KPTC – Committee Meeting Minutes –8March 2016
Apologies Ben Liu,Warren Booth,Gayle Powell, Peter Budd, Dylan Edgley,
Present Jeff Byrne, Don Simpson, Nicole Eaton, Gary Newnham, Debra Fairy, Steve Close, Brad Tuckerman
Minutes of the previous meeting- held on 9February 2016 at 7.30 pm were approved
New action itemsarising from this meeting (see details in the minutes):
Item: / Lead / Due Date- WHC new lease update- Jeff
- Revised BBQ area – Gary
- Council Grant – Peter
- Sheds - Jeff
Action items completed:
- Sausage Sizzle analysis
Action items still to be completed (carried over):
- TV Future leaders program: The committee agreed that we should promote this with our junior members before the program in July 2016
- Table cloths:Ben to follow up if he can purchase suitable material in bulk from his contacts
- Blinds will be completed. Paid by the Ladies Committee.
- Advertising on the outside of the building. Warren has asked for ideas. Flag to be updated with more information. Warren to get prices. Don to ask Council about a sign to be placed out the front.
- Honour boards: Don has it in hand.
- Injury register: A notice on the notice board letting members and visitors know that there is a form to completed (Deb). Jeff to get a school form template.
- Membership registration with Tennis Vic –Nicole to seek further information regarding the benefits and report back.
- Membership registration with Tennis Vic
Nicole not at the meeting so discussion deferred to next meeting
- WHC new lease update- Jeff
Jeff reported on progress. We have received an Outstanding InformationForm from Council requesting details on our club including our preferred length of lease with a requested response by 14 April. A number of clubs have also met with State MPs (Dee Ryall and Robert Clark) and Councillor Andrew Davenport re the discrimination/disability clause and a model ‘submission on this issue developed.
KPTC has written to Council twice
- Explaining we will not be meeting the 14 April response deadline – we are waiting for issues to be clarified
- Supporting the model clauses re the discrimination/disability issue.
We have very recently been advised by Council that the CEO will be writing to all clubs shortly and we now await this before deciding next steps. It is likely, however, that we will need to decide our preferred term at our next meeting.
- WHC small grant – Peter and Don
Agreed to seek funding for shades for outside seats, emphasising the ‘Sun smart’ angle. We need to agree design but should seek funding to the maximum of $1500.
- Coaches shed
The main issues were the need for as large a shed as possible but also the extra cost/work which may be involved in installing a shed which requires a permit (ie bigger than 3.1x3.1). Possible options were
- Option 1; Largest possible shed (ie 5.2 wide)
- Option 2: Largest shed not requiring a permit (ie 3.1x3.1)
- Option 3: Two smaller sheds side by side
Brad thought all options would meet coaches needs but others considered that Option 2 may not provide enough storage for all possible uses.
The preferred option was Option 1 provided the work required to get permit was not excessive. Jeff to follow up what is needed to secure required permit for consideration at next meeting.
- Revised BBQ area – Gary
It was agreed previously that a deck was the preferred option. Gary presented a rough plan for an extensive new deck with several new features
- Extends across the front of the clubhouse and upgrades steps into the clubhouse
- Allows for a new entry to the club from the car park from behind the water tanks
- Allows disabled access to the clubhouse as deck would be on a similar level to the car park.
This expanded deck requires more detailed plans to be prepared to allow cost estimates to be developed. A club member with appropriate technical expertise has offered to do these.
Agreed to get more detailed plans for an extensive deck to be prepared for report back at April meeting.
- Tennis balls
The cheaper Technik balls have been tested by club members – generally considered to be OK. They are also on the ERP list of approved balls.
Agreed to purchase a box of both the grades of Technik balls and try using different grades for different groups.
The February Treasurer’s report was accepted.
Don and Gary have been working to encourage those who took up the ‘Special offer’ to get involved with the Club. Don is specifically following up if any are interested in playing winter comps.
No new membership numbers available.
Mid-week ladies
About to start finals.
4 teams have won first finals, 2 teams lost.
Pennant teams are in nomination. Low on numbers this season – probably only 2 teams.
3 teams made finals (2 Singles/doubles, 1 doubles) all lost in first week. Getting ready for new season. Trying to get numbers for 3 Open doubles teams – Don putting list of names together.
Mid-week masters comp:
Just began a new season
Letters from Council
- Outstanding Information Form
- Advice that a further letter from the Council is imminent re the Lease
Letter from other clubs detailing possible ‘Model clauses’ for the discrimination/disability clause for consideration and submission to Council
Letters to Council
- Response toOutstanding Information Form advising that the Club is still considering its position and will not be meeting the Council response deadline
- Letter supporting the Model clauses’ for the discrimination/disability clause.
No general Business
Next Committee Meeting
Next meetingApril12th at 7:30pm.
Meeting closed at 9:00 pm
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