Nakisha, Laura, Robin, Nancy

AAA Lit, 4-14-02

Progress Report: Audre Lorde Website

In our first meetings, we researched together in the MLA search engine and at Lilly library. It has been helpful to our group that Lilly has substantial material about and by Audre Lorde. We have checked out all the works Lorde wrote, and dispersed various speeches, essays and poetry books. This way we are all doing individual assesssment of Lorde’s writing.

Secondly, as a group of four we found it easy to break into groups of two. The two groups will research critical response and biography of Audre Lorde. The critical response group has found sufficent material at Lilly, as has the biography group through encyclopedias of African American history, writers and texts on her life. Also, all of us have a basic understanding of her life by researching websites. Researching together and separate our list of websites is growing, and we find that many sites are connected with organizations and nonprofits as well as educational institutions inspired by Audre Lordes life. It is difficult at times, however, to be sure that data is sound on some sites.

We have found images together and will continue to do so individually. Our source list is complete and our sampling of material from that bibliography list is representative of her writing overall. This week of April 15th we will finish our separate group work and assemble our research to begin the website. This final process should be smooth as a few of us have done websites previously and we all attended the lecture with Neil Baker.

Difficulties have been finding time to meet as an entire group and we have handled this by dividing small tasks and sharing responsibilities. It has and will also be important to set aside discussion meetings. These will be short, and will provide time to share our personal reflections on Audre Lorde. While some aspects of the project seem tedious, we have each taken leadership different ways. Thus far we have not had conflict in someone doing all the work. We are deciding whether to work on the website collectively or step by step individually.

In this project we will try to respect Audre Lorde’s work and recognize her significance. Some of the group feel that summerizing and overviewing her life will misrepresent what an impact she has made to the masses. For this reason, we will continue to talk about her influence on African American, female and general population. This is a possible message for the final product, a comprehensive wedsite.