Writing 6 Name:

Final Exam Practice: Writing Issues

The questions on the exam will be very similar (but much shorter). I suggest you study this in a group! The final exam will also include grammar questions.

Paragraph and Essay Basics

  1. What is the definition of a paragraph?A group of sentences about one topic. It has a topic sentence tat states its main idea and it has a title and indent.
  2. What is the importance of the topic sentence? It tells the reader what your topic and your opinion about the topic are.
  3. In what academic situations may you write paragraphs?Almost all college classes require you to write paragraphs as homework! Also often on college quizzes.
  4. What's the difference between academic and non-academic writing? Academic: For a college class. Topics can be difficult. Structure (essay organization) is important. Non-academic: Can be useful (for work or lists) or creative (poetry, songs). Structure is more relaxed - you don't get a grade on it!
  5. What is an essay – fact or imagination or something else? Your opinion supported by facts.
  6. What are the 2 necessary parts of a thesis statement? Name the TOPIC (a noun) and give your OPINION
  7. Where do we usually find the thesis statement?Last sentence(s) in Intro
  8. Where do we usually find the topic sentences?First sentences in each paragraph
  9. Explain the difference: "topic" and "topic sentence." TOPIC = "subject" - it's a noun, the THING you write about. "Topic SENTNECE" - a single sentence in a paragraph.
  10. Explain the difference: "thesis statement" and "topic sentence." Thesis statement=Main idea of an entire essay. Topic sentence = main idea of a single PARAGAPH.
  11. Please explain the “hamburger model.” What does this explain?
  12. Tell me 4 kinds of supporting details.Statement, fact, example, quote (page 21, Packet)
  13. What is a hook? Interesting idea; often a question; "catch" the reader's attention and "make them like you?" = or want to read your paper.
  14. Tell me three good ways to write a hook.Most common - Ask a question. Also: Write an interesting quote, usually from a famous person, or write a surprising FACT (often a number). May also be: An exciting scenario; An unusual fact; A surprising statistic.
  15. Conclusions usually are one of four styles. What are they? What information do they give?“MOPS” = Moral (what did you learn?), Opinion (what do you think about it?), Prediction (what will happen in the future?), Suggestion (what should we do?)
  16. Give an example of a transition that introduces a conclusion OTHER THAN “In conclusion,--” There are so many! “In the final analysis …” “What can we conclude?” “To finish,” “To conclude,” … Use your imagination.
  17. What should all conclusions do?They restate (NOT repeat) thesis statement, may give summary of main points. They may say something new but don’t introduce new facts. Mainly, they give a “completed” feel.
  18. Write an example of a Direct (or Stated) thesis statement and an example of an Indirect (or Implied) thesis statement.Direct: “There are many things I look for in a friend, but the main things are a sense of humor, similar tastes, and loyalty.” Indirect: “There are many things I look for in a friend.”
  19. What is a title? How is it formatted, and what are the differences between a good title and a weak title?First letter of all words capitalized except prepositions, articles; NO periods in titles; NOT a complete sentence; should be short, interesting, and NOT the topic
  20. What is an indent? How do you create an indent on the computer? What does it mean?
  21. What are the steps of the writing process?The answer is in the Writing Packet -- page 19
  22. Tell me some facts about brainstorming.It's the first thing you do AFTER selecting a topic, and it can help you narrow the topic. Grammar, complete sentences not as important as ideas. No specific format required, bust many essay types do have a typical style (for example, Comparison essays use Venn diagrams). Not all ideas brainstormed should be used! Write MUCH More than goes into an essay! An important step in deciding WHAT to write.
  23. What does "MOPS" mean? “MOPS” = Moral (what did you learn?), Opinion (what do you think about it?), Prediction (what will happen in the future?), Suggestion (what should we do?)
  24. What are Roman numerals? I, II, III, IV, V ...
  25. What is an outline? A plan that helps you organize your writing. It's VERY IMPORTANT for an essay - not so useful for a paragraph. It has specific organization and format.

Response Writing

  1. What are your goals in response writing?
  2. What MUST you state at the beginning of response writing?
  3. Should you give your opinion when writing a response?
  4. Should you describe or explain the thing you're responding to?
  5. Write a thesis statement for a response paper.

Process Writing (or ‘Process Analysis’)

  1. Give some topics that would be good for a process essay.
  2. Give some topics that would be BAD for a process essay, and explain why.


buying new shoes:ok

smoking a cigarette: ok, but simple

calling a friend: no, not enough

putting on a hat: no, only one step

planting a tree: yes

becoming a US citizen:yes

failing a class: yes

  1. Write a thesis statement for a process essay. There are ___ steps to follow when you're planting a tree.
  2. How is process writing organized? Usually by TIME, but for some topics (like "How to get along with your mother-in-law" by IMPORTANCE.
  3. What are the most important transitions for process writing? First, ... Next, ... After that, ... and so on
  4. Process writing tells the reader the steps to follow to do something. What else should it include? ADVICE about doing it!
  5. What types of transition word are used in this writing? Time words.

Description Essays

  1. What’s the goal of this kind of writing? To share your memories of the topic so clearly that the reader actually can imagine seeing it
  2. What are the three most common types of topics?People - places /things - events; any of these which are very clear in the writer's memory. What topics do YOU remember clearly?
  3. What are the two most common ways to organize the supporting details?First, put all description of one sense together. That is, if you begin by describing the appearance of the subject, complete EVERYTHING you have to say about the appearance in that paragraph. Don't return to "appearance" in a later paragraph. Also, try to describe either through space or through time. That is, describe appearance by starting in one area, then "moving" smoothly from left to right, up to down, or far away to near. For an event, you may describe what you FIRST see, then what you LATER see.
  4. A good description will include the five __senses______plus ___emotions.___ .
  5. Should this writing tell your opinion of the good points and bad points of the topic?NO - you are like a scientist, just describing the facts. You can put the "good and bad" points into the conclusion.
  6. Try choosing a topic and writing a brainstorm for it.
  7. What special type of word does good description include?Successful descriptive writing has many strong adjectives; it puts a lot of information into as few sentences as possible; and, finally, it shows emotion and is on a topic the writer cares about a lot.
  8. What are the 5 senses?
  9. Write some adjectives that could be used for descriptive writing.
  10. What is “tone”? The mood or emotion the WRITER has that he/she shares with the reader.
  11. What are stative verbs? Why are stative verbs related to description writing? "Seem - Look - Feel - Sound - Smell - Taste" : for example:
    The room seems comfortable.
    She looks friendly.
    This place sounds very loud.
    Everything in the room smells delicious.
    The air is salty and tastes like the ocean.
  12. How is a description different from a narrative? It focuses on describing, NOT on telling a story.

Narrative Essays.

  1. Define: setting, mood, charactersSetting: Time AND place of story. Mood: Emotions the writer gives to the reader. Characters: People in the story.
  2. Tell me something about narrative essays: how are they special?They tell a story (probably factual); the thesis statement is more “relaxed” than in other essay forms; the main action (most of the plot) is in the Body; the Conclusions are usually Morals (What you learned), Revelations (surprise endings), or Predictions (the future).
  3. What makes a good topic for a narrative essay? Tell me 2 things or more.Should take a fairly short time (a story that takes 1-4 hours): should include a learning or changing experience for you; should be interesting; should have a most exciting point (a climax)
  4. Where is the thesis developed in a narrative? The Body
  5. What part of the essay is devoted to telling the plot? The Body
  6. What are good ways to conclude a narrative essay?Moral or Revelation.
  7. Some transitions explain time relationships. Give me 4 transition words that mean “happening at the same time.”during, while, when, as, at the time, simultaneously …
  1. This a plot arc. Label the four sections.

Also indicate how it fits into an essay. conflict----development----climax----resolution

Comparison Essays

  1. Explain the “point-by-point” method and write an example outline for it.
  2. Explain the “block” method and write an example outline for it.
  3. Which method is better for a simple topic? for a complex topic?Block: simple subjects that the reader can remember. Point-by-point: More complex subjects.
  4. Can you write about both similarities and differences in 1 essay – in general? In Level 6?Yes, in general, you may write about Comparisons (similarities) and Contrasts (differences) in the same essay. But it's difficult, and I suggested you write about only similarities or only differences.
  5. Write 3 transition words that show similarity.Similarly, In the same way, Too, Likewise, Like (noun), …
  6. Write 3 transition words that show contrast.However, On the other hand, Unlike (noun), Yet, In contrast, In contrast to (noun),
  7. Write a Venn diagram brainstorm for the topic “A Chihuahua or a Cat as a Pet?”.

  8. Write a Direct thesis statement on the topic above, then write an Indirect (Implied) thesis statement on the same topic.I’ll focus on differences: Direct. “There are many differences between these two small pets; the most important are the noise they make, the affection they give, and the exercise they need.”
    I’ll focus on similarities now: Implied/Indirect. “Even though these animals are different species, they are both great small pets, and they have some important similarities.”
  9. What is "parallel organization"?

Sentence Structure

Indicate if each sentence is simple (S) or compound (C). If it is compound, add a comma.

S 1. My black dog and my red cat are sitting in front of the fireplace and sleeping.

C 2. She is very beautiful but she isn’t very nice.

S 3. The evil policeman gave the friendly teacher a speeding ticket.

S 4. This weekend he will snowboard and ski.

S 5. They don’t like cleaning their house or grocery shopping.

C 6. The diligent student studied hard and did all his homework so he got an “A”

in the class.

S 7. Susan listens to jazz or rap music in the evenings.

S 8. He isn't done yet

S 9. They ate dinner at an expensive restaurant and danced at a popular club on

Friday night.

S 10. Jackie Chan and Eddie Murphy act on TV and in the movies.

S 11. In the winter, the little birds fly to my house and eat bird food.

S 12. The young people in the dirty house on our street always have loud parties

at night.

C 13. This summer she will fly to Europe and backpack in the Alps or she will fly

to Nepal and climb Mt. Everest.

C 14. Max needs money for a new car so he got a part-time job.

S 15. The students love Oregon but hate the rain.

S 16. The man on the radio played romantic songs in the evening and dance

songs in the morning.

C 17. She loves dogs but she hates cats.

C 18. The young boy watched TV for 5 hours so his mother became angry at him.

S 19. The pretty woman in the red dress read a sad book about love and cried.

S 20. She loves dogs but hates cats.


Tell whether each sentence is a simple (S) sentence,compound (CP), or complex (CX).

____ 1. As soon as I make enough money, I will retire and live “the good life.”

____ 2. Jack is studying in the corner of the library at the table next to the window.

____ 3. Because it was raining, I stayed at home and read a funny book.

____ 4. He will be in very good shape after he trains for the marathon.

____ 5. If I get paid tomorrow, I will go shopping.

____ 6. They are very smart although they don’t like to do homework.

____ 7. He expressed his opinion to the women, but they didn’t understand him.

____ 8. She doesn’t like alcohol, yet she drank wine and beer with dinner.

____ 9. The woman in the red sweater is sitting by the man with the blue coat.

____ 10. Because Susan is shy, she doesn’t like parties.

____ 11. Since I am hungry, I will eat my lunch.

____ 12. I listen to the radio while I cook dinner.

____ 13. I walk my dog in the morning before I come to work.

____ 14. She loves the Pacific Northwest although she misses Midwest snow.

____ 15. I will go on vacation as soon as classes end.

Identify the sentences below. F=fragment,RO= run onOK=correct

_____1. She can do it next week.

_____2. After the movie was over, we went to dinner.

_____3. The people who helped us last winter.

_____4. The bus came my friend got on it.

_____5. Whenever you want to come over.

_____6. I went to the animal fair, the birds and the beasts were there, the big baboon by the light

of the moon was combing his auburn hair.

_____7. The tragedy in New York one of the worst in U.S. history.

_____8. The book in the bedroom on the shelf by the window.

_____9. I want to go to the university, I want to study medicine or physical therapy.

_____10. When you go to school you learn study habits you learn how to take a test.

_____11. Pets that are cute in the pet store often become unmanageable at home.

_____12. Twice a year clocks are adjusted this causes confusion for some people.

_____13. By studying the nutrition labels on food and calculating the amount of calories and

grams consumed daily.

_____14. Alex explained that because of the cost of postage, he will no longer send Christmas


_____15. Laws protecting whales from becoming endangered have been passed by many

nations in recent years, some nations, however are reluctant to enforce laws.

_____16. Being very tall an advantage when playing basketball.

_____17. Montreal, the largest city in Quebec, where French can be heard in both business and

social settings.

_____18. Many libraries are taking steps to preserve their old and valuable books.

_____19. Although the Olympic committee vetoed the idea of recognizing the sport.

_____20. Luis demonstrated how to make tortillas, he prefers them to bread or rice.