SDSWMA Board Minutes

Thursday, June 14, 2012, 11:30 am CT

Al’s Oasis Meeting Room, Oacoma, SD – change from American Marina and Bistro (facility closed)

Call to Order

President Jay Koch called the meeting to order at 11:34 a.m. Board members present were Karen Weeldreyer, Tim Kenyon, Karl Merbach, Dave McElroy, Ryan Badten, Bob Iverson and Executive Director (ED) Carolyn Trautman. Mike Coleman, Mike Boerger, Jay Koch and Val Keller were present by conference call. Ron Bannwarth, Fred Snoderly and Mike Erickson were absent. There were no additions to the agenda.

Administrative Actions and Approvals

Motion by Bob Iverson, second by Tim Kenyon to approve minutes from the March 28, 2012 board meeting, motion carried. Secr/Treas Erickson was absent so ED gave the financial report. ED scanned and emailed the report from Erickson to Board members prior to the meeting. The report stated a balance in US Bank checking of $16,400.22 after check #1661 for $730 was deducted from statement balance of $17,130.22 and a balance of $48,032.96 in investment savings accounts. Motion by Karl Merbach to approve the financial report as read, second by Bob Iverson, motion carried. ED reported a scholarship fund balance as of the May 31, 2012 statement of $29,653.17, balance prior to $730 deposit of fundraiser at spring workshop. This balance is with all scholarships paid through 2011. 2012 scholarships will be paid in early August. ED noted that letters went out to all applicants the first part of March expressing awards and condolences.

Old Business

Karen Weeldreyer said that she and Dale are still discussing appropriate dates for the DENR Operator for a Day Training. She will let ED know when they have them pinned down. Karl Merbach indicated that Rapid City Landfill would also welcome DENR staff to train at their facility. Dates will be decided and ED will forward info to DENR. Karen indicated that Huron can host the RU Training on August 22, 2012. Between suggestions from ED and discussion with Dale Fortin, they will likely use the Campus Center. DENR will be invited to participate again with the permit overview. Other topics may include operational issues with drop off areas and way to handle. DENR will be asked to do an inspection or escort the group for a facility inspection. Lunch will be provided to RU course participants. The course flyer will be finalized and mailed out to all RU/Rubble sites by July 15, 2012. ED gave an update on the website which is very close to launching. Issues with the member only section and ED learning how to update and modify have been the delay. ED will forward a link to Board members so they can go in and preview the website. ED emailed YTD P&L statements to Board prior to meeting. YTD comparison with 2010 is still skewed due to joint conference expenses. Currently, report shows -$9,996.20 compared to -$27,661.00 at this time last year. She will forward detail printouts to anyone with questions. Dave McElroy, Vice President assumed chairing the meeting due to conference call clarity. ED said the alternative interim cover approval letter outlining the results of the demonstration during and after the spring workshop, is not done, but will be out to landfills for review and comments, then to DENR by the end of June. ED is still working on the use of the remaining money dedicated for member only educational resources. A copy of the P&L for the spring workshop was emailed to the Board. The workshop made about $3,400.00 after all expenses.

New Business

ED told the Board that a QuickBooks upgrade from 2009 to 2012 was purchased and installed in mid May. This was required so ED could continue to utilize email invoicing. ED presented a contract for the DEC in Aberdeen for the 2016 Joint Conference. The Board asked her to get a quote from the Ramkota also and forward both for their future consideration. ED reported that she had provided comments to DENR on the draft RU and Rubble site General Permits that were public noticed in May. She will email copies of those comments and responses to the Board.

Committee Reports:

2012 Annual Conference and Trade Show – Ft. Pierre AmericInn, Sept. 19-21, 2012:

ED emailed a copy of a proposed draft agenda to the Board for review. Discussion on fees indicated that the same fee will be charged for attendees and vendors again this year and will include the Solid Waste Grant Writing Workshop that will run concurrently with the golf tournament on the 19th. A contract for the AmericInn has been finalized after some managerial changeovers at the hotel. ED will forward this to Jay Koch for signature. Val will check out the Casey Tibbs facility to see if it should be included in the tours – ED will email the contact information. The Fiesta Fish Fry will also include chislic.

2012 Awards Committee:

Val and Tim will be finalizing the 2011-12 Awards and providing to ED.

2012 Nominations Committee:

Mike Boerger reported that the committee has secured three nominees for Board positions reaching their terms at the annual conference. These nominees include Larry McManus, Todd Langland and Ron Olson. Karl Merbach volunteered as a nominee for the Vice-President and will work on finding another nominee for the Board member election slate as his nomination to VP may leave another short-term Board opening. He noted that Kam or Dennis in Belle Fourche may be interested.

2012 Bylaws, Policy and Resolutions:

Dave McElroy indicated that he and Jay have been discussing. One possible resolution may be on ADC. They will continue to discuss and prepare for the annual.

2012 Scholarship Committee:

Karen indicated that some of the past fundraisers that worked well were the auctions, Hi-Lo cards and card on bus. There will be a piñata that could be integrated into a fundraiser – i.e. drawing for hits? Carolyn will secure piñata. Another large item for a raffle would be good with a limited number of ticket sales.

Board Meeting Schedule:

September 18, 2012 – 6:30 pm Ft. Pierre – Location to be announced due to catering needs at hotel.

Motion by Bob Iverson, second by Tim Kenyon to adjourn, 12:32 pm, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted Carolyn Trautman, Executive Director SDSWMA