Metro DC-Virginia State Referee Program


For Distribution to SRC Members Only

Minutes for SRC Meeting

March 14, 2005

The meeting was called to order by SRC Chairman Gil McCallister. This meeting was held at the Best Western Executive Hotel in Richmond, Virginia. Committee members present were:

Gil McCallister, Chairman

Scott Meyer, SRA

Don Torrenti, SDA

Paul Mungra, SDI

Christie Bernas, VYSA Representative

Jim Sadowski, MDCVSA Representative

Denise Edwards, VYSA President

Also present was Mike Caswell.

New committee members and guests were welcomed.


The minutes from the October 18, 2004, meeting were reviewed and approved as submitted.

Financial Report

Scott Meyer presented the financial report. Expected income, primarily from registrations, shows on the report as slightly behind as a result of the volume of clinics during February and March and the amount of checks that still need to be deposited. However, the program remains fiscally sound.

Jim Sadowski stated that a contribution from MDCVSA is forthcoming from the association.



Gil McCallister requested that some form of recognition be arranged for the previous SDI and SDA for contributions made towards the success of the referee program.


Scott Meyer attended the USYSA Meeting in Salt Lake City.

Virginia is hosting the Region 1 Youth Tournament in Virginia Beach this year on June 28 through July 4. As host, there will be a need for a pool of additional referees to have in case of injury or shortage. This provides an opportunity for local young referees to participate in a regional event.

Sandra Hunt was a guest instructor at a DCV advanced referee clinic in Fredericksburg.

Scheduled sessions at the VYSA Workshop were conducted by DCV National Referees. Presentations were well done.

The State Office has moved to a new location in Tackett’s Mill. The new address is 2241-E.

The Pro Clinic in Baltimore was attended by approximately 40 DCV referees and 10-15 assessors. Our state level referees (Grade 5/6) are good quality referees and will be able to transition well to the next level.

Assignors in the north believe that they are losing referees for youth matches to adult games. This trend will be monitored and perhaps reminders issued to referees that obligations exist to officiate both youth and adult games.


Scott Meyer reported on the requirements for ODP and Region 1 and provided the dates of submission for the lists of referees and assessors slated to participate.

The dates for the Youth Referee Development Academy will be July 17-21 at the University of Richmond. Plans are also underway for two day camps (non-residential) in the north and south areas.

Scott reported on referee participation in an ODP event held in Virginia Beach. The weekend was structured similar to the State Cup and was very successful.


Paul Mungra, new SDI, indicated that there will be new area appointments in the north and south.

Paul reported on the NCSL STAR program. Approximately 185 referees, trained in conjunction with Maryland, were certified as Grade 12 referees for the step-in AR requirement for the teams.


Don Torrenti, new SDA, outlined goals for the assessment program and plans for a seamless transition. Plans include greater use of the National Referees in the program and scheduling of an entry level assessor course.


Scott Meyer provided current registration statistics. At this point in time, it appears that the program is approaching numbers that will meet or exceed last year’s registration.

Youth Representative

Christie Bernas present at meeting. [Brief comments inaudible on tape/no discussion on topic.]

Adult Representative

Jim Sadowski reported that plans are moving forward for the establishment of a State Office for the adult association near the VYSA office.

Men’s State Cup is scheduled for June 11-12. The scheduling of semi-final games is being reviewed for revision.

Jim reported on the progress of policy statements for assignors involving the assignment to affiliated and unaffiliated games.

Jim solicited names for consideration of referee of the year.

Jim discussed attrition within the referee program with Bill Robertson, Registrar, in an effort to determine why referees choose not to advance.

Unfinished Business

National Referee Certification Policy

This policy is tabled until an RDA is appointed and assigned to re-work the language and tone of the document and to create a program to further involve the National Referees in positive and constructive development within the State Referee Program.

Emeritus Referee Policy

Gil McCallister tasked the SDA and SDI to review all current policies, including the one pertaining to emeritus referees, and attempt re-work the approach and language of each toward a more “referee friendly” orientation.

Jim Down Endowment Fund

Jim Sadowski described options for establishing accounts to accept contributions and donations to the program. Gil asked Jim to continue to investigate how this can be accomplished and to contact the appropriate fiscal officers within VYSA.

Reporting and Recording Test Scores

Paul Mungra stated that some assignors have requested that referee test scores be made available to be a gauge of the quality or ability of the referees. There was some discussion. The motion was made and seconded to postpone action or implementation of a policy to provide test scores to assignors pending further investigation of this and other ways to assist the assignors.

Referee Development Brochure

Scott Meyer stated that the SRC has had an interest in producing a brochure for purposes of recruiting, changing the misconception about referees advancing only as far as Grade 7, and laying out advancement opportunities. Wayne Wray, SRP uniform sponsor, is to contractually obligated to subsidize production of a brochure. Scott presented a format and structure and noted that progress is underway.

New Business

Policy Manual Updates

Denise Edwards stated that any SRC policy changes or updates must first be submitted and approved by the two associations before publication and implementation. There was some discussion of what defines “procedure” and “policy”.

On-Line Registration Proposal

Scott outlined the components and costs of a proposal being considered for on-line registration for the SRP. Scott requested that the SDA, SDI, and Registrar review the proposal and report back to the SRC with a recommendation about whether the referee program should move forward with the on-line registration presented by the vendor.

Service Pins

Scott proposed that the SRP provide pins to referees, assignors, instructors, and assessors to recognize the number of years of service to the program. Distribution would be at the annual June meeting for instructors, assessors, and assignors and through local clubs to the referees.


Martin Hooker’s mother passed away. The program has taken action to send condolences.

Next Meeting

It was agreed that the next SRC Meeting will be May 16, 2005, in Richmond.

The meeting was adjourned and appropriate participants remained for an Executive Session.