Remarks by Wor. Edmundo Moreno Molina, WM of Nueva Era 195

Fraternal Visit to Huelen Lodge’s Installation of Officers October 12, 2006

Worshipful Master, DB Richthofen Carrasco

Installing and Right Worshipful Master. DB Daniel Cerda

Dear Brothers of “Huelen Lodge,”

First of all, please excuse me for my poor English, but English is not my mother language. For this reason, I apologize myself for reading these badly written up, but fraternal lines.

Forty years have passed since I have had the opportunity to participate in Lodge under York Rite. The last time I assisted it was for an Initiation, when I was still an Apprentice, by the years 1966 (nineteen sixty-six) or 1967 (nineteen sixty-seven). Considering the aforementioned, you will easily understand how meaningful was for me in that time to receive such fraternal invitation from my dear brother Daniel Cerda González, District Deputy Grand Master, Right and Installing Worshipful Master, to who I reiterate my most sincere gratefulness.

In this meaningful occasion, and also accepting the fraternal invitation of my dear brother Daniel Cerda, I come accompanied by an important delegation of Apprentice brothers of my Lodge “New Age” N° 195 (one ninety-five), from which I feel honored to be its Worshipful Master, by the Junior Warden, dear brother Carlos Flores Navarrete, and by the Right Worshipful Master, dear brother Mario Lemus Bravo, who is one of the propellants of the idea to create a Spanish talking Lodge in the York Rite, under the jurisprudence of the Grand Lodge of Chile.

On the other hand, next to Mario Lemus Bravo, given the fraternal invitation of the recently installed Worshipful Master of the “Huelen Lodge”, dear brother Richthofen Carrasco, it comes an important group of Masters of “New Age” N° 195 (one ninety-five), everyone of them persistently working in the laudable idea of creating a Spanish talking Lodge of the York Rite.

Therefore, dear brothers, “New Age” N° 195 (one ninety-five) is today in attendance with almost half of its active members. This evidences the meaning and the relevance it has for us the opportunity to receive such fraternal invitations.

For those who we frequently work in the Scottish Rite, the York Rite is very unusual and practically unknown. However, together with the Schroeder’s Rite, the three of them are the most widely used in the Masonic world, and certainly worldwide recognized.

There is no doubt regarding the differences between them, which are much more evident than the ones we could find among a same ritual, depending on the country or the Grand Lodge that use it.

Nevertheless, the Masonic principles remain undamaged, imperturbable, like a rock, as it prays some ritual, granting a plinth or an ideology completely common to the Order members, either the ritual in which its works are developed for the welfare of man and the humanity.

Consequently, the differences we could find correspond to emphasis or conceptions differences, which obviously are inherent to the human being, to its idiosyncrasies, culture and socio-cultural conditions, confirming once again the universal state of Freemasonry.

When I reiterate our gratefulness for these fraternal invitations to participate on your transcendental and so beautiful ceremony of official’s installation, I do it with the immense value it has had for us, especially for our Apprentice brothers, who have had the opportunity to assay, in its enormous value, the Masonic diversity and its perfect harmony.

My most sincere thankfulness, dear brother Daniel Cerda, District Deputy Grand Master and Right Worshipful Master, and also dear brother Richthofen Carrasco, Worshipful Master; and thanks to you all dear brothers of “Huelen Lodge”.

Thanks a lot.