projects: B. Fitzgerald and D. Rosenfeld planning session to be held 1/4
  • Libraries: Our staffing future: update later
  • Gates Foundation Access to Learning Award – Viclink will be submitting proposal for $1 million to support development and installation of WAN and Internet access for East Timor. As the Foundation is only available to disadvantaged countries, this provides an opportunity for Viclink to greatly enhance current initiatives supporting East Timor, notably proposed outcomes of Patti Manolis’ Margery Ramsay Scholarship work.

11. Viclink Subcommittes – Reports

  • Reference Cooperative: report to be circulated with minutes.
  • Collections Cooperative – no report submitted
  • Children’s Subcommittee – no report submitted
  • Inter-Library Loans Subcommittee – recently established, no report as yet.

12. Viclink Business Plan

Initial planning for the Business Plan conducted November 2003. Viclink now in a position to determine future direction of Gulliver funding expenditure. Julie also seeking LGPro Committee support for Viclink to raise awareness and profile.

SWOT analysis was conducted with members present to inform Business Plan. Further suggestions to be emailed to Julie to progress plan for review at April meeting.

13. MAV Library Summit

Lynne Makin, Julie Rae, Jenny Ruffy, Peter Carter and Patti Manolis attended meeting with Claire Hargreaves and Owen Harvey-Beavis at MAV on 13 February to discuss scope of Library Summit to be held Thursday 11 March. Managers are encouraged to bring CEOs, Councillors. Max. two attendees have been specified, but three would be permissible.

14. Framework for Collaboration/Workshop

The workshop to be conducted on 1 April will determine proposed projects for one year and three year timeframes, review current projects and propose new ideas, a similar format to last year’s session at Glen Erin.

15. Libraries – our staffing future: progress report

Deferred until later in meeting.

16. Library Books for East Timor Trivia Night

To be held on Friday 30 April at HawthornTown Hall, thanks to City of Boroondara for supporting the event. The Project Committee is Patti Manolis (Maribyrnong), Cathy Mulcahy, Anne Holmes (Boroondara), Michael Byrne (Monash), Brendan Fitzgerald, Beata Wacek (PLU), Karyn Siegmann (Bayside). All library services encouraged to contribute to prize pool or seek gift donations from local businesses. All public library staff and friends encouraged to attend, the evening costs $50 a head. We are hoping to raise $20,000 for the Xanana Gusmao Reading Room. See Vicnet website for further information.

17. Other business

Peter Carter queried proposed meeting of Regional Library Corporations on changes to Local Government Act and progress on format from DVC. Graham Dudley to check on progress.

Wendy Quihampton drew attention to the next @your library seminar series event The 4C-able future to be held on Friday 23 April, the seminar is suitable for all library staff.

Libraries – our staffing future: progress report

Karen Ward-Smith reported on the seminar held on Tuesday 25 November 2003 at the State Conference Centre, organised by the Viclink Professional Education Working Group in response to concerns on a range of issues regarding future training, staffing and direction of professional development for public libraries. A report on the Seminar was circulated prior to the meeting.

Also sought were:

  • Careers Expo 19-21 March: staff and a speaker sought for the event.
  • Induction models: forward examples to Karen to inform development of a uniform model.

Resourcing for next phase of Professional Education Working Group project to be considered as a Statewide Project. All encouraged to read report, fill out sheet attached to report, email to Patti Manolis. This is to be retained as an agenda item at future meetings.

Lynne welcomed Margaret Smith to her first meeting as Regional Library Manager at Corangamite Regional Library, and Chris Mackenzie back to Melbourne as CEO of Yarra Plenty Regional Library Service.


Tuesday 20 April 2004. Venue to be advised.

The Meeting ended at 3.20 pm.