Qualifying and Evaluation Criteria for aGrazing Licencein the Area


  1. Location of Grazing Area:
  • (insert broad geographic and specific location)
  1. Available Grazing Rights:
  • Total Authorized use up to Animal Unit Months (AUMs) annually.
  • Total number of livestock up to cow-calf pairs and bulls.
  • Average grazing season is months
  • 1 or more grazing licences may be issued to different applicants.
  1. Grazing Licence:
  • The term of a grazing licence is between 15 and 25 years and is replaceable under section 23 of the Range Act.
  • Sample grazing licence is attached.
  • Commitments made by the successful applicant(s) with respect to meeting the Qualifying and Evaluation Criteria will be added to the conditions of the grazing licence.
  1. Viewings of range areas are done by the Applicant. In high demand areas, Range Program may arrange for group information sessions.
  1. Qualifying and Evaluation Criteria as accepted by the District Manager for selecting the successful applicant are as follows:

Mandatory Qualifying Criteria / Qualified
for internal use only
1 / Grazing Application & Fees:Grazing application is legible and completely filled out. Grazing application and application fees of $150.00 plus GST received by September 30, 2015. / Yes
2 / Supporting Information:All supporting information with respect to satisfying the criteria must be legible and received by 4:30 pm on WednesdaySeptember 30, 2015.
For any lease lands, a notarized copy of the lease agreement has been provided with the application. The lease agreement specifies the term, amounts payable, conditions of use, intended use by the lessee and the legal description of the lands leased. Term of the lease must be equivalent to the term of the licence.
Leased livestock arefrom a recognized feeder association. Proof of lease provided with the application. / Yes
3 / Commensurate Land Base: The capability of the applicant’s associated lands (ownedor leased) to sustain the applicant’s livestock when the livestock are not authorized to be on Crown Range.
  • Amount of hay and pasture forage currently produced on lands will fully sustain livestock.
  • Amount of hay and pasture forage that could be produced on lands will fully sustain livestock with further land development to be completed within 2 years.
  • Associated lands would be commensurate but they are currently being utilized for the production of another agricultural crop.
  • Associated lands are not sufficient to produce enough hay and pasture forageto fully sustain livestock(* may be waived if only one applicant).
/ Yes
Mandatory Qualifying Criteria(continued) / Qualified
for internal use only
4 / As identified on the overview map, there may be range developments (i.e. fences, corrals, cattleguards, water developments, etc) in various states of repair that must be maintained by the successful applicant(s). Unless otherwise agreed to, fence maintenance obligations are as follows:
  • Between adjacent range areas maintenance is split 50/50
  • Between common range areas maintenance is split by percentage of AUMs
  • If no adjacent range tenure applicant assumes 100% maintenance responsibility.
Applicant agrees that all range developments within the range area will be maintained as per the attached Range Improvement Standards each year and prior to livestock using that portion of the range area where those range developments are required. Where range developments are identified as no longer required and as agreed with the Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations (FLNR) the applicant will deactivate them within 3 years. These conditions will be included in and form part of the licence agreement.
Applicant doesn’t fully accept maintenance and deactivation responsibilities for the range developments within this range area and/or accept the maintenance standards. / Yes
5 / Livestock will be branded with the applicant’s registered brand:
  • Livestock will be branded with the applicant’s registered brand.(if not branded, livestock must be marked with an alternative method of identification that has been approved by the DM)
  • Livestock will not be branded
/ Yes
6 / Applicant provides details of Herd Health Program (be prepared to provide documentation for verification)
  • Mandatory for community watersheds and domestic water intakes(See Appendix A attached)
  • * Optional for those outside of community watersheds and domestic water intakes
Applicant does not provides details of Herd Health Program / Yes
Evaluation Criteria / Points
7 / Proximity of applicant’s associated (private or leased) lands to the range area:
  • Associated lands are adjacent to the range area(must contribute towards livestock management of the range area).
  • Associated lands are located within 20km
  • Associated lands are located within 60km
  • Associated lands are located outside60km
/ 20
8 / Applicant will stock the range area with livestock that are over-wintering:
  • At least 70% of the herd will be over-wintered.
  • At least 40% of the herd will be over-wintered.
  • Less than 40% of theherd will be over-wintered.
/ 10
9 / Livestock will be over-wintered on:
  • Lands owned or leased by the applicant.
  • Other lands.
/ 5
10 / Applicant will stock range with:
  • At least 70% of the herd will be cow/calf
  • At least 40% of the herd will be cow/calf
  • Less than 40% of the herd will be cow/calf
/ 10
11 / Applicant at time of application owns:
  • At least 70% of the livestock herd.
  • Between 40%to 70% of the livestock herd.
  • Less than 40% of the livestock herd.
/ 10
12 / Applicant’s investment proposal for using the range area
  • List of infrastructure to be deactivated, maintained or rebuilt
  • List of proposed improvements to be constructed (new)
  • All proposed range improvements must be built to FLNRO specifications and
must be authorized by the District Manager prior to construction.
  1. The following costs will be applied to these range improvements for all investment
Name of Improvement / Details / Cost
Barbed Wire Fence: / $10,000 per km
Water Developments: / Water Trough
Dug out / $ 2,500
$ 500
Corral / Including loading chute & wing fence / $ 7,500
Cattleguards / 16 feet L75
Installation 16 feet
ATV (6 feet & installation) / $7,500
Forage Enhancement / (Includes grass seeding, site prep, invasive
plant control, fertilization & others / Lump Sum Amount
to be invested over
next 5 yrs
/ Up to 40
13 / Grazing Schedule (see template attached)
  • Timing and distribution of livestock (by pasture)
/ Up to 20
Evaluation Criteria(Continued) / Points
14 / Livestock Management
  • Assets and tools to manage and move livestock.
/ 10
15 / Applicant submits details of Herd Health Program (be prepared to provide documentation for verification if requested). / 5
16 / Contraventions of the Range Act, the former Range Act, the Forest and Range Practices Act, the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act or the regulations under them by an applicant in the last 5 years. / Reduction up to 40 depending on magnitude of offence
17 / Applicant currently holds grazing rightsunder non-use, or has previously held grazing rights that have been rescinded within the past 5 years. Provide details ofnon-use or rescinded grazing tenure. / Reduction up to 25
depending on level
of non-use
Total Points (out of a Maximum of 130)

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