
B.A.LLB. (Sixth Semester)

Examination -2015

Political Science –VI

(International Relation and Global Politics)

Model Answer

Prepared by: Shamshad Ansari (Asst. Professor)


Choose the correct answer:-

1 (i) a E.H. Carr

(ii) d Global Cooperation

(iii) a Movement of the People

(iv) a Germany, Austria, Hungary and Itly

(v) a 1914

(vi) b 1798

(vii) a Simon De Beauvoir

(viii) c Karl Marx

(ix) a Wilson

(x) a Social Justice

(xi) d Student Movement

(xii) a 1970

(xiii) a Morgenthau

(xiv) a 1869

(xv) b Woodrow Wilson


Answer- 2

Introduction –

As an Academic Discipline, International Politics has been gaining immense popularity since the early years of 20th century. The first chair in international relations, the Woodrow Wilson Chair, was established in 1919 at the University of Wales. Between International Politics/International Relations got recognition as a major field of study. The nature of International Politics is similar to politics. Morgenthau, holds “International Politics like all other politics, is struggle for power. Whatever maybe the ultimate aim, its immediate aim is always power. The nature of International relation is as follows-

  1. Nations are the primary actors
  2. Nation interest is the objective
  3. Conflict is the condition of International Politics
  4. Power is the means
  5. Power is both a means and an end in International Politics
  6. International politics is also a process of conflict resolution among nations
  7. International Politics as a system of continuous interactions among Nations


Answer 3.

The chief exponent of political realism in international politics has been Hans J. Morgenthau. He has been responsible for building a realist model of international relation which seeks to explain all aspect of the struggle for power among nations. His realistic theory of international politics and the publication of his work ‘Politics Among Nations’ gave a big impetus to the theoretical studies of international relation.

Principles of Realism

  1. Political theory based upon objective law of human nature
  2. National interests defined in terms of national powers
  3. Interest is always dynamic
  4. Abstract moral principles cannot be applied topolitics
  5. Difference between moral aspirations of a nation and the universal moral principles
  6. Autonomy of international politics


Answer- 4

The First World War broke out with the declaration of war by Austria- Hungary upon Serbia on 28 July 1914. The World War I was due to many causes but the immediate cause of world war I is June 1914-Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in Sarajevo. The Europe was divided in to two opposite camps at the beginning of 1914. Member state of the triple alliance and the entente were making hectic military preparation for a war. Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Austrian, heir apparent was assassinated on 28 June 1914 in broad daylight in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia Province. His wife is also killed in the same incident. It was alleged that the assassins were slave extremist.

Answer – 5

Cold War denotes the existence of strained and tense relation between the two rival competitors in international relation. In the post war period, the term cold war to be used for describing the highly strained relation which came to be gradually developed between the erstwhile Soviet Union and United States. The Cold War was for the first time used by Bernard Baruch an American Statesman, but was popularised by Prof. Lippman. In the early year of Cold War Flemming defined it as “a war that is fought not in the battle field but in the minds of men, one tries to control the mind of others.

What is Cold War

Causes of Cold War.

Phases of Cold War



European Union

Second World War from 1939 to 1945 saw a human and economic cost which hit Europe hardest. It demonstrated the horrors of war and also of extremism, throughthe Holocaustand theatomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, for example. Once again, there was a desire to ensure it could never happen again, particularly with the war giving the worldnuclear weapons. Most European countries failed to maintain theirGreat powerstatus leaving two rival ideologically opposed superpowers.However, the exception was the USSR, which became a superpower after World War II and maintained the status for 45 years.

With statements such asWinston Churchill's 1946 call for a "United States of Europe" becoming louder, theCouncil of Europewas established in 1949 as the first pan-European organisation. In the year following, on 9 May 1950, theFrench Foreign MinisterRobert Schumanproposed a community to integrate the coal and steel industries of Europe – these being the two elements necessary to make weapons of war.

Objective of European Union

Structure of European Union



The progress of industrial revolution in the 20th century was accompanied by a replacement of police state by a welfare state. The state came to be an active actor in the economic life of the society. Globalization is in the air. It has now come to be one of the most frequently used terms in the politics and Economic. It is being projected as the common objective of the whole humankind.

Globalisation is seen as a conscious and active process of expanding business and trade across the border of all states. It stands for expanding cross-border facilities and economic linkages. This is to be done with a view to secure an integration of economic interests and activities of the people living in all parts of the world. The objective of making the world truly interrelated, interdependent, developed global village governs the ongoing process of globalization.

Section -C


The chief exponent of political realism in international politics has been Hans J. Morgenthau. He has been responsible for building a realist model of international relation which seeks to explain all aspect of the struggle for power among nations. His realistic theory of international politics and the publication of his work ‘Politics Among Nations’ gave a big impetus to the theoretical studies of international relation.

Principles of Realism

First Principles of Realism

a.Political theory based upon objective law of human nature

b.Facts of human relation

c.Rational hypothesis

Second Principles of Realism

  1. National interests defined in terms of national powers
  2. National interest is always secured by use of national Power
  3. Less concern with motive and ideological preference
  4. Little concern with motive
  5. Little concern with ideology
  6. Full support for rational foreign policy

Third Principles of Realism

  1. Interest is always dynamic
  2. Continuous evolution of national interest and national power

Fourth Principles of Realism

  1. Abstract moral principles cannot be applied topolitics
  2. Prudence as the guide

Fifth Principles of Realism

  1. Difference between moral aspirations of a nation and the universal moral principles

Six Principles of Realism

  1. Autonomy of international politics


Answer- 10

Cold War denotes the existence of strained and tense relation between the two rival competitors in international relation. In the post war period, the term cold war to be used for describing the highly strained relation which came to be gradually developed between the erstwhile Soviet Union and United States. The Cold War was for the first time used by Bernard Baruch an American Statesman, but was popularised by Prof. Lippman. In the early year of Cold War Flemming defined it as “a war that is fought not in the battle field but in the minds of men, one tries to control the mind of others.

What is Cold War

Causes of Cold War.

Phases of Cold War




International terrorism can be describedas a major means by the face in international community.
