J.A. McNulty 24
Updated 20 Oct 2009
NAME: John Alexander McNulty
ADDRESS: Department of Physiology and
Program in Cell Biology, Neurobiology and Anatomy
Stritch School of Medicine
Loyola University of Chicago
2160 S. First Avenue
Maywood, Illinois 60153
TELEPHONE: (708) 216-5161 or 216-3395
FAX: (708) 216-3676
BIRTH DATE: 14 July 1946, Bogota, Colombia, South America.
CHILDREN: Margaret Ann, born 12 August 1983.
Patrick Alexander, born 27 July 1985.
MILITARY SERVICE: U.S. Army (active duty), 1968-1970;
U.S. Army Reserves (inactive duty), 1970-1974;
Honorable Discharge
EDUCATION: B.A. (Biology), University of the Pacific,
Stockton, California (1968).
Ph.D. (Biology-Marine Biology), University of Southern
California, Los Angeles, California (1976).
PRESENT POSITIONS: Professor of Molecular and Cellular Physiology
Director of Cell Biology, Neurobiology and Anatomy
Director of Research Cores, LUMC
Director of Core Imaging Facililty
Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology
and Department of Pathology
Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine
2160 S. First Avenue
Maywood, Illinois
Loyola University:
2009-present Professor, Dept. of Molecular and Cellular Physiology
2009-present Vice-Director, Cell Biology, Neurobiology and Anatomy Program
2006-present Director, Research Cores, SSOM
2005-2009 Vice-Chairman, Department of Cell Biology, Neurobiolgy and Anatomy.
2003-present Professor (Joint Appointment), Department of Pathology
1998-present Director of Core Imaging Facility
1995-2007 Director of Medical Structure of the Human Body Course
1989-1995 Director of Medical Gross Anatomy Course
1988-2009 Professor, Department of Cell Biology, Neurobiology and
1986-present Faculty of Neuroscience Program
1981-1988 Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy
1977-present Graduate Faculty
1976-198l Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy
1976-1998 Director, Electron Microscope Facilities
University of Southern California:
1976 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Biology
1971-1976 Teaching Assistant, Department of Biology
1970 Research Assistant, University of Southern California
(NSF Grant for ecology of mid-water fishes from deep
basins off southern California).
American Association of Anatomists 1977-present
American Institute of Biological Sciences 1974-1998
American Society for Cell Biology 1982-present
American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists 1971-1995
American Society of Zoologists 1974-1996
International Brain Research Organization 1991-1998
International Society of Chronobiologists 1981-1987
Midwest Society of Electron Microscopists 1976-present
Sigma Xi 1975-present
Society for Neurosciences 1990-present
Society for Quantitative Morphology 1989-present
General: Cell ultrastructure; neuroendocrinology; photosensory systems;
neuroimmunology; transplantation; chromatophores; morphometry, stereology
and computerized image analysis; effectiveness of computer-aided instruction.
Specific: Comparative ultrastructure of the vertebrate pineal complex; cellular mechanisms of
photoneuroendocrine transduction and secretion; correlative ultrastructure and
biochemistry of pinealocytes over circadian and circannual cycles; regulation of indole
metabolism and uptake; interactions of the neuroendocrine and immune systems;
neural transplantation; growth factors and pinealocyte differentiation in culture;
pigment cell biology.
2000 Master Teacher Award, Stritch School of Medicine
1988 Certificate of Merit for achievement in the field of medical
photography, American Society of Clinical Pathologists,
Medical Photography Competition.
1987 Certificate of Merit for achievement in the field of medical
photography, American Society of Clinical Pathologists,
Medical Photography Competition.
1986 First Prize, Electron Microscopy category, American Society of
Clinical Pathologists, Medical Photography Competition.
1985 First Prize, Electron Microscopy category, American Society of
Clinical Pathologists, Medical Photography Competition.
1976 Durham Award for best student paper presented from
platform., Annual Meetings of Southern California
1975 Elected full member of the Society of the Sigma Xi.
1974 Grant-in-Aid of Research from the Society of the
Sigma Xi. Academy of Sciences.
1970 Arthur Vining Davis Foundation Scholarship,
University of Southern California
1968 Graduated with 'honors' from the University of the
Pacific, Stockton, California.
1992-1995 Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Pineal Research.
1996- 2000 Editorial Review Group Chair, Doody Publilshing, Inc.
2002- Member, Editorial Board, Histology and Histopathology.
Academic Medicine / American Journal of AnatomyAnatomical Record / Biology of Reproduction
Cell Tissue Research / General and Comparative Endocrinology
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry / Journal of Electron Microscopy Techniques
Journal of Histochem and Cytochem / Journal of Neuroscience
Journal of Membrane Biology / Laboratory Investigations
Journal of Pineal Research / Micron
Life Sciences / Microscopy Research and Techniques
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology / Neurochemistry International
Neuroendocrinology / Neuroscience Letters
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews / Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior
Steroids / Research Comm. Chem. Path. Pharmacology
Toxicology / Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
The New Anatomists / Telemedicine and Telecare
African J of History and Culture
University of Southern California
1971-1976 Graduate Assistant in Department of Biology,
(Courses included Introduction to Biology, Vertebrate
Biology,Structure and Function of Organisms,
Electron Microscopy).
1976 Vertebrate Biology (302), Dept. of Biology
Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine
1976-present Medical Gross Anatomy (301,302),
(Course Director –1989-2007)
1977-1988 Basic Ultrastructure (425), Department of Anatomy
(required course offered annually 1977-1988)
1977, 1978 Advanced Ultrastructure (426), Department of Anatomy.
1979 Special Topics in Vertebrate Structure and
Function (443)
1981 Cell Biology (421), Course Director, 1981.
1989-present Graduate Gross Anatomy (401,402).
1989-2007 Teaching of Anatomy (462).
1989-2000 Elective in Advanced Dissection
1995-2001 Elective in Computers in Medical Education
1996-2007 Elective in Teaching and Learning Anatomy
1996-2001 Neuroimmunology (Anat 440)
2000-2003 Medicine sub-I “Becoming a Better Teacher”
2005- Graduate Methods Course
Other courses participated in include: Anatomical Techniques, Review and Seminar, and Journal Club.
1979-1982 Chairman, Graduate Committee
1980-present Member, Faculty Search Committees
1990-present Member, Departmental Promotions and Tenure Review Committee
1979-present Member/Chair, Department Search Committees
2008-present Member, Graduate Program Committee
Medical School:
1977-1983 Member, Committee on Multidisciplinary Labs
1980-1983 Member, Committee for Graduate Recruitment
1981-1991 Member, M.D.-Ph.D. Dual-degree Committee
1981-1984 Member, Committee on Core-Courses
1982-1989 Member, Committee on Educational Resources
1984-1985 Member, Search Committee for Chairman of Pharmacology
1986-1993 Member, Committee on Academic Rank and Tenure
1988-1993 Member, Neuroscience-Aging Institute Res Review Committee
1989-1993 Member, Calendar Planning Committee
1989-1993 Member, Curriculum Committee
1990 Member, Executive Strategic Planning Retreat
1991 Member, Curriculum Retreat
1991-1992 President, LUMaC Macintosh Apple User Group
1992 Member, Executive Strategic Planning Retreat
1992-1994 Member, Education Building Functional Space Program
1992-1993 Chair, Student Life Comm. - Loyola Educational Enrichment Project
1992-1994 Member, Executive Comm. - Loyola Educational Enrichment Project
1992-1994 Acting Chair, Neuroscience-Aging Institute Grant Review Committee
1992-1993 Member (interim), Research Committee of the Council
1993 Member, Leadership Workshop
1993 Member, Loyola Educational Enrichment Project Retreat
1993-1995 Member, Steering Comm. Loyola Educational Enrichment Project.
1993-1999 Member, Central Curricular Authority
1993-present Member, Design sub-committee of the Central Curricular Authority
1993-present Member, Implementation sub-committee of the Central Curricular
1993-1995 Member, Information Systems Task Force
1993-1994 Member, Education Building Student Life User Group
1993-1994 Member, Education Building Laboratory User Group
1993-present Chair, Committee on Computers in the Curriculum (CIC)
1993-1994 Member, LCME Steering Committee
1993-1994 Member, LCME Task Force
1993-1994 Member, Computer Aided Learning Lab Task Force
1994 Member, Academic Support Building Task Force
1994 Member, LCME Self-Study Medical Student Sub-Committee
1994-1995 Member, Medical Student Life Committee
1994 Member, Committee on Student Health Services
1994-1997 Member, AV/Computer Task Force of Education Building
1994-present Chair, Loyola Univ. Medical Education Network (LUMEN)
1995 Member, Educational Mission Work Group
1995 Member, SSOM Implementation/Planning Work Group
1998-1999 Member, Search Committee, Chair of Pediatrics Department
1998-2006 Member, Faculty Senate (elected representative)
1998-2006 Member, Medical Council
1998-2007 Member, Academic Computing Committee
2000-2001 Member, Clinical Skills Center Steering Committee
2000-2001 Member, Clinical Skills Center Curriculum Committee
2000-2001 Member, Education Program Committee, LCME
2000-2002 Member, IAIMS Planning Council
2000-2002 Chair, IAIMS Educational Planning Team
2000-2003 Member, Committee on Professionalism
2002-present Member – Master Teacher selection committee
2002-2005 Member - Knowledge Transfer Committee, IAIMS
2002-2003 Member - Task Force on Medical Education Competencies
2004-present Member – Competency Council, Director of Medical Knowledge
2004-present Member – Central Curricular Authority
2004-present Member – Executive Committee, Central Curricular Authority
2008 Member – Technical Standard Review Committee
2008 Member – Compensation Planning Committee
1977 Chairman, Sigma Xi Graduate Student Research Forum
1979-1982 President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Society of the Sigma Xi
1981-1983 Member, Ph.D. Council
1984-1986 Member, Graduate Fellowships Committee
1991-1992 Member, Graduate committee to review Ph.D. Program in
the Biology Department
1994-2002 Member, Faculty Council, Loyola University (elected representative)
1996-2002 Member, Research Committee of the Faculty Council
2001-2002 Chair, Research Committee of the Faculty Council
1996-2001 Member, Administrative Policy Committee - Faculty Council
1996-1997 Member, Task Force on Institutional Research Support Mechanisms
1997-2000 Information Technologies Steering Committee
1998-1999 Committee on University Faculty Retirement
2002 Member, Strategic Agenda Coordinating Council
2002-2003 Member, Shared Governance Roundtable
2004-2005 Member, Research Committee of the Faculty Council
2009- Member, Faculty Council, Loyola University (elected representative)
2009- Member, Executive Committee of Faculty Council, Loyola University
1989-2007 Member, Board of Directors, Anatomical Gifts Assoc, Chicago, IL.
1991-2003 Member, Special Interest Group on Willed-Body Programs
1995-2007 Member, Executive committee of the Board of Directors of the
Anatomical Gifts Association, Chicago, IL.
2003-2005 Ad hoc panel – NIH/NLM
Postdoctoral Fellows
Dr. Jan Kelly 1991
Doctoral Committees
Kurt Albertine Anatomy 1977-1979
Dennis Smith Anatomy 1978-1979
Teresa Dombrowski Anatomy (advisor) 1978-1984
Mary York Microbiology 1979-1982
Carole Graff Anatomy 1979-1983
Marilyn Miller Anatomy 1979-1983
Danielle Jacobs Anatomy 1979-1983
Ruth Mock Microbiology 1979-1984
Howard Higley Anatomy 1979-1984
Duane Smith Biochemistry 1980-1982.
Dinesh Garg Anatomy 1980-1981
Sarah Elke Microbiology 1981-1983
Dan O'Donaghue Anatomy 1981-1984.
Diane Pischl Microbiology 1981-1985.
George Niiro Anatomy 1982-1985
Steven Popoff Anatomy 1983-1985
Jordon Pollack Microbiology 1983-1988
Ada Cole Anatomy 1983-1986
Keith Anderson Biology, Northwestern Univ. 1983-1986
Linda Walters Anatomy 1985-1986
Patricia Maguire Biochemistry 1985-1987
Phyllis Morinec Microbiology 1986-1987
Janet Kelly Anatomy 1987-1990
Laura Kus Anatomy (advisor) 1987-1992
Tom Corso Neuroscience Program 1990-1994
Mohamed Mostafa Neuroscience Program 1991-1994
Chris Wilson Pharmacology 1991-1995
Mette Schulz Neuroscience Program 1991-1994
Diane Workman Anatomy 1992-1995
Shih-Yen Tsai Neuroscience Program (advisor) 1992 -2001
Patricia Grutkoski Molecular Biology Program 1993 -1997
Linda Olszanski Neuroscience Program 1993 -1994
Sanjay Singh Neuroscience Program 1994 -1999
Darinka Mileusnic Neuroscience Program 1995 -1999
Maryam Norlund Pharmacology 1996 -1998
Lisa Shafer Anatomy (advisor) 1997 -2002
Bart Pilarski Chemistry, LU 1999 -2002
Shotaro Suzuki Anatomy 1999-2003
Adam Kohm Anatomy 1999-2001
Ian Dang Anatomy 1999-2001
Jodi Jackson Anatomy 2000-2002
Matthew Schipma Biochemistry 2000-2004
Zhaodi Gong Anatomy 2001-2004
Rungtwan Microbiology and Immunology 2004-2006
Junping Xin Anatomy 2005-2008
Sreevidya Sivaswamy Biochemistry 2005-2008
Eva Murdoch Anatomy 2006-2009
John Karavitis Anatomy 2006-
Cynthia von Zee Neuroscience 2007-2009
Michael Calik Neuroscience 2008-
Kelly Clinkerboard Neuroscience 2009-
Master's Committees
Sarah Elke Microbiology 1979-1981
Jordon Pollack Microbiology 1979-1983
Diane Pischl Microbiology 1979-1981
Walter Tatarowicz Microbiology 1984-1985
Mohamed Mostafa Anatomy 1985-1987
Jack Hay Anatomy 1997-1998
Anupam Basu Anatomy 1998-1999
Dayne Nelson Anatomy 1998-2000
Derek Wainwright Anatomy 2003-2004
Jeff Mosenson Anatomy (advisor) 2004-2005
Collen Cronin Anatomy 2005-2005
Minh-Y Canh Anatomy 2005-2006
Patrick Monahan Anatomy, 2006-2008
David Freeman Anatomy 2007-2008
Lauren Fetty Anatomy (advisor) 2008-
David Buchanan Neuroscience 2008-
Supervisor to Medical Student Research/Educational projects:
Steve J. Lisco - 1985
Robert LaPorte - 1986-1988
Robert Challenger - 1990
Jim Tran - 1995
Claire Calixte - 1995
James Banich - 1996
Aveen Macentee - 1996
Karen Beutler - 1996
Geoff Caplea - 1996
Supervisor to Undergraduate Student Research:
Kevin Kapov - 1984
William Wilkins - 1986
Christopher P. Kemnitz - 1989-1990
Adrienne McBurrows - 1993
Ann Marie Kappil – 1995
Rachel Anderson – 2008-2009
1991 - Interviewed on Channel 7 (ABC News Chicago) - Stress and
1991 - Interviewed on Channel 2 (CBS News Chicago) - Pigment cell biology.
1992 - Interviewed on CNBC (LifeLine) - Chronobiology in Medicine
1996 - Interviewed on WBBM Radio - Chronobiology and Time Changes
1996 - Cited among the top 10 most productive authors with publications on the
pineal gland during the period 1966-1994 (J. Pineal Res., 20/3: 115-124,
2000 - Interviewed on Channel 5 (NBC News Chicago) – Body donations and
medical education..
Invited guest lectures/Workshops (1999-2008)
Department of Pathology, Loyola University Medical Center (Jan, 1999)
Central Group on Educational Affairs, Kansas City, MO (Mar, 1999)
Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, University of Michigan (Apr, 1999)
Central Group on Educational Affairs, Rockford, IL (Mar, 2000)
Rush Medical School, Chicago, IL (Mar, 2000)
Department of Anatomy, University of North Dakota – 2 seminars (Oct, 2000)
Central Group on Educational Affairs, Minneapolis, MN (Mar, 2001)
Master Teacher Series, SSOM (Oct, 2001)
International Assoc. Medical Science Educators (2002)
Central Group on Education Affairs, Iowa City, IA (Mar, 2003)
American Association of Anatomists – Washington D.C. (May, 2004)
Midwest University, Downers Grove, IL (Sep, 2004)
Group on Information Resources, Houston, TX (Jan, 2008)
Group on Information Resources, Atlanta, GA (Apr 2009)
1) McNulty, J.A., B.G. Nafpaktitis.
The structure and development of the pineal complex in the lanternfishTriphoturus mexicanus (family Myctophidae).
J. Morph. 150: 579-606 (1976)
2) McNulty, J.A.
A comparative study of the pineal complex in the deep-sea fishes Bathylagus wesethi and Nezumia liolepis.
Cell Tissue Res. 172: 205-225 (1976)
3) McNulty, J.A., B.G. Nafpaktitis.
Morphology of the pineal complex in seven species of lanternfishes (Pisces: Myctophidae).
Amer. J. Anat. 150: 509-529 (1977)
4) Dunn, J.D., A.J. Castro, J.A. McNulty.
Effect of suprachiasmatic ablation on the daily temperature rhythm.
Neurosci. Lett. 6: 345-348 (1977).
5) McNulty, J.A.
Fine structure of modified photoreceptor cells in the pineal of the goby Clevelandia ios (Pisces: Gobiidae).
Experientia 34: 507-509 (1978)
6) McNulty, J.A.
A light and electron microscopic study of the pineal in the blind goby Typhlogobius californiensis (Pisces: Gobiidae).
J. Comp. Neurol. 181: 197-211 (1978)
7) McNulty, J.A.
The pineal of the troglophilic fish,Chologaster agassizi: An ultrastructural study.
J. Neural Trans. 43: 47-71 (1978)
8) Dunn, J.D., A.J. Castro, J.A. McNulty.
Failure of medial forebrain bundle or raphe nuclei ablation to alter the daily temperature rhythm of the rat.
Experientia 34: 1588-1589 (1978)
9) McNulty, J.A.
Fine structure of the pineal organ in the troglobytics fish, Typhlichthyes subterraneous (Pisces: Amblyopsidae).
Cell Tissue Res. 195: 535-545 (1978)
10) McNulty, J.A.
A comparative light and electron microscopic study of the pineal complex in the deep-sea fishes Cyclothone signata and C. acclinidens.
J. Morph. 162: 1-16 (1979)
11) Schwalm, P.A., J.A. McNulty.
The morphology of dermal chromatophores in the infrared-reflecting glass-frog Centrolenella fleischmanni.