Part – A
- What are Ultrasonic waves?
- Mention any 4 properties of ultrasonic waves.
- What is magnetostriction effect?
- What is meant by piezoelectric effect?
- What are the different methods used for the production of ultrasonic waves?
- Mention some uses of the ultrasonic waves.
- What is SONAR? Explain how ultrasonic waves are used in SONAR.
- What is meant by Sonogram?
- What is acoustic grating?
- Name any four methods of detection of ultrasonic waves.
- What are the different scanning methods used in ultrasonic?
- How are ultrasonic waves used to measure depth of sea?
- What is cavitation? Mention its use.
- A quartz crystal of thickness 0.001m is vibrating at resonance. Calculate the fundamental frequency. Density of quartz crystal 2.650x108 Kg/m3 and Young’s modulus for quartz 7.9x1010N/m2.
- A ultrasonic generator consists of a quartz plate of thickness 0.7 mm and density 2800 kg/m3. Find the fundamental frequency of ultrasonic waves if the Young’s modulus of quartz is 8.8 x 10 10 N/m2.
- Calculate the frequency of ultrasonic waves that can be generated by a nickel rod of length 4 cm. (Young’s modulus of nickel = 207 Gpa and density of nickel= 8900 Kg/m3)
Part – B
- Explain with neat circuit diagram, the generation of ultrasonic waves using magnetostriction method and list out some properties of ultrasonic waves.(12+4)
- Explain how ultrasonic waves can be produced by using piezoelectric crystal and write any four applications of ultrasonic.(12+4)
- With theory, explain the method of determination of velocity of ultrasonic waves in liquid using acoustic grating.(8)
- Explain how ultrasonic waves are used in the following engineering applications.(4+8)
- Detection of Flaw in metals.
- What is Doppler Effect? Explain how the Doppler effect is used in ultrasonic to study fetal heart movement.(10)
- With necessary block diagram, explain the functioning of ultrasonic flaw detector. Explain the different scanning methods.(16)
- (i) Explain in detail various scanning mode using ultrasonic waves. (8)
(ii) Write a note on sonogram with neat sketch. (8)
Part – A
- What does the term LASER stands for?
- What are the characteristics of laser beam?
- What is mean by coherence in laser light?
- Distinguish between spontaneous and stimulated emission.
- What are Einstein’s coefficients A and B in laser?
- What is the principle of laser?
- What are the conditions needed for the laser action?
- What is meant by population inversion and metastable state.?
- What is meant by pumping mechanism?
- What are different types of pumping mechanism to achieve population inversion?
- What are the important requisites for laser action to takes place?
- What are the different types of laser?
- What is meant by direct band gap and indirect band gap semiconductor?
- What are the roles played by the He and N2 in CO2 laser?
- Mention any two applications of laser.
- What is meant by hologram?
- What is the reason for using a laser beam in holography?
- State any four applications of laser in engineering and industry.
- State any four application of laser in medicine.
- How will you convert LED into laser source?
- Compare holography with photography.
- Write down the ratio of the stimulated emission to spontaneous emission.
- What is the principle of semiconductor laser?
- What are the advantages of heterojunction semiconductor laser over homojunction semiconductor laser?
Part – B
- For atomic transitions, derive Einstein relation and hence deduce the expressions for the ratio of spontaneous emission rate to the stimulated emission rate. (16)
- Explain the different methods used for pumping of atoms.(8)
- What is a gas laser? Explain the working of He-Ne laser with relevant diagram.(8)
- Describe the construction and working of Nd-YAG laser.(8)
- What is a molecular gas laser? Explain the modes of vibrations of CO2 molecule and describe the construction and working of a CO2 laser with a neat sketch. (16)
- What is a semiconductor diode laser? Explain the construction and working of Ga-As laser. (homojunction semiconductor laser)(8)
- Explain with a neat sketch the construction and reconstruction of a hologram using laser beam.(8)
- Write a short notes on material processing?(8)
Part – A
- What is fiber optics?
- Define acceptance angle.
- Define numerical aperture.
- What are the types of optical fibers?
- Differentiate single mode from multimode fiber.
- Mention the applications of optical fibers as sensors.
- Define total internal reflection.
- What are the conditions to obtain total internal reflection?
- Mention the components involved in fiber optical communication system.
- What are the advantages of the fiber optical communication system over conventional system?
- What is the basic principle of fiber sensors?
- Why optical fibers are called as waveguides?
- What are the differences between step index and graded index fiber?
- What type of sources is used for optical communication system?
- Define intermodal dispersion.
- What is meant by attenuation?
- What is intrinsic absorption?
- What is dispersion?
- Calculate the numerical aperture and acceptance angle of a fibre with the core index of 1.54 and cladding 1.50.
- What is the role of cladding in an optical fibre?
- What is splicing? Mention the two types of splicing.
- List four factors that cause loss in optical fibre.
- What is an Endoscopes? Mention its use.
- A silica optical fiber has a core refractive index of 1.5 and cladding refractive index of 1.47. calculate the critical angle at the core-cladding interface.
- What are the types of sensors used in fiber optic communication?
- Find the numerical aperture and acceptance angle of an optical fiber whose core has a refractive index of 1.5 (refractive index of cladding = 1.447 and refractive index of air =1)
- What are active and passive sensors?
Part – B
- Define numerical aperture and derive expression for the numerical aperture and acceptance angle of fibre in terms of refractive index of the core and cladding of the fibre. (16)
- What are the different types of fibre optic sensors? Explain the working of any two sensors.
- Describe the construction and working of an Endoscope.
- Explain in detail about sources and detectors involved in optical fibre communication with necessary diagram. (16)
- Explain fibre optical communication system with neat block diagram.(8)
- (a) Discuss in detail the classification of optical fibres based on mode and refractive index.
(b) Explain the fibre optic temperature sensor with neat diagram.
- (i) Describe a fiber optic communication system.
(ii) Describe the principle, construction and working of light emitting diode.
(iii) State the advantages of light emitting diodes in electronic display. (6+8+2)
Unit 4Quantum Physics
Part – A
- What is the physical significance of wave function?
- Give the special features of Quantum theory of radiation.
- What is the principle of electron microscope?
- Explain the principle of transmission electron microscope
- Calculate the de-broglie wavelength of an electron, which has been accelerated from rest on application of potential of 400V
- Deduce Rayleigh-Jeans law from Planck’s law for radiation.
- The wavelength of X-ray photon is doubled when it is scattered through an angle of 900 by a target material. Find the incident wavelength.
- The de-broglie wavelength of an electron is 1.226A0. What is the accelerating potential?
- What is Compton wavelength and calculate its value.
- What are degenerate and non degenerate states?
Part – B
- What are the basic postulates of quantum theory of light? Derive Planck’s law of radiation. (4+12)
- Derive time dependent Schrodinger wave equation and hence derive time independent Schrodinger wave equation. (16)
- Give the theory of Compton effect and briefly explain its experimental verification. (16)
- (i) Derive time-independent Schrodinger wave equation. (6)
(ii)Using time-independent Schrodinger wave equation normalize the wave function of electron trapped in a One-dimensional potential well. (10)
- Compare SEM and TEM.(6)
- An X ray photon of wavelength 1.24 x 10-3A0 is scattered by a free electron through an angle 900. Calculate the energy of the scattered photon(4)
- With a neat sketch, describe the scanning process of a SEM.
Unit 5 Crystal Physics
Part – A
- Define space lattice.
- What is meant by basis?
- Define the term crystal structure.
- What are interfacial angles?
- Define the term unit cell.
- What is meant by lattice parameters?
- Name the seven types of crystal systems.
- What is Bravais lattice?
- What are miller indices?
- Draw the crystal planes for (110) and (001).
- Define the following term (i) Atomic radius (ii) Co ordination number (iii) packing density
- Show that for a BCC crystal structure, the lattice constant is given by , where r is the atomic radius.
- Establish the relationship between the radius and the inter atomic distance for a FCC crystal.
- Draw a diagram of the unit cell of the closed HCP.
- For a cubic lattice, draw the (231) plane showing the value of intercepts with the coordinate axes.
- Draw the schematic diagram of SC, BCC and FCC unit cells.
- What is a primitive unit cell?
- Show that for a simple cubic system d100:d110:d111: : 6:3:2
- The lattice constant for a unit cell is 2.02Å. Calculate the spacing of (111) plane.
- The lattice constant for a FCC structure is 4.938A0. Calculate the interplanar spacing of (220) planes.
- The lattice constant of a metal with cubic lattice is 2.88 A0. The density of metal is 7200 Kg/m3. Calculate the number of unit cell present in 1Kg of the metal.
- Determine the lattice constant for FCC crystal having atomic radius 1.476A0.
- Which crystal structure is having least coordination number? Give example.
- Give the relationship between interplanar distance and cubic edges.
- What is polymorphism and allotropy?
- Give an account on imperfections in crystal.
- Write a note on point imperfections.
- What are Vacancies?
- Write a note on grain boundaries.
- Write a short note on Burger vector?
- What are dislocations?
- What are Frenkel and Schottky imperfections?
Part – B
- What are miller indices? How will you determine the miller indices of a given plane? What are the distinct features of miller indices?
- Define the term coordination number, atomic radius and packing density. Calculate the above factors for SC, BCC and FCC.
- Determine the coordination number and packing density for HCP structure. Show that a HCP structure demands an axial ratio of 1.6333.
- Explain in detail the crystal defects and their types
- Explain the characteristics of unit cell of the diamond and NaCl structure.
- What is packing factor? Obtain packing factors for SC, BCC and FCC structures. (16)
- What are miller indices? Derive an expression for interplanar spacing for (hkl) planes of a cubic structure. (4+12)
- Calculate the lattice constant and distance between two adjacent atoms for potassium bromide crystal (FCC lattice) having the density and molecular weight of 2700 Kg/m3 and 119 resp.(6)
- Show that the face centered cubic and hexagonal close packed structure has the same atomic packing factor. (10)
- Show that for the cubic structure the interplanar distance d in terms of miller indices and cell edge a is given by (8)
- (i) What are Bravais lattice?
(ii) Derive an expression for the interplanar spacing in a cubic structure.
(iii) With a neat diagram describe the edge dislocation. (2+8+6)