2016 Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes


Whorouly Primary School


Based on Strategic Plan2013-2016


Endorsement by School Principal / Signed:
Name: Fran Waterman.
Date: February 29th, 2016.
Endorsement by School Council / Signed……………………………………….
Endorsement by Senior Advisor / Signed……………………………………….

Guide to developing the Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes

To focus effort where it is most needed, four priorities have been identified for the entire Victorian government school system. The four priorities are:

  • Excellence in teaching and learning
  • Professional leadership
  • Positive climate for learning
  • Community engagement in learning.

Six evidence-based initiatives assist schools to identify and utilise the most effective, relevant and evidence-based strategies that when implemented with consistency and depth help drive improved student outcomes. The initiatives are associated with the four state-wide priorities, in the following way (please refer to the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes: Guidelines for schools):

Priority / Initiatives
Excellence in teaching and learning / Building practice excellence: Teachers, principals and schools will work together
Curriculum planning and assessment: School will embed a culture of curriculum planning, and assess the impact of learning programs, adjusting them to suit individual student needs
Professional leadership / Building leadership teams: Schools will strengthen their succession planning, develop the capabilities of their leadership teams in using evidence
Positive climate for learning / Empowering students and building school pride: Schools will develop approaches that give students a greater say
Setting expectations and promoting inclusion: Schools will work across their communities to implement support to health, wellbeing, inclusion and engagement of all students
Community engagement in learning / Building communities: Schools will strengthen their capacity to build relationships with the broader community by partnering

To guide the development of the 2016 Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes (AIP) schools will work with support from Senior Education Improvement Leaders (SEIL) to conductan annual evaluation of student outcomes dataagainst the targets set intheir School Strategic Plan. Schools then diagnose the issues requiring particular attention and select one or more initiative.

Principal and teacher performance and development plans include explicit links with the AIP and the School Strategic Plan. This ensures a line of sight from school improvement priorities and initiatives to each individual’s plan. The Guidelines provide further context and detailed information to support this work.

Summary page: the school’s priorities and initiatives

Tick the initiative/s that the school will address in its Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes.

Priorities / Initiatives / 
Excellence in teaching and learning / Building practice excellence / 
Curriculum planning and assessment / 
Professional leadership / Building leadership teams
Positive climate for learning / Empowering students and building school pride / 
Setting expectations and promoting inclusion
Community engagement in learning / Building communities
Initiatives Rationale:
Explain why the school, in consultation with the SEIL, has selected this initiative/s. Please make reference to the evaluation of school data, the progress against SSP targets, and the diagnosis of issues requiring particular attention.
Excellence in teaching and learning
  • Building practice excellence
  • Curriculum planning and assessment
Focus: Reading
As a school for the last 2 years we have focussed on writing which has be supported through some high quality professional development opportunities with Kaey Cobbin and across the Ovens Learning Community. This places Whorouly Primary School in the ideal position to build on the writing focus from 2013/14 and compliment it with just as high level professional development in the area of reading.
Reading has been identified as a focus for the school and cluster from our 2014 Threshold Data, as well as 2015 NAPLAN data for both our school and the seven schools across the Ovens Learning Community. Data from NAPLAN Achievement shows that the School Mean in Reading for Year 3 students has been below the State Mean since 2013, and in 2015 the Year Five Reading Mean for Whorouly PS was also below the State Mean.
Positive Climate for Learning:
  • Empowering Students and Building School Pride
  • Setting Expectations and Promoting Inclusion
Focus: Student Connectivity to Whorouly Primary School
As a school, last year we experienced a significant decline in Attitudes to School Survey Data from our Years 5 and 6 cohort in the areas of Classroom Behaviour and School Connectedness. While much of our data and the feedback we obtain from students is very positive, these two areas are ones that we will be proactively addressing and striving to improve over 2016.
Key Improvement Strategies (KIS)
List the KIS that are linked to this initiative/s and will be scaled up. This could include existing KIS from your SSP or new ones identified through the evaluation of student outcomes against SSP targets and the diagnosisof issues requiring particular attention.KIS may be specific to one outcome area or applicable across several areas.
Initiative: / KIS
Excellence in Teaching and Learning – Building practice excellence:
Maximise learning outcomes for all students in the Reading Domain of the AusVels and moving towards Victorian Curriculum. /
  • Provide a differential curriculum that makes teaching explicit with a clear focus on high student learning outcomes for every student.
  • Target Professional Learning to build teacher capacity in reading.
  • Develop Whole School learning and teaching program based on the Victorian Curriculum using School Review Program to drive future student outcome priorities.

Positive Climate for Learning – Empowering students to build school pride.
Develop and implement a comprehensive approach to engaging all students in their learning,and creating classroom and school structures that foster focussed learning opportunities, improved classroom behaviour and capturing student voice. /
  • Provide structure, support and strategies for teachers to engage students and foster leadership through programs such as ‘Blue Earth’, weekly embedded and explicit Emotion and Social Learning Classes across the school, and the introduction of the Achievement program.
  • Continued focus on student voice, and the inclusion of well-being as an agenda item at WPS PLTs.
  • Engaging our School Chaplain in specific and explicit programs to improve student wellbeing and emotional and social competencies.


Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes

Goals / Excellence in Teaching and Learning – Building practice excellence:
Maximise learning outcomes for all students in the Reading Domain of the AusVels and moving towards Victorian Curriculum. / Targets / Suggested targets:
•End Year 2016 English and Mathematics (all dimensions) NAPLAN targets:
Year 3
•90% above Band 3
•60% above Band 4
Year 5
•90% above Band 5
•50% above Band 6
Matched cohort growth to be 100% of state mean growth
12 month targets / For WPS to meet or exceed the State Mean in Reading as measured by NAPLAN in 2016.
For student achievement in Reading as measured by NAPLAN Relative Growth Trend Analysis to have student Low Growth to decrease to below State Average in Low Growth in 2016.
For student achievement in Reading to match or exceed student State Mean High Growth in 2016 for Year 5 in the area of Reading as measured by NAPLAN Relative Growth Trend Analysis.

what the school will do / HOW
the school will do it
(including financial and human resources) / WHO
has responsibility / WHEN
timeframe for completion / SUCCESS CRITERIA:
Markers of success reflecting observable changes in practice, behaviour, and measures of progress
Build Teacher capacity to utilise data and a range of assessment strategies to teach to a students’ point of learning. /
  • Conduct Professional Learning session related to NAPLAN, Fountas and Pinnell, English Online
and NFA.
  • Whole school approach to recording student achievement data.
  • All teaching staff have a PDP goal related to the use of data to differentiate planning and teaching.
  • Schedule PLT times to conduct Professional Learning sessions.
  • Utilise staff experience with Fountas and Pinnell
  • Build teachers knowledge of how to use SPA.
  • Establish a process for the consistent recording of data against the assessment schedule.
  • Sample PDP goals developed for staff.
  • Principal
  • Renee Morgan
  • Principal and Teachers
  • Principals
/ Term 1
Term 1 /
  • Professional learning sessions have been planned and conducted.
  • Evidence of Teacher Planning from WPS PLT strategies and learning.
  • All teachers are using SPA.
  • Class profiles that are inclusive of required assessments have been completed for the whole school.
  • All teachers have a PDP goal related to the use of data to differentiate teaching and planning.

Review Curriculum Documentation to include the new Victorian Curriculum and build staff capacity to have a consistent implementation across the school. /
  • Professional Learning on Victorian Curriculum.
  • Audit Curriculum F-10 to ensure it reflected the Victorian Curriculum.
  • Prepare Scope and Sequence documents, Year and Term planners.
  • Schedule PLTs to conduct Professional Learning.
  • PLT Times established for staff to audit the curriculum.
  • PLT time allocated for teacher to review and revise the Scope and Sequence Documents.
  • Principal
  • Principals and Teachers
  • Principal and Teachers
/ Term 3
Term 3 and 4
Term 3 and 4 /
  • All teachers have an increased understanding of the Victorian Curriculum.
  • Whole school curriculum documentation incorporating VictorianCurriculum completed:
  • Scope and Sequence
  • Year and Term Planners
  • Specialist Scope and Sequence in Italian and Art

Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes

Goals / Positive Climate for Learning – Empowering students to build school pride.
Develop and implement a comprehensive approach to engaging all students in their learning,and creating classroom and school structures that foster focussed learning opportunities, improved classroom behaviour and capturing student voice. / Targets / Improve Student Attitudes to School Survey scores for the following measures by 2016:
•Student Wellbeing: 6.00
•School Connectedness; to be at or above 4.60 for both girls and boys
•Student Motivation; to be at or above 4.70 for both girls and boys
•Classroom behaviour: to be at 3.84
•Student Safety to be at 4.60
Parent Opinion Survey:
•Student Safety score at 5.35
Student Motivation score at 6.00
•School Connectedness score at 6.25
Staff Survey : Achieve scores on
•Student Motivation at 82
•Student Behaviour (time) at 92
•Student Management at 82
Achieve average student absences at 12.5 days per student per year.
12 month targets /
  • To improve School Connectedness to 4.60 in 2016.
  • For Classroom Behaviour data to exceed 4.0 as a combined Mean Score for all Years 5 and 6 students in 2016.

what the school will do / HOW
the school will do it
(including financial and human resources) / WHO
has responsibility / WHEN
timeframe for completion / SUCCESS CRITERIA[FAJ2]:
Markers of success reflecting observable changes in practice, behaviour, and measures of progress
Increase opportunities to gauge student voice and feedback in the area/s of School Connectedness and Classroom Behaviour. /
  • Creation of a Years 3-6 survey which has aligned measure with the Attitudes to School Survey.
  • Creation of an end-of-term online survey for students in Years 3-6 to be delivered in the final week of each term.
  • All teachers to have a PDP goal related to the personalised teaching of School Connectedness, Classroom Behaviour, Student Engagement and/or Values Education.
  • Analysis of Cohort data and survey outcomes with staff using PLT Time, as well as in collaboration with Chaplain.
  • Establish with staff the surveys and analysis timelines and frameworks.
  • Sample PDP goals developed with staff.
  • Principal and Teachers.
  • Principal and Teachers.
  • Principal.
  • Prior to May.
  • Week 9, Term 1.
  • Term 1.
  • Increased range of tools to record and represent Student Connectedness and Classroom Behaviour.
  • Identification of student dissatisfaction addressed through Personalised Teacher Planning and ILPs as needed.
  • Evidence of Chaplain engaging with students identified as having lower levels of School Connectedness and impacted by Classroom Behaviour.
  • All teachers have a PDP gaol relating to student engagement to WPS.

Explicit teaching of the importance of differentiated programs and inclusive Classroom Practices. /
  • Whole School Agreed Values Education Program timetabled into common weekly work programs for all teachers.
  • Review School Values and Resources and Programs for the teaching of Values Education.
  • Aligned Guaranteed Curriculum Timetable for Values Education.
  • Values and Respectful student practices incorporated into Fortnightly Senior Health and Well Being classes.
  • Schedule PLTs to review School Values and collaborate on Values Education Program.
  • Principal and Teachers
  • Principal and Teachers
  • Week 1, Term 1.
  • Week 1, Term 2
  • Work Programs with explicit and personalised teaching of Values and Well-Being.
  • School Values included in Classroom learning tasks and success criteria.
  • Updated School Values.
  • Scope and Sequence of Interpersonal and Personal Development and Values Education documented.
  • Professional Learning Sessions have been planned and conducted.

Maximise the allocation of Equity Funding in 2016 meet Student Behavioural Needs and improve Classroom Learning Environment. /
  • Utilise existing surplus as well as equity funding to ensure the provision of an Integration Aide for a student with sever behavioural issues.
  • Oversee the appointment of Integration Aide/s.
  • Apply for Network contingency funding to support funding requirements.
  • Apply for PSD dunfing to support ongoing exployment of Aide as required.
  • Principal.
  • Week 1, Term 1.
  • Employment of Integration Aide.
  • Development of Behaviour Management Plans and supporting documents.
  • PSG meetings conducted.
  • Ensure non-deficit position due to the employment of an additional staff member.

Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes

Goals / To improve the levels of student engagement in their learning and feelings of wellbeing as reflected in their attitudes to school, their positive behaviours and their learning outcomes, as well as the feedback from parents, and to optimise the availability of our school chaplain. / Targets / Parent Opinion Survey:
•Student Safety score at 5.35
Student Motivation score at 6.00
•School Connectedness score at 6.25

12 month targets
what the school will do / HOW
the school will do it
(including financial and human resources) / WHO
has responsibility / WHEN
timeframe for completion / SUCCESS CRITERIA:
Markers of success reflecting observable changes in practice, behaviour, and measures of progress
The ‘Blue Earth’ program, our school values and work from The Resilience Project to continue to be embedded into the school in 2016. / Continued emphasis on the following will occur:
- Bluearth
- The Resilience Project
- Smiling Mind
- Budd:e
- Explicit School Wide Values Lessons each Monday afternoon.
- Participation in The Ride for Rural Minds Cluster Event. / Increased APT for Senior Teacher to oversee the creation of Attitudes to WPS Survey, leadership of Student Voice and Feedback.
Time Release arrangements.
Well-Being component in WPS PLTs.
Access to The Resilience Project/Mindfulness PL, either from WPS PL Budget and Priorities, or OLC Mindfulness Grant obtained through Rural City of Wangaratta Grant. / Ongoing. / Parent and Student opinion data targets as outlined above.
ILP’s established and goal acquisition by student measured.
eSmart accreditation commenced.
Student completion of Budd:eeSafety Modules.
Numbers of students/parents participating in the Ride for Rural Minds.
Provide regular opportunities for parent feedback and input to areas of implementation for the increased understanding of student learning, empowerment, and school extra-curricular programs. /
  • Formal PT interviews twice yearly.
  • Regular classroom and school newsletters feedback forms, as well as online forms.
  • Minimum of one family engagement activity semester directly related to a core curriculum area.
  • Updating of Website to occur regularly.
  • Timelines communicated well in advance, including Term Calendar.
  • Principal and Teachers
  • Principal and Teachers
  • Principal and Teachers
  • Term 2 and 4.
  • Once a Term.
  • Term Two and Term Four
  • Parent opinion data – extra-curricular data to remain at 2015 levels of 74.5 or higher.
  • Parents using online and paper forms to provide feedback to school
  • Number of engagement activities and attendance numbers.

Optimise the time allocated to WPS by our chaplain to deliver outcome-based programs to improve student resilience, wellbeing and social and emotional competencies. /
  • Creation of an explicit and adhered to timetable for the chaplain that delivers a minimum of two evidence-based programs to students at risk, such as ‘Seasons for Growth’ and the DET Resilience Modules to increase student well-being.
  • Creation of budget for Chaplain.
  • Training for chaplain as required.
  • Creation of a program delivery space for chaplain.
  • Principal and Chaplain.
  • By end of Term One.
  • Student feedback.
  • Student opinion survey – All Well-Being measures to remain at 6.50 or higher in 2016.
  • Parent opinion survey – student engagement levels of Social Skills to remain at 2015 levels or higher – 75.0.
  • Chaplain Timetable is based on the individual needs or students.

Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes

Goals / Collaboratively create a meeting schedule for WPS that includes weekly PLTs with a focus on improving student outcomes as measured by data, specifically in the area of Reading. / Targets / N/A from 2013-2016 SSP.
12 month targets / Successful induction and implementation of key strategies as outlined in this document.
Reading data (refer to targets relating to achievement area).
Staff Opinion Survey Data in the area of Intellectual Stimulation to be at or exceed State Level mean in 2016, as this was the only area in which we are below the state mean in 2015.

what the school will do / HOW
the school will do it
(including financial and human resources) / WHO
has responsibility / WHEN
timeframe for completion / SUCCESS CRITERIA:
Markers of success reflecting observable changes in practice, behaviour, and measures of progress
Targeted professional development for teachers in building their capacity as teachers of Reading. /
  • Creation of a teaching staff PLT model.
  • Specific budget allocated for teachers to complete relevant and high level professional development as required.
  • OLC Learning focus on Reading will be incorporated into Staff PD Plans.
  • All teaching staff to have a PDP goal related to growth in Reading Improvement of students.
  • Collaboratively developed a meeting schedule with identified focuses each week.
  • Review current minute/agenda format.
  • Include professional readings as a component of WPS PLTs.
  • PDP goals developed collaboratively with staff.
  • Teachers to identify through P and D plans areas that they would like to lead at a school level and professional development that they would like to engage in.
  • Principal and Teachers.
  • Teachers.
  • Term One.
  • End of Term One.
  • Improved student outcomes identified in the AIP for reading.
  • Improved teacher knowledge, judgement, resourcing and practice.
  • Teacher opinion survey in the area of intellectual stimulation to exceed 2015 levels and met or exceed State Level mean.
  • All teachers have a PDP goal related to improving student outcomes and/or growth in Reading.

Continue to maintain an overall Credit Surplus position in 2016 that enables WPS to maintain a minimum staffing/class structure in 2017 that matches the provisions of 2016. /
  • Hold staffing surplus funds by managing spending to ensure that in 2017 we can offer 2.6 EFT classroom teachers and a minimum of three classes in Literacy and Numeracy three days a week.
  • Principal to continue to have a teaching load 5 days a week.
  • Principal to oversee spending to ensure we do not exceed 90% of cash allocation in 2016.
  • Credit funds allotted to Cheryl Lewis in 2015 that were not transferred by Business Manager by DET deadline to be transferred early in 2016 to ensure clarity of financial position to Finance Committee Members.
  • Update SRP to ensure model reflects current enrolments at all times.
  • Utilise pre-school and early transition activities to develop enrolment projections for 2017.
  • Principal
  • Predicted staffing for 2017 by start of Term Four.
  • Enrolments of 30 or greater for 2017.
  • Employment of 2.6 minimum teachers EFT for 2017.
  • School in Credit Surplus position in 2017.

Monitoring of Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes