Each agency head is responsible for establishing an Executive Resources Board (ERB) to consider and make decisions with regard to Senior Executive Service (SES) policy, all personnel actions relating to SES positions, existing SES members and proposed candidates, unless otherwise delegated. The ERB also ensures that the Secretary’s affirmative action program for the SES is implemented effectively.

Membership: The Department of Transportation’s ERB consists of a Chair (Deputy Secretary), a Vice Chair (Assistant Secretary for Administration), the Departmental Director of Civil Rights, and two or three members (Heads of Operating Administrations who serve on a rotating basis). The Executive Secretary (Departmental Director, Human Resource Management) provides staff support.

ERB Position / DOT Position / Current Incumbent
Chair / Deputy Secretary of Transportation / Victor Mendez
Vice Chair / Assistant Secretary for Administration / Jeff Marootian
Member / Acting Director, Departmental Office of Civil Rights / Leslie Proll
Member / Acting Administrator, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration / Scott Darling, III
Member / Administrator, Maritime Administration / Paul Jaenichen
Member / Administrator, Federal Highway Administration / Gregory Nadeau
Executive Secretary / Director, Departmental Office of Human Resource Management / Lisa Williams

Coverage: The ERB manages career SES actions in all Operating Administrations (OAs) except the Federal Aviation Administration (where senior executives are not in the SES); and the Office of Inspector General (OIG) who has independent personnel authority to fill SES positions.

Responsibilities: The ERB is responsible for all career SES/SL/ST actions in the following areas:

  • Executive position management (including executive staffing plans and forecasting executive requirements).
  • Executive staffing management (including plans for making selections, promotions, reassignments, and details; executive reduction-in-force).
  • Executive compensation management (including pay management, bonuses, and Presidential Rank Award nominations).
  • Executive development management (including developmental programs for potential executives and programs for the continuing development of executives).
  • Executive performance management (including Performance Review Board membership; use of appraisals in staffing, pay, awards, and other decisions; disciplinary and adverse action procedures based on performance).
  • Executive personnel program evaluation (within the Department).

The ERB is responsible for the mandatory merit staffing process for all career SES appointments in the Department. In brief, the ERB considers the following proposals for SES positions and members and for SL/ST positions and employees:

  • Allocations
  • Position establishment
  • Recruitment plans
  • Selections
  • Reassignments
  • Details
  • Reorganizations affecting SES members and SL/ST employees
  • Awards and Bonuses
  • Pay adjustments

When a selection case or allocation request goes to the ERB for consideration, the Head of the OA /Assistant Secretary (or his/her deputy) has the opportunity to appear before the ERB to support the action. The openness of the process and the rotation of Heads of OAs on the ERB have given the career SES program a credibility level that has served it well.

Schedule: The ERB meets monthly on a regular schedule and ad hoc as needed. This allows the modes to better plan their workload and make timely executive personnel decisions. Advance scheduling also provides for ERB members’ availability and allows them to work more efficiently and productively.