Language Access Plan (LAP)
This plan outlines the initiatives of (Organization) to take reasonable steps to ensure meaningful access to its programs and activities by limited English proficient persons in compliance with the Department of Housing and Urban Development “Final Guidance to Federal Financial Assistance Recipients Regarding Title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons; Notice” in the Federal Register on January 22, 2007.
(Organization) is committed to provide meaningful access to its programs and activities to all eligible individuals regardless of race, color, or national origin including those for whom English is not their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand English—limited English proficiency, or LEP.
(Organization) is further committed to provide equal access to housing to all residents without regard to race, color, religion, sex, disability, sexual orientation, familial status, national origin or source of income.
Four-Factor Analysis
1. The number or proportion of LEP persons in Salt Lake’s Urban County eligible to be served or likely to be encountered by (Organization) programs and activities.
· See Table 1 for data regarding the % of those in each jurisdiction.
2. The frequency with which LEP persons in Salt Lake’s Urban County come in contact with (Organization) programs and activities.
· ( %) of the persons participating in (Organization) programs speak English, ( %) speak Spanish with LEP, and ( %) speak other languages with LEP.
3. The nature and importance of (Organization) programs and activities to people in Salt Lake’s Urban County.
· (Brief description of the Organization’s programs)
4. The resources available to (Organization) and costs.
· (Costs v. Resources and Benefits to provide services to LEP persons to ensure they have meaningful access to the Organization’s programs and activities.)
LEP individuals who need language assistance
· Census Data lists Spanish speakers as the largest group of LEP persons in Salt Lake’s Urban County, and (Organization) reports its most frequent contacts with LEP persons are with those who speak (what languages).
Language Assistance Measures
· (Organization) provides the following services to LEP persons.
Staff Training
· (Organization) staff members are trained to accommodate LEP persons who inquire about, apply for, or participate in its programs and activities to assure that language is not a barrier to their access and participation.
Providing Notices to LEP Persons
· (Organization) provides the following notices and outreach materials to LEP persons.
Monitoring and Updating the LAP
· (Organization) staff members review the LAP semi-annually to monitor its effectiveness and update it as needed to address the changing circumstances related to LEP persons maintaining meaningful access to its programs and activities.
Fair Housing
· (Organization) is committed to affirmatively further fair housing and provide equal access to housing opportunities to all residents without regard to race, color, religion, sex, disability, sexual orientation, familial status, national origin or source of income including those for whom English is not their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand English.
Table 1
Subject / Alta Town, UtahTotal / Percent of specified language speakers
Speak English "very well" / Speak English less than "very well"
Estimate / Estimate / Estimate
Population 5 years and over / 342 / 100.0% / 0.0%
Speak only English / 78.1% / (X) / (X)
Speak a language other than English / 21.9% / 100.0% / 0.0%
Spanish or Spanish Creole / 14.9% / 100.0% / 0.0%
Other Indo-European languages / 7.0% / 100.0% / 0.0%
Asian and Pacific Island languages / 0.0% / - / -
Other languages / 0.0% / - / -
Spanish or Spanish Creole / 51 / 100.0% / 0.0%
5-17 years / 0 / - / -
18-64 years / 51 / 100.0% / 0.0%
65 years and over / 0 / - / -
Other Indo-European languages / 24 / 100.0% / 0.0%
5-17 years / 11 / 100.0% / 0.0%
18-64 years / 13 / 100.0% / 0.0%
65 years and over / 0 / - / -
Asian and Pacific Island languages / 0 / - / -
5-17 years / 0 / - / -
18-64 years / 0 / - / -
65 years and over / 0 / - / -
Other languages / 0 / - / -
5-17 years / 0 / - / -
18-64 years / 0 / - / -
65 years and over / 0 / - / -
All citizens 18 years and over / 312 / 100.0% / 0.0%
Speak only English / 79.5% / (X) / (X)
Speak a language other than English / 20.5% / 100.0% / 0.0%
Spanish or Spanish Creole / 16.3% / 100.0% / 0.0%
Other languages / 4.2% / 100.0% / 0.0%
Language status / 0.0% / (X) / (X)
Language status (speak a language other than English) / 0.0% / (X) / (X)
Ability to speak English / 0.0% / (X) / (X)
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010-2014 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates
Subject / Bluffdale City, Utah
Total / Percent of specified language speakers
Speak English "very well" / Speak English less than "very well"
Estimate / Estimate / Estimate
Population 5 years and over / 7,560 / 98.7% / 1.3%
Speak only English / 95.4% / (X) / (X)
Speak a language other than English / 4.6% / 71.1% / 28.9%
Spanish or Spanish Creole / 2.1% / 59.6% / 40.4%
Other Indo-European languages / 2.0% / 87.9% / 12.1%
Asian and Pacific Island languages / 0.4% / 37.9% / 62.1%
Other languages / 0.1% / 100.0% / 0.0%
Spanish or Spanish Creole / 161 / 59.6% / 40.4%
5-17 years / 44 / 25.0% / 75.0%
18-64 years / 104 / 69.2% / 30.8%
65 years and over / 13 / 100.0% / 0.0%
Other Indo-European languages / 149 / 87.9% / 12.1%
5-17 years / 54 / 100.0% / 0.0%
18-64 years / 95 / 81.1% / 18.9%
65 years and over / 0 / - / -
Asian and Pacific Island languages / 29 / 37.9% / 62.1%
5-17 years / 17 / 0.0% / 100.0%
18-64 years / 12 / 91.7% / 8.3%
65 years and over / 0 / - / -
Other languages / 11 / 100.0% / 0.0%
5-17 years / 11 / 100.0% / 0.0%
18-64 years / 0 / - / -
65 years and over / 0 / - / -
All citizens 18 years and over / 5,327 / 99.6% / 0.4%
Speak only English / 96.9% / (X) / (X)
Speak a language other than English / 3.1% / 88.6% / 11.4%
Spanish or Spanish Creole / 1.6% / 100.0% / 0.0%
Other languages / 1.5% / 76.5% / 23.5%
Language status / 8.1% / (X) / (X)
Language status (speak a language other than English) / 2.3% / (X) / (X)
Ability to speak English / 2.3% / (X) / (X)
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010-2014 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates
Subject / Copperton Township, Utah
Total / Percent of specified language speakers
Speak English "very well" / Speak English less than "very well"
Estimate / Estimate / Estimate
Population 5 years and over / 460 / 100.0% / 0.0%
Speak only English / 100.0% / (X) / (X)
Speak a language other than English / 0.0% / - / -
Spanish or Spanish Creole / 0.0% / - / -
Other Indo-European languages / 0.0% / - / -
Asian and Pacific Island languages / 0.0% / - / -
Other languages / 0.0% / - / -
Spanish or Spanish Creole / 0 / - / -
5-17 years / 0 / - / -
18-64 years / 0 / - / -
65 years and over / 0 / - / -
Other Indo-European languages / 0 / - / -
5-17 years / 0 / - / -
18-64 years / 0 / - / -
65 years and over / 0 / - / -
Asian and Pacific Island languages / 0 / - / -
5-17 years / 0 / - / -
18-64 years / 0 / - / -
65 years and over / 0 / - / -
Other languages / 0 / - / -
5-17 years / 0 / - / -
18-64 years / 0 / - / -
65 years and over / 0 / - / -
All citizens 18 years and over / 358 / 100.0% / 0.0%
Speak only English / 100.0% / (X) / (X)
Speak a language other than English / 0.0% / - / -
Spanish or Spanish Creole / 0.0% / - / -
Other languages / 0.0% / - / -
Language status / 4.1% / (X) / (X)
Language status (speak a language other than English) / - / (X) / (X)
Ability to speak English / - / (X) / (X)
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010-2014 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates
Subject / Cottonwood Heights City, Utah
Total / Percent of specified language speakers
Speak English "very well" / Speak English less than "very well"
Estimate / Estimate / Estimate
Population 5 years and over / 31,522 / 97.2% / 2.8%
Speak only English / 89.5% / (X) / (X)
Speak a language other than English / 10.5% / 73.3% / 26.7%
Spanish or Spanish Creole / 2.7% / 80.6% / 19.4%
Other Indo-European languages / 3.9% / 79.8% / 20.2%
Asian and Pacific Island languages / 3.7% / 59.5% / 40.5%
Other languages / 0.2% / 100.0% / 0.0%
Spanish or Spanish Creole / 842 / 80.6% / 19.4%
5-17 years / 152 / 81.6% / 18.4%
18-64 years / 623 / 83.9% / 16.1%
65 years and over / 67 / 47.8% / 52.2%
Other Indo-European languages / 1,236 / 79.8% / 20.2%
5-17 years / 111 / 100.0% / 0.0%
18-64 years / 872 / 78.3% / 21.7%
65 years and over / 253 / 75.9% / 24.1%
Asian and Pacific Island languages / 1,161 / 59.5% / 40.5%
5-17 years / 142 / 87.3% / 12.7%
18-64 years / 963 / 56.4% / 43.6%
65 years and over / 56 / 42.9% / 57.1%
Other languages / 65 / 100.0% / 0.0%
5-17 years / 18 / 100.0% / 0.0%
18-64 years / 47 / 100.0% / 0.0%
65 years and over / 0 / - / -
All citizens 18 years and over / 24,945 / 97.6% / 2.4%
Speak only English / 91.3% / (X) / (X)
Speak a language other than English / 8.7% / 72.2% / 27.8%
Spanish or Spanish Creole / 2.1% / 78.1% / 21.9%
Other languages / 6.6% / 70.4% / 29.6%
Language status / 3.6% / (X) / (X)
Language status (speak a language other than English) / 4.8% / (X) / (X)
Ability to speak English / 5.7% / (X) / (X)
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010-2014 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates
Subject / Draper City, Utah
Total / Percent of specified language speakers
Speak English "very well" / Speak English less than "very well"
Estimate / Estimate / Estimate
Population 5 years and over / 40,464 / 97.5% / 2.5%
Speak only English / 88.9% / (X) / (X)
Speak a language other than English / 11.1% / 77.1% / 22.9%
Spanish or Spanish Creole / 5.7% / 74.1% / 25.9%
Other Indo-European languages / 3.2% / 80.9% / 19.1%
Asian and Pacific Island languages / 1.7% / 75.0% / 25.0%
Other languages / 0.4% / 98.1% / 1.9%
Spanish or Spanish Creole / 2,323 / 74.1% / 25.9%
5-17 years / 459 / 86.9% / 13.1%
18-64 years / 1,811 / 72.9% / 27.1%
65 years and over / 53 / 5.7% / 94.3%
Other Indo-European languages / 1,299 / 80.9% / 19.1%
5-17 years / 236 / 77.5% / 22.5%
18-64 years / 895 / 85.6% / 14.4%
65 years and over / 168 / 60.7% / 39.3%
Asian and Pacific Island languages / 700 / 75.0% / 25.0%
5-17 years / 92 / 88.0% / 12.0%
18-64 years / 579 / 74.8% / 25.2%
65 years and over / 29 / 37.9% / 62.1%
Other languages / 157 / 98.1% / 1.9%
5-17 years / 0 / - / -
18-64 years / 149 / 98.0% / 2.0%
65 years and over / 8 / 100.0% / 0.0%
All citizens 18 years and over / 28,511 / 98.8% / 1.2%
Speak only English / 90.7% / (X) / (X)
Speak a language other than English / 9.3% / 86.6% / 13.4%
Spanish or Spanish Creole / 4.4% / 83.4% / 16.6%
Other languages / 4.8% / 89.6% / 10.4%
Language status / 4.3% / (X) / (X)
Language status (speak a language other than English) / 4.0% / (X) / (X)
Ability to speak English / 4.9% / (X) / (X)
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010-2014 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates
Subject / Emigration Canyon Township, Utah
Total / Percent of specified language speakers
Speak English "very well" / Speak English less than "very well"
Estimate / Estimate / Estimate
Population 5 years and over / 1,649 / 99.6% / 0.4%
Speak only English / 92.0% / (X) / (X)
Speak a language other than English / 8.0% / 95.5% / 4.5%
Spanish or Spanish Creole / 0.5% / 100.0% / 0.0%
Other Indo-European languages / 5.6% / 93.5% / 6.5%
Asian and Pacific Island languages / 1.9% / 100.0% / 0.0%
Other languages / 0.0% / - / -
Spanish or Spanish Creole / 8 / 100.0% / 0.0%
5-17 years / 8 / 100.0% / 0.0%
18-64 years / 0 / - / -
65 years and over / 0 / - / -
Other Indo-European languages / 92 / 93.5% / 6.5%
5-17 years / 14 / 100.0% / 0.0%
18-64 years / 71 / 91.5% / 8.5%
65 years and over / 7 / 100.0% / 0.0%
Asian and Pacific Island languages / 32 / 100.0% / 0.0%
5-17 years / 0 / - / -
18-64 years / 0 / - / -
65 years and over / 32 / 100.0% / 0.0%
Other languages / 0 / - / -
5-17 years / 0 / - / -
18-64 years / 0 / - / -
65 years and over / 0 / - / -
All citizens 18 years and over / 1,224 / 99.5% / 0.5%
Speak only English / 91.0% / (X) / (X)
Speak a language other than English / 9.0% / 94.5% / 5.5%
Spanish or Spanish Creole / 0.0% / - / -