Sample Session Plan – Introduction to Tablets

Length – Approx 1-1.5 hrs for beginners, groups with no prior experience

Aims of the Session

  • To identify a tablet
  • To understand and be aware of the health and safety issues whilst using a tablet device
  • Know where to locate the on/off button, and understand what other buttons and sockets may be present
  • Switching on and shutting down the device correctly
  • Understanding the concept of the tablet home screen and which App icons cannot be removed
  • Learn how to swipe the screen to move to another section of the home screen
  • To understand some of the jargon related to tablet devices

Notes on delivering the session

Remember that learners, and tutors/ mentors/ helpers, need breaks. When you plan your session, put timings against each element and include a break.

You should have a tablet device which you can show to your learners. Make sure you are able to use it yourself prior to the session.

Timings / Topics / Activity / Tutor Notes
10 Min /
  1. Introduction
/ Tutors/Learners meet each other / Take some time for introductions. Take some time to find out what learners are there for – priorities and goals may differ. Take some time to also perhaps explore fears or worries – and to then offer reassurance. Try an icebreaker activity, such as, tell us a bit about yourself in three sentences.
10 Min /
  1. Introduction to the learning content
/ Tutor / learners discuss learners’ expectations and session content / It is important to find out what learners wish to achieve and to try and accommodate their desires. If this is a one-off learning session, then try and agree together as a group 3-5 things that they want to have covered or to have understood by the end of the session. You will be working from your aims above. You would write these up on a board or flip chart.
5 Min /
  1. What is a tablet?
/ Tutor discusses with learners what tablets are, and also passes tablet around amongst learners, so they can become familiar with size and weight. / Tutor describes what a tablet might typically be used for, e.g. to read a book. State some useful examples for your learners. Tablets run on a battery and need to be recharged.
Tutor needs to explain that there are different sizes, weights and types of tablet devices. Tablet is 10 inch screen size approx. Also mini tablets can have a maximum of 7 inch screen approx. Also explain different manufactures and operating systems. Most popular, Apple iPad, Tablets with an Android system. For example Samsung Galaxy Note. Resources, What is a Tablet? Top 10 tablets
5 Min /
  1. Are you sitting comfortably?
/ Tutor expresses the importance of maintaining correct posture whilst using a tablet. / Tablets have H&S issues just as computers do. Make your learners aware they should move their sitting position every 15 minutes. No slouching or crouching with the tablet. Tablets need to be a reasonable distance for reading. Conduct simple stretching exercises if stiffness starts to occur. Resources iPad Ergonomics , 4 tips to prevent neck strain Tablets are not recommended for long periods of time.
10 Min / Break
10 Min /
  1. Buttons and sockets
/ Tutor points out on / off button and explains what other buttons and sockets are on the device. Whilst tutor is explaining other buttons and sockets, the device should be passed around the learners, along with any leads the device may have come with. / As there are variety of tablet devices available, the on / off button will not always be in the same place. If you are showing an iPad to the group, point out it might not be in the same position for Galaxy Note, or Asus tablets. Explain that some tablets have more sockets than others. For example an Android device will allow you to attach a USB stick, whereas an iPad doesn’t.
10 Min /
  1. Switching on and off
/ Tutor explains to learner how a tablet is turned on and off.
Explain difference between standby and shut down. / Clear explanation of how long they need to hold in On button, for the operating system to start to load. To switch Off, most tablets require you to hold in button for a few seconds, then swipe onscreen instructions with your finger. Or some will have a stylus you can use.
Explain to learners that once they see App icons, tablet is ready to use. Demonstrate swiping to another part of the home screen. Turning off properly will save battery.
Based on a group of 5-8 learners, make sure all have a go where possible. Make this activity relaxed and fun. (e.g. have a laugh about not getting it right first time, it takes practice.)
10 Min /
  1. Recap/Quiz
/ Tutor recalls the main points of the session with learners / Refer back to the flip chart and ask learners how they feel about what has been covered. And whether they would like more time to revisit some of the topics again. Try and prepare a basic glossary for help with the technical jargon, to give as a handout at the end of the session. Or you could have a mini quiz on the topics, and hand out a chocolate to the first one who gets the question right.

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