Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Pitsford Parish Council
held on Monday 9th May 2016 in the Village Institute, Pitsford at 7.45 pm
Present: Cllrs Martin Flanagan, Martin Jaffrey, Jane Holmes, Alastair Kimbell, Keith Isaacs,
Stephen Trott and Edward Rogers (7 Members)
In attendance: Maureen Holliday, Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer,
001/16RESOLUTION TO APPROVEAPOLOGIESFORABSENCE - Apologies received from Councillors not in attendance
Apologies were received from Cllr Jayne Morgan (illness). It wasResolved to accept the apology.
002/16DECLARATIONSOFINTEREST/DISPENSATION REQUESTS Councillors are reminded that if they have either a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest or other interest in any of the agenda items then they should declare the interest and withdraw from the debate or meeting as appropriate. There were none
003/16PUBLIC SESSION 15 mins – No members of the public in attendance
Parish Council Resolved to approve the minutes which were duly signed by the Chairman as an accurate record of the meeting subject to a change of name Edwards to Rogers.
006/16ELECTION RESULTS: to report that Election for Parish Councillors at Pitsford was not contested
Changes: Cllr Graham Ashworth resigned from the Council, Cllr Keith Isaacs was elected and welcomed to the Council. Cllr Arnold requested co-option. Members of the Council thank Cllr Ashworth for his valued contribution to the Council as member, internal auditor and project manager of Pitsford Film Circle. Cllr Ashworth has agreed to continue as
Internal Auditor and to run Pitsford Film Circle.
007/16CO-OPTION OF COUNCILLOR– Notification has been sent to DDC.
a)Reviewofthetermsofreferencesforadvisory groups.
b)Receipt ofnominationstoexistingadvisory groups
Cllr Rogers to join the Planning Advisory Group
009/16TO APPOINT MEMBERS OF ADVISORY GROUPS – Resolved to appoint the following existing and new members:
a)Resources, Staffing, & Strategy Advisory Group: Cllrs Flanagan, Jaffrey, Holmes, Parish Clerk
b)Planning Advisory Group: Cllrs Flanagan, Jaffrey, Kimbell, Rogers, Trott, Stephen Arnold
c)Newsletter Group: Cllrs Holmes, Morgan, Parish Clerk
Organisations,Village Charities,Neighbourhood Watchandarrangementsforreportingback. – Resolution to appoint. Parish Council Resolved to appoint the following representatives.
To attend meetings and report back to Council (via Clerk) 7 days prior to next meeting for inclusion in the Agenda.
District/County Council/NCALC / Parish Clerk / Pitsford Sportsfield Trust / Cllr E RogersParish and Town Councils Meeting / Cllr M Flanagan / Pitsford Sportsfield Management / Cllr M Flanagan
Parochial Church Council / Cllr S Trott
Cllr K Isaacs / Neighbourhood Watch / Cllr M Flanagan
Cllr E Rogers
Pitsford Village Institute / Cllr E Rogers / Scouts / Cllr S Trott
County Council/Cllrs / Parish Clerk / District Council/Cllrs / Parish Clerk
011/16WARDENS-Toreview,acceptnewnominationsand make Resolution to appoint:
Parish Council reviewed and Resolved to accept the following wardens.
Footpath Warden: Cllr Martin Flanagan and Mrs Beverley Flanagan (Tel: 01604 889099)
Dog Warden: Ms Joanne Woolard
012/16STANDINGORDERSANDFINANCIALREGULATIONS (including Financial Risk Assessment)-Toreviewand adopt. Council reviewed and Resolved to adopt subject to a full review at the next RSSA meeting following changes to the new model Financial Regulations and the withdrawal of the General Power of Competence from Standing Orders.
013/16INVENTORYOFLANDANDASSETS(inc.buildingsand officeequipment): Reviewandadopt. Parish Council
reviewed and Resolved to adopt with adjustments for replacement of the new VAS sign, removal of one bus shelter and addition of contents of the Village Institute and Sportsfield. Total Valuation of all = £582,440.84
014/16INSURANCE COVER -Toreceive quotations and confirmarrangementsforinsurancecoverinrespectof allinsuredrisks (to include adequacy of Fidelity Guarantee): To discuss and make resolution. Of the 3 quotations submitted Parish Council Resolved to approve the quotation from Hiscox (as recommended by Came and Co) in the sum of £1830.16.
Total insured value of all: £678,174.36
015/16MEMBERSHIPOFOTHERBODIES-Toreview & make resolution
Parish Council Resolved to continue membership of NCALC, ACRE, ICO, SLCC
Council policiesCode of Practice for Complaints
Pitsford Grant Application and Form
Financial Regulations
DDC Model Code of Conduct
Model Publication Scheme Freedom Of Information
Risk assessment policy
Standing Orders
Training Statement of Intent
Internal controls
Media and press and Communications policies
T.O. Reference - Resources Strategy Staffing Advisory Group
T.O. Reference - Planning Advisory Group
Archiving Policy
Register of Interests Forms - following Elections
Council Budget 2016 to 2017
Asset List
a)Bank Balances as at 29th April, 2016 – It was Resolved to approve the following balances:
Community Account £50.00 + Reserve Account £30,078.00 = Total £30,128.00
There have been no payment transactions since the previous meeting.
b)Payment of outstanding accounts –It was Resolved to approve the following payments
Payee / Details / Chq / £ / Power to pay2Commune / Website Hosting, support, licence. 2 mail accounts, clerk and admin / 956 / 540.00
Autela Payroll Services / Jan, Feb, Mar 2016 returns to HMRC / 957 / 30.00
Hayeswood Landscapes / Mowing Village 5, 19 @ £145 / PF 1, 11, 21 @£65 cut / 958 / 660.00
NCALC / Subscription & Audit Band 2 Council / 959 / 467.11
Came & Co / Insurance Hiscox 1 June 16 - 31 May 17 / 960 / 1830.16
c)Income Received – It was Resolved to approve the following receipts/
Grass mowing Grant £216.38, Interest, 0.86, 1st Instalment of Precept £8786.00 Total £9,003.24
d)Receipts and payments account and bank reconciliation to 31st March 2016 End of year –It was Resolved to approve the end of year accounts and bank reconciliation.
e)Annual Return 2016
- Internal Audit – to report that the Northamptonshire County Assoc. of Local Councils Internal Auditor is David Linnell. The audit date has been set for Monday 23th May 2016. Noted
- Audit Plan
- Resolution to approve Annual Governance Statement
- Resolution to approve End of Year Accounts, Annual Return Form section 1 and explanation of variances (if any)
It was Resolved to approve items 2, 3 and 4 above.
f) To agree the appointment of the NCALC internal audit service for 2016/17 It was Resolved to agree the appointment of NCALC Internal Audit service for 2016/17
g) To agree the Chairman’s allowance for 2016/17
Following discussion it was Resolved to increase the Chairman’s allowance from £242 to £250.
a)Planning Applications: Parish Council to to receive report from the Planning Advisory Group and make resolution
Application No:DA/2016/0402
Description:Replacement BBQ enclosure and new timber shelters/huts with seating and decking area
Location:Brampton Halt, Pitsford Road, Chapel Brampton, Northamptonshire,
Case Officer:by 20 May 2016. D Wishart on 01327 302587
Response: Concerns regarding parking for the increasing number of customers.
Concerns about the smell of effluent have been raised by individuals visiting the railway.
Application No:DA/2016/0397
Description:Replace flat roof on single storey extension with pitched gable
Location:5, Manor Road, Pitsford, Northamptonshire,
Case Officer:by 12 May 2016 S Cadman on 01327 302562
Response: No Observations
Application No:DA/2016/0366
Description:Two storey extension to rear elevation, alterations to existing building to form garages.
Location:Cowshed Cottage, Pitsford Road, Chapel Brampton, Northamptonshire,
Case Officer:by 18 May 2016 D Jordan on 01327
Response: No Observations
Application No:DA/2016/0331
Description:Conversion of existing agricultural building to dwelling with self contained annexe
Location:Sedgebrook Lodge Farm, Pitsford Road, Chapel Brampton
Case Officer:by 13 May 2016 D Jordan on 01327
Response: We refer back to the Appeal Decision 17 September 2012, APP/Y2810/A/12/2171728. Parish Council do not consider that the redundant farm building is suitable and appropriate for residential conversion; the proposal does not represent an acceptable form of residential development in an open countryside location. The building is in poor condition. The property is contrary to the NPPF and criteria in LP Policy EN19 (A) “of permanent and substantial their existing structures and, in the case of residential conversions, without extensive extension and be capable of complying with the building regulations without major alterations or other major works”; and (C) that “their form, bulk and general design are in keeping with their surroundings”.
The building is exceedingly large and would not enhance the immediate setting.
Application No:DA/2016/0211
Description:Construction of timber building with 4 bay stables and hay barn with metallic attachment incorporating tack room (retrospective) and construction of timber tractor and equipment shed (prospective)
Location:The Granary, Pitsford Road, Chapel Brampton
Case Officer:by 26 Apr 2016 B Allen on 01327 302575
Response:Concerns regarding the metal building adjoining the stables. The design of the building is contrary to the NPPF and saved policy EN39, highly inappropriate for the site and its locality and does not integrate into the landscape. No observations on the additional barn
Application No:DA/2016/0205
Description:Work to and removal of trees within a conservation area
Location:Pitsford Primary School, Moulton Road, Pitsford
Case Officer:by 13 Apr 2016 M Venton on 01327 302594
Response:Parish Council is happy for this application decision to be judged by M Venton
Application No:DA/2016/0175
Description:Work to tree subject of Tree Preservation Order DA 168
Location:Ride Lane House, High Street, Pitsford.
Case Officer:by 11 April 2016 M Venton on 01327
Response:Parish Council is happy for this application decision to be judged by M Venton
The Clerk, discussion with M Venton, expressed concern over the suggestion of pruning this significant tree now and in the future. M Venton confirmed that he would ask to be on site when the pruning takes place.
b)Planning decision notices
Application No:DA/2016/0075
Description:Conversion of restaurant to dwelling and associated works
Location:The Griffin 25, High Street, Pitsford, Northamptonshire, NN6 9AD
Case Officer:D Wishart on 01327 302587 or email
Decision:Refusal, Full 20 April, 2016
Application No:DA/2015/0638 (Brixworth Parish)
Description:Construction of single dwelling with access road and formation of access to Merry Tom Lane
Location:Land Off Merry Tom Lane, Brixworth, Northamptonshire
Decision: Refusal - Full
Application No:DA/2016/0137
Description:Change of use of first floor of detached garage to ancillary residential accommodation to main dwelling
Location:Wharf Cottage 29, High Street, Pitsford, Northamptonshire, NN6 9AD
Case Officer:K Daniels on 01327 302598 or email
Decision:Approved 15 April, 2016 With conditions: The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied at any time other than for purposes ancillary to the residential use of the dwelling known as Wharf Cottage and shall not be sold or let as a separate dwelling.
Application No:DA/2016/0136Lawful Development Certificate (Proposed)
Description:Side extension proposal already approved under application number DA/2015/0639 - single storey rear element different to that approved.
Conservatory changed from hexagonal to square shape.
Case Officer:S Cadman
Decision:Approval Cert of Lawfulness 11 April, 2016
Application No:DA/2016/0167
Description:Work to trees within a conservation area
Location:Annes House, Moulton Road, Pitsford
Case Officer:M Venton on 01327 302594 or email
Decision:Approval 15 April, 2016
a)Planning Applications awaiting decision.
Application No:DA/2015/0670
Description:Change of use to car park (retrospective)
Location: Land Opposite Brampton Halt, Pitsford Road, Chapel Brampton
Case Officer:B Allen on 01327 302575 or email
Application No:DA/2016/0065
Description:Proposed Bird Of Prey Breeding Centre, associated bird pens, hack pen, office space, perimeter fencing, access track and parking/turning area
Location:Bunkers Hill Farm, Moulton Road, Pitsford (Boughton Parish),
Case Officer:S Hammonds on 01327 302563 or email
PPC response:No observations.
Application No:DA/2015/1003 - APPEAL
Description:Single storey extension to the side, first floor extension at the rear, and raising the roof to create an additional storey in the roof space (resubmission of DA/2015/0268)
Location:Vine Cottage, Moulton Road, Pitsford, Northamptonshire,
Decision:Refused 14 Jan 2016 Appeal notified:5 April, 2016
a)Moulton Road/Grange Lane Footpath – to agree action.
The Clerk outlined the current situation with a suggestion on how to move the situation forward. It was resolved that the Clerk should push forward with the advice offered and further research into resolving the loss of the footpath.
b)VAS Signs results: to receive a report. The Chairman reported that Highways have suggested to wait until the second half of September before carrying out a tubular audit when the normal traffic weight will have resumed. It was Resolved to follow the advice of Highways.
c)StreetDoctor – to report response rate. The response rate is very good. We need to encourage everyone to use the service. If you see a pothole - report it on StreetDoctor via the website.
d)Fly tipping initiative by DDC – new campaign. DDC have created a reporting system like StreetDoctor where incidents can be logged and a reference number allocated, however, there is no follow up or response system. The oil barrels on the Moulton road were reportedand logged on the day and they have now been reported by e-mail directly to the DDC department asking for a date for removal.
e)Bus Shelter review of quotations to date. Changing the situation of the shelter position is not easy and may take time to achieve. In the meantime it may be sensible to obtain a bus shelter that can be re-sited at a later date. Consideration needs to be given to the limited depth of the verge next to the Stop sign.
Action: Clerk to follow up the suggestion of an A508 upgrade and 2 bus shelter bases within that scheme.
Action: Chairman to and the Planning Advisory Group to present a proposal to Council at the next meeting.
f)Litter picking in the quarry. Two dogs had strayed off the footpath to around the metal shed area and were injured by glass in their paws. Bennies do not want to police the quarry. The agreed period of time that people are allowed to walk along the quarry footpaths has now expired and if they have to take any action they will stop people walking in the quarry. A village resident offered to clear up the glass if he was provided with litter picking equipment.
Action taken: Cllr Isaacs cleared up the glass and it is clear for the time being.
It is important to report any unwelcome activity to the police on 101 immediately.
Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) and Crime Reportsfor the year to date:- Noted
Crime / 15-17 Feb: Manor Road – vehicle windscreen wiper bent.Crime / 13 Jan: Broadlands – forced entry to premises, damage caused & items taken.
ASB / 16 Mar: Moulton Road – report of 3 ponies outside fencing close to road. Officer attended.
021/16ANNUAL PARISH MEETING & NNOR consultation – Tuesday 7th April 2016, To receive a report from Chairman and agree date for 2017
The meeting was very successful. For the NNOR exhibition about 150 people attended and a very good response rate for Highways to evaluate the opinion of Pitsford residents. About 40 people stayed for the Annual Parish Meeting.
022/16NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN - to receive report from Chairman and decide the way forward.
The Chairman attended a NP road-show in Oxfordshire which was interesting and informative. We are 2-3 years behind many others. The NP group needs to be formed of village residents and the parish council. A slogan is advised ‘Pitsford 2020 Control Your Destiny’. Cllr Frenchman has offered to help and keen that a Pitsford NP gets underway. It can take up to 2 years and a guide cost of £10,000. The next stage is to arrange for DDC to come and give a talk to provide a better understanding of the requirements and process. Action: Clerk to contact DDC to arrange a suitable date
023/16EU Referendum Informative Talk 11TH MAY 2016 – University of Northampton
Two representatives of Northampton University have offered to come along to give a talk on how the EU was formed, how it operates, the legal issues of the EU, understand the relationship of the UK with the EU and to answer questions posed. This will give a greater understanding of the situation but will also open up more questions.
Action: Clerk to get a poster printed and arrange circulation to residents on Tuesday 10th May and also by e-mail.
024/16EU referendum forum, Chris Heaton-Harris (OUT vote) – Venue Moulton at the end of May.
Moulton Parish Council is seeking a representative supporting an ‘IN’ vote as opposed to the OUT vote.
The last film of the season showed an excellent turnout. Spring 2016 season has been a big success.
026/16NCALC TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES – resolution on attendance. No new courses of interest.
027/16CORRESPONDENCES (previously circulated): To discuss and agree action, if any
Moulton Surgery are organising a Wellbeing Way Forward. They have formed the conclusion that many people who visit the surgery are lonely. Identifying these people, getting them moving and involved within the community is important. The Clerk attended the first meeting with representatives of various groups.
CPRE Spring Road Show was cancelled due to illness of the speaker. It will be re-arranged for autumn.
028/16 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED Items received of interest to parishioners will be displayed on the Noticeboard or Social media where relevant.
029/16URGENT MATTERS FOR REPORT ONLY (Notified to the Chairman before the meeting)
030/16DATES, TIMESANDPLACEOFORDINARYMEETINGSOFFULLCOUNCILFORTHEYEARAHEAD – to review and adopt. It was Resolved to adopt the following dates.
2016:12th September , 14th November
2017: 9th January, 13th March, 8th May, 10th July, 11th September, 13th November.
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031/16DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Monday 4th July 2016, 7.30 pm, Village Institute, Pitsford
Signed………. …………………………………….Date…4th July, 2016
Cllr Martin Flanagan Chairman
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Pitsford Farmhouse, Church Lane, Pitsford, NN6 9AJ 01604 880395
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