Operations Committee Meeting – October 10, 2005



Monday – October 10, 2005 § 8:30 A.M.

Board Room


John Backes, Jennifer Bacon, John Bonner, Beverly Brandt, Ken Burrus, Cathy Chun,

Dorothy Cirelli, Ruth Clark, Colleen Cooper Ferguson, Rosemary Dunne, Pam Dusenberry, Joyce Fagel, Michele Foley, Kerry Fondren, Jone Garcia, Ann Garnsey-Harter,

Norma Goldstein, Paulette Graham, Mark Hankins, Phyllis Harris, Carla Hogan,

Susan Hoyne, Caryl Jacobs, Jim James, Mariko Kakiuchi, Gary Kalbfleisch,

Mary Kelemen, Mari Kosin, Lee Lambert, Nancy Lamus, Mike Lanigan, Victoria Lauber, John Lederer, Gillian Lewis, Chris Linebarger, Berta Lloyd, Barb Loney, Chris Melton, Darlene Miller, Donna Miller-Parker, Jeff Omalanz-Hood, Samira Pardanani, Lynette Peters, Kae Peterson, Lillie Plummer, Rebecca Rhodes, Andrea Rye, Thalia Saplad, Scott Saunders, Phil Savereaux, Steve Seki, Debra Sherman, Gavin Smith, Randy Stegmeier, Zakiya Stewart, Terry Taylor, Yvonne Terrell-Powell, Nancy Teske, Kim Thompson, Susana Villamarin, Joanne Warner, Holly Woodmansee, Meenoo Yashar, Lori Yonemitsu, Robin Young, Judy Yu

Lee started the meeting by expressing his appreciation for the work “that all of you do” & stressed the importance of the Operation Committee in that the group provides leadership in relation to the budget, planning, supervision & legal compliance.


Members met in pairs & then, in small groups to generate a list of items in relation to “the purpose of the Operations Committee:


·  Opportunity to participate in roundtables

·  A feedback loop

·  A “sounding board”

·  A place for a consistent message & attitude

·  Venue for proactive feedback

·  Rumor control

·  Place to react to what is going on campus wide

·  Opportunity to connect with those outside our departments & divisions—team building

·  Problem solving decisions that are far reaching (from the President’s Leadership Team to all of the areas)—bridge between the President’s Leadership Team & the rest of the campus

Information Sharing

·  Learn about what is happening around campus that we are not aware of

·  Getting information about the day-to-day operations & operational changes

·  Update on current issues

·  Status on progress of College business (status on the progress of the College’s Strategic Plan, for example)

·  Opportunity to present news about our departments—who we are, what we do

·  Many announcements for the group can be made via the OpCom listserv

Policies, Programs, Etc.

·  Not a decision making committee but more for implementation or direction purposes

·  An opportunity to brainstorm a single topic & recognize accomplishments & identify inspirational role models

·  An opportunity to strategize

Training Opportunities

·  Looking at the College as a learning organization—how do we survive as an institution?

·  Meeting for a longer time period (& less frequently) in order to get into significant content


Pam Dusenberry

Members met in small groups to brainstorm items in relation to:

1. What kinds of training do you think would help your area/department to do its work more

effectively & efficiently? Be very specific. Think big. Think positively as well as about

deficits. Include training you want for yourselves that would help you do your job even

better than you do it now. Brainstorm past the lull, for 15 minutes or more.

2. Working with several others, read your brainstorms aloud & record themes & new ideas

that emerge. Spend another 15 minutes or so.

Professional Development/Training Needs (Themes, New Ideas)

Group 1

·  Change Management

·  Emergency Preparedness

·  Team Building

·  Customer Service (what it means)

·  Power & Privilege

Group 2

·  Incident Response

·  Computer Ethics

·  Records Retention

·  Campus Wide Cross-Training (across departments, impact on campus)

Group 3

·  How to Build Trust

·  Technology (Microsoft Office Suite; Outlook)

·  Meeting Facilitation

·  Supervisory Training

Group 4

·  Community College 101 (FTEs; capital versus operating; tuition waivers—what is a tuition waiver?)

·  Supervision 101 (dealing with difficult people & situations)

·  Marketing

·  Leadership in Management

Group 5

·  Retention Issues (student engagement; financial resources; best practices at other schools)

Group 6

·  Mandatory Technology Training

Group 7

·  Innovative Management

·  Succession Planning

·  Thinking Skills

·  Building Competencies

Group 8

·  Efficient Time Management

·  Stress Management

·  How to have Fun at Work (There is a book entitled 301 Ways To Have Fun At Work.)

Group 9

·  Discussion Groups (selection of a book to be discussed)

Group 10

·  Environmental Scanning for Program Development (continuous, broad-based)

Group 11

·  Defining Minimum Set of Technology Competencies (ICDL)

·  Budget 101 (vocabulary & terminology; the funding process)

·  Title IX

·  Campus Resources (empowering staff)

·  Diversity Sessions

·  Values Statements, Mission (across departments)

·  Assessment & Outcomes—What would work for each office?

Questions, Comments

We need to listen to our students as we develop goals for this committee.

It would be beneficial to hold campus wide training for Board of Trustees, students, faculty, staff & administrators.

I would like to see classified staff attend Operations Committee meetings on occasion—this will help morale.

There needs to be a distinction between training & professional development. Professional Development (attendance at national conferences, for example) needs to be valid & supported.

It would be helpful to have a consistent time & date on which we hold Operations Committee meetings—everyone’s calendars are jammed. Meetings also need to be in a bigger space for the group’s size.

Learning is a social activity & being in a space that allows for interactions would be beneficial.

To add to the list of trainings: Legal relations & legal compliance.

Caryl informed the group that Technology Support Services trainings (including Technology Ethics) have begun. Each member of the TSS team is teaching a class. For Technology Training Offerings, go to:





In response to a question regarding the classified union, Lee stated that the Governor’s Office advised Shoreline Community College to implement the current contract.

Note: The Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC) hearing officer ruled in favor of employees related to the matter of their not having a proper opportunity to vote on the contract. (The union is appealing this decision.). Lee does not think we will hear anything until the beginning of next year. He added that administrators not comment decision (“management needs to stay neutral”) & that specific questions go directly to Human Resources.

Questions, Comments

Questions asked: What if an employee decided to stop paying his/her union dues? Reimbursement to employees for dues paid previously if the decision made, is not favorable to the union?

Lee stated, “This is an issue between the union & the employee.” He also noted that classified employees should speak with their shop steward &/or area representative if they had questions


9:51 A.M.

Submitted by Lori Y. Yonemitsu

Draft: October 17, 2005

Final: October 31, 2005