Honors DoaS essay/ Core 1 Assessment/DoaS essay Name ______Block ______

TASK: In a claim-based essay, students will discuss common themes using 2 different pieces of literature—drama, short fiction, long fiction or poetry—to explain how that common theme develops and affects the plot in each work.

This is a more demanding claim statement than you would write for a 1- work analysis, requiring more crafting to keep it concise and clear but still complex enough to provide enough focus for the meaningful analysis of 2 pieces.

RESOURCES: You will select 2 pieces of literature, 1 must be Death of a Salesman, from our core selections but the 2nd may be from our ancillary readings or a student-selected piece of literary merit. Choose WISELY.

·  CORE: (1 required) (Oedipus Rex as second piece), Death of a Salesman (essay focus= REQUIRED)

·  ANCILLARY: “Two Words”, “80-yard Run”, “My Son, My Executioner”, “The Gift”, myth poems


** NOTE : we will be doing peer feedback and revision. While you may ask someone to read your introduction for clarity or help you judge if a piece of evidence supports your point, you should NOT be sharing the responsibility for this process with others. Use your best judgment.**

**Students may bring their own laptop to work on any part of the process. Please see the BYOD policy**

**IF YOU’RE ABSENT, it is expected that you know what you’re missing in class and you will use the online calendar resources to stay on track for your return to school.**

GRADING : The process pieces (HW and W) will be graded and counted in the 3rd 2nd MP. Be aware of late work and the impact on your grade.

The Cores (1&2) are counted separately (10% each) and are individually incorporated into your final course grade.

o  Monday 11/33/29

ÿ  Review Revised DoaS Lab Claims
ÿ  Assignment—Core 1
ÿ  Select 2 pieces of lit that share a common thematic relationship
ÿ  REVIEW: difference between Claim, Theme and Topic statements
ÿ  Compose claim statementàinclude each of the pieces chosen as well as a common theme statement (WHAT) and an attempt at common device (HOW).
**This is a more demanding claim statement than you would write for a 1- work analysis, requiring more crafting to keep it concise and clear but still complex enough to provide enough focus for the meaningful analysis of 2 piecesREVIEW: essay structure and topic statements.
Compose topic statements
ÿ  Turn in claim on index card before you leave / ÿ  Late lab claims for partial credit
ÿ  HW finish topic statements

ÿ  Tuesday 11/43/30

ÿ  Receive claim with teacher feedback
ÿ  REVIEW: essay structure and topic statements
ÿ  Compose & Peer-edit topic statements
ÿ  REVIEW: Evidence selection
ÿ  Select evidence from sources 1 (see reqs in HW à) / ÿ  HW Add final claim statement, topic statements, source 1 evidence to cadaver (framework on calendar) and PRINT for class check MondayTHURSDAY-- ¶1 especially not Monday
-4 FULL TEXT examples from each source (4/each =8 total)
-include page/line #
-include evidence purpose—how this will help you prove point in topic statement?

o  Wednesday 11/53/31

ÿ  Evidence check for source 1
ÿ  Select evidence from source 2 (see reqs in HW 11/4 à)REVIEW: paragraph structure (transitions, analysis vs. summary, clinchers)
ÿ  Compose 1st body ¶
ÿ  Topic statement, introduce work 1, embed examples and analysis from work 1, transition, introduce work 2, embed examples and analysis from work 2, and clincher. / ÿ  HW Finish evidence selection for Source 2, Add to cadaver and PRINT for class check ThursdayFRIDAY
ÿ  HW Finish 1st body ¶ and PRINT

o  Thursday 11/64/1

ÿ  Check Evidence framework with Source 2 evidence
ÿ  REVIEW: paragraph structure (transitions, analysis vs. summary, clinchers)
ÿ  Compose 1st body ¶
ÿ  Topic statement, introduce work 1, embed examples and analysis from work 1, transition, introduce work 2, embed examples and analysis from work 2, and clincher. / ÿ  HW Finish 1st body ¶ and PRINT

ÿ  Friday 11/7

Check complete Evidence framework
ÿ  Peer Review 1st body ¶
ÿ  TUTORIAL: Sentence combining/punctuation & issues of craft/grammar reminders
ÿ  Embedding and citing for drama and poetry
ÿ  Compose 2nd body ¶ / ÿ  Combine sentences, revise embedding, and make peer revisions to 1st body ¶
ÿ  HW Finish 2nd body ¶ & PRINT full body

o  Monday 11/104/4

ÿ  Peer review FULL body
ÿ  REVIEW: Introductions & Conclusions: Why do they matter? / ÿ  Make peer revisions body
ÿ  HW Complete and Type Introduction and PRINT Essay

ÿ  4/Tuesday 11/511

ÿ  Peer Review FULL Essay Draft
ÿ  Tutorial: MLA paper formatting / ÿ  Make FINAL revisions and PRINT for submission at start of class Friday. 11/144/6
(Absent= by e-mail due at start of class)

ÿ  4/6FRIDAY 11/14

o  Students will submit their completed analysis with their reviewed draft by the start of the block today **
o  Return textss
**Absentees should be sure to send their final analysis to via e-mail by the start of the block to receive credit AND check for a response e-mail confirming that the e-mail was received with the file attached and it will open. / o  Absentees: send final analysis to via e-mail by the start of the block to receive credit AND check for a confirmation e-mail. Bring your text to and draft to turn in when you return.

Core 1 RUBRIC Honors: NAME ______Block ______

FocusFocus / Distinct focusDistinct focus / Clear focusClear focus / Adequate focusAdequate focus / Vague focusVague focus / Confused focusConfused focus
·  Focused, purposeful; sticks tightly to the topic
·  Sophisticated/insightful claim
·  All ideas and evidence relate tightly to claim
·  Excellent choice of selection to support claimFocused, purposeful; sticks tightly to the topic
·  Sophisticated/insightful claim
·  All ideas and evidence relate tightly to claim
·  Excellent choice of selection to support claim / ·  Well-focused on topic
·  Clear and correct claim
·  All/most evidence supports claim
·  Good choice of selection to support claimWell-focused on topic
·  Clear and correct claim
·  All/most evidence supports claim
·  Good choice of selection to support claim / ·  Adequate focus on topic
·  Clear claim stated, but may be too broad
·  Evidence mostly supports claim
·  Logical choice of selections to support claimAdequate focus on topic
·  Clear claim stated, but may be too broad
·  Evidence mostly supports claim
·  Logical choice of selections to support claim / ·  Focus may wander
·  Claim may be very simple
·  Evidence at times supports claim
·  Selections may not adequately support claim / ·  Addressed topic, but loses focus
·  Claim not stated or is incorrect
·  Much evidence not related to topic
·  Selections are weakAddressed topic, but loses focus
·  Claim not stated or is incorrect
·  Much evidence not related to topic
·  Selections are weak
Content Dev. (X2)Content Dev. (X2) / Well-developed, sophisticated contentWell-developed, sophisticated content / Specific, adequately developed contentSpecific, adequately developed content / Sufficient contentSufficient content / Vague contentVague content / Superficial contentSuperficial content
·  Superior understanding; contains accurate information
·  Sophisticated ideas, fully developed
·  Substantial specific, and illustrative examples, reasons, or details (4 min/each source)
·  Strong analysis with little to no plot summarySuperior understanding; contains accurate information
·  Sophisticated ideas, fully developed
·  Substantial specific, and illustrative examples, reasons, or details (3 min/each source)
·  Strong analysis with little to no plot summary / ·  Good understanding, contains accurate information
·  Well-developed ideas
·  Specific, relevant, and illustrative examples (4 min/each source)
·  Good analysis; some plot summary, which supports analysisGood understanding, contains accurate information
·  Well-developed ideas
·  Specific, relevant, and illustration example(3 min/each source)
·  Good analysis; some plot summary, which supports analysis / ·  Adequate understanding; information generally accurate
·  Good development, with sufficient details
·  Examples used, but may lack insight or impact (4 or less/each source)
·  Adequate analysis but may contain too much emphasis on plot Adequate understanding; information generally accurate
·  Good development, with sufficient details
·  Examples used, but may lack insight or impact (3 or less/each source)
·  Adequate analysis but may contain too much emphasis on plot / ·  Partial or limited understanding; may contain some errors in information
·  Development uneven; few details contributing to explanations
·  May lack important supporting examples (3 or less than 4 /each)
·  Minimal analysis; may be marred by long plot summaries / ·  Possible misunderstanding; inaccurate information
·  Development is nonspecific; few to no details
·  Lacks examples (less than 4 each)
·  Poor analysis; almost all plot summaryPossible misunderstanding; inaccurate information
·  Development is nonspecific; few to no details
·  Lacks examples ( less than 3/each source)
·  Poor analysis; almost all plot summary
OrganizationOrganization / Controlled, compelling organizationControlled, compelling organization / Effective organizationEffective organization / Appropriate organizationAppropriate organization / Inconsistent organizationInconsistent organization / Confused organizationConfused organization
·  Controlled, compelling organization of components (introduction, claim, support paragraphs with topic sentences, transitions, conclusion)
·  Logical and fluent progression of ideas
·  Strong/thoughtful transitions
·  Coherent and unifiedControlled, compelling organization of components (introduction, claim, support paragraphs with topic sentences, transitions, conclusion)
·  Logical and fluent progression of ideas
·  Strong/thoughtful transitions
·  Coherent and unified / ·  Clear and complete organization of components
·  Logical progression of ideas
·  Transitions evident, often work well
·  Generally coherent and unifiedClear and complete organization of components
·  Logical progression of ideas
·  Transitions evident, often work well
·  Generally coherent and unified / ·  Good organization; has all components
·  Some logical progression of ideas
·  Some use of transitions
·  Coherence and unity may slip at timesGood organization; has all components
·  Some logical progression of ideas
·  Some use of transitions
·  Coherence and unity may slip at times / ·  Includes a beginning, middle and end but may be unclear
·  May require rereading to follow progression of ideas
·  Some use of transitions
·  Coherence and unity may slip at times / ·  Attempt at organization; flawed/missing introduction/conclusion; paragraphing errors
·  Connections between ideas are confusing or missing
·  No transitions
·  Coherence and unity lackingAttempt at organization; flawed/missing introduction/conclusion; paragraphing errors
·  Connections between ideas are confusing or missing
·  No transitions
·  Coherence and unity lacking
Style ConventionsStyle Conventions / Nearly error freeNearly error free / Few errorsFew errors / Some errorsSome errors / Repeated weaknessesRepeated weaknesses / Errors interfere with purposeErrors interfere with purpose
·  Control of writing conventions enhances readability
·  Complex sentence structure
·  Skillful word choice
·  embedded evidence is correct and align with works cited pageControl of writing conventions enhances readability
·  Complex sentence structure
·  Skillful word choice
·  Embedding is skillful and accurate/In-text citations are correct / ·  Generally has command of writing conventions; may contain a few errors on spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and usage
·  Varied sentence structure and accurate word choice
·  Most embedded evidence is correct and align with works cited pageGenerally has command of writing conventions; may contain a few errors on spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and usage
·  Varied sentence structure and accurate word choice
·  Most embedding is well done and accurate/In-text citations are correct / ·  Some errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation and usage
·  Correct sentence structure in most cases; adequate word choice—not vivid
·  Some embedded evidence is correct and align with works cited pageSome errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation and usage
·  Correct sentence structure in most cases; adequate word choice—not vivid
·  Some embedding is well done and accurate/In-text citations are correct / ·  Repeated errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation and usage
·  Simplistic and basic sentence structure in too many instances; some evidence of word choice
·  Embedding is lacks skill and is inaccurate/In-text citations are incorrect / ·  Many errors in spelling, punctuation capitalization and usage
·  Simplistic or incorrect sentence structure; unspecific or immature word choice
·  Flawed or absent embedded evidence and works cited pageMany errors in spelling, punctuation capitalization and usage
·  Simplistic or incorrect sentence structure; unspecific or immature word choice
·  Flawed or absent embedding/in-text citations are incorrect

Core 1 RUBRIC Honors: NAME ______Block ______

FocusFocus / Distinct focusDistinct focus / Clear focusClear focus / Adequate focusAdequate focus / Vague focusVague focus / Confused focusConfused focus
·  Focused, purposeful; sticks tightly to the topic
·  Sophisticated/insightful claim
·  All ideas and evidence relate tightly to claim
·  Excellent choice of selection to support claimFocused, purposeful; sticks tightly to the topic
·  Sophisticated/insightful claim
·  All ideas and evidence relate tightly to claim
·  Excellent choice of selection to support claim / ·  Well-focused on topic
·  Clear and correct claim
·  All/most evidence supports claim
·  Good choice of selection to support claimWell-focused on topic
·  Clear and correct claim
·  All/most evidence supports claim
·  Good choice of selection to support claim / ·  Adequate focus on topic
·  Clear claim stated, but may be too broad
·  Evidence mostly supports claim
·  Logical choice of selections to support claimAdequate focus on topic
·  Clear claim stated, but may be too broad
·  Evidence mostly supports claim
·  Logical choice of selections to support claim / ·  Focus may wander
·  Claim may be very simple