Hi everyone, Thanks for taking the time to read what I stand for-

As a Kingston mature student I come with a strong background of experience in leadership; both in business and in political campaigns. I have led campaigns, managed staff, implemented structure and training, I have fought for campaigns such as, anti- bullying, women’s rights and rape bills to be amended in third world countries to push for justice for victims. When I get involved you can be sure it’s with passion.

I can create strong social campaigns both verbally and digitally. Most relevantly I represented Year 5 students to oppose the impractical exam timetable in 2016 fighting for change which resulted in a far better deal this year. I believe the individual voice should count and united we stand stronger. I will make our voices louder by highlighting matters which should unite not divide us.

I hear Kingston students from Europe worried about their career opportunities, students travel, fairer accommodation and travel cost solutions. laboratory access to train, video lectures, mental health support. These are only some issues I want to help you find solutions to, I am not afraid to ask difficult questions nor do I fear being unpopular in the process, if it gets the job done I am the person who can help us open doors and generate change.

If I am selected as NUS Delegate,

I will be passionately involved, listening to your voices and get things done and critically I will communicate with you regarding topics of importance and outcomes. I am a strong capable and tenacious individual with a strong moral foundation, I defend against bullying, fight for equal rights and mental health support within higher education. I am authentic and genuine and not in this campaign for hegemony or status but for what I can bring to the table.

Main goals

·  Represent Kingston Students at a national level to push for policy’s that affect us here at Kingston.