IEEE P802.15

Wireless Personal Area Networks

Project / IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Title / IEEE802.15 WG minutes
Date Submitted / 17 November, 2006
Source / [Pat Kinney]
[Kinney Consulting, LLC]
[Chicago, IL] / Voice: [1.724.575.2469]
Fax: []
E-mail: [
Re: / 802.15 Plenary Meeting in Dallas
Abstract / IEEE 802.15 Working Group Minutes
Purpose / Official minutes of the Working Group Session
Notice / This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release / The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

IEEE 802.15 Interim Meeting – Session #45

Hyatt Regency Dallas, Texas

November 17, 2006

Monday, 13 November 2006

1:30 PM The vice chair, R Alfvin, called the meeting to order at. He explained that B Heile was not able to participate until Friday; he then welcomed everyone to Dallas.

The chair asked for new attendees and nine people raised their hands.

Announcements (15-06-466-00-0000):

R Alfvin reminded everyone of the standard Anti-Trust statement – and read it clearly to all.

R Alfvin asked for letters of assurance; no one spoke up.

There are four tutorials on Monday and Tuesday evenings.

Rick Alfvin stated the information on registration requirements and the network information. Basic topics covered were:

·  Registration requirements

·  Network information

·  Attendance sheets

·  Voting Tokens

·  Voting Rights

·  Meeting Video Audio recording – not allowed

·  Patents and IEEE-SA bylaws= clearly stated and reiterated

·  Inappropriate topics

·  Copyright

Future Events:

·  November 12-17, 2006 Hyatt Regency Dallas, Texas USA

·  January 14-19, 2007* Hilton London Metropole, London, UK

·  March 11-16, 2007 Caribe Royale, Orlando Florida USA

·  July 15-20, 2007 Hyatt Regency San Francisco, California USA

·  November 11-16, 2007 Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Georgia USA

·  March 16-21, 2008 Hyatt Regency New Orleans, Louisiana USA

·  July 13-18, 2008 Hyatt Regency Denver at the Colorado Convention Center
Denver, Colorado USA

November 9-14, 2008 Hyatt Regency Dallas, TX USA

ExCom Report:

·  802.20 has been re-started with a new chair


R Alfvin then gave the treasury report

·  Approx. $176,000 Assets as of today

Rick Alfvin then reviewed the voting status 168 voters, 39 nearly, and 114 aspirant voters.

Bob asked to have the agenda approved document 15-06-0435-02-0000.

M McInnis moved to approve the agenda with James Gilb seconding the motion. Following neither discussion nor objection the agenda was approved.

J Gilb moved to approve the previous meeting minutes (document 15-06-0436-01-0000) and C Powell seconding the motion. J Gilb then amended the motion to include the condition that the attendee number in Annex A be changed to 73. Following neither further discussion nor objection the minutes were approved.

Reed Fisher gave a TG3c review

•  Update of Channel modeling works

•  Update of Usage Model Document works

•  Review of System Requirements Document

•  New contributions

•  Discussion of TG3c Activity for next Meetings

•  Revise Project Plan

P Kinney gave TG4a review

•  Completed SB with 94%

•  Comment resolution this week

•  Recirculation next week

Myung Lee gave a TG5 review

•  Refine draft to go to letter ballot

C Powell for SG4c

•  Working on gap between the Chinese proposed MAC and 15.4 MAC

P Beecher for SG4d

•  Sub GHz PHY for Japan

•  finalize the PAR and 5C to go to TG status

A Astrin for BAN IG

·  looking to go to SG

E Schylander for WNG


Comments on 802 PARs

·  802.16m: J Gilb (15-06-472-00): James commented that this is a PAR to make another standard an IEEE standard but included very little scope. J Gilb moved that:

The chair (or acting chair) will forward the following comments on the 802.16m PAR by the deadline for comments on behalf of the 802.15 WG:

§  The scope of the PAR overlaps with 802.15.3c, which also should be mentioned in the 5C

§  The scope is overly broad. The scope needs to be written to reflect a focus on a particular need.

§  The changes required are significant and so the PAR should be withdrawn, revised and submitted for the March Plenary meeting.

This motion was seconded by B Herold.

Due to a suggestion from Erik Schylander the motion was amended to:

The chair (or acting chair) will forward the following comments on the 802.16m PAR by the deadline for comments on behalf of the 802.15 WG:

§  The scope of the PAR may overlap with the 802.15.3c PAR, which also should be mentioned in the 5C

§  The scope is overly broad. The scope needs to be written to reflect a focus on a particular need.

§  The changes required are significant and so the PAR should be withdrawn, revised and submitted for the March Plenary meeting.

o  The vote was: 44/0/0, the motion carries

The chair asked if there are any comments or any other business – there was none.

2:22 PM The chair recessed the meeting

Wednesday, 15 November 2005

10:38am WG vice-chair called the meeting to order.

WG Vice-Chair made announcements

The agenda (15-06-0435-03-0000) was reviewed by the WG vice-chair.

10:42 TG3c by Reed Fisher

Goal is for proposals this weekd

10:45 TG4a by Jay Bain

TG4a is continuing to resolve comments and expects to go for recirculation after this session

10:45 TG5 status update by Myung Lee

Heard new presentations yesterday. Tomorrow is vote on whether to include new presentation material into draft.

10:46 SG4c committee by C Powell

Essentially on hold until Chinese WPAN agency completes its regulations

10:47 SG4d by P Beecher

SG4d amended the PAR in accordance to the EC comments and approved the amended PAR and 5c to be forwarded to the 802.15 WG.

P Beecher moved that the 802.15 WG forward the contents of the PAR (doc 15-06-401-04) in the proper form and the 5 C (doc 15-06-402-04) to the 802 ExCom for approval and forward the PAR to NesCom for approval of the formation of the 802.15.4d task group. Clint Powell seconded this motion. Following no discussion the vote was taken: 35/0/1, this motion carries.

10:56 BAN IG by A Astrin

The IG is hearing presentations and working on the PAR and 5C

New Business: none

10:57 WG vice-chair recessed the meeting until Friday AM1.

Friday, 17 November, 2006

8:08 WG chair called the meeting to order

Chair reviewed the agenda. The agenda was amended to include SG4c and SG4d.

8:13 TG3c closing report by Reed Fisher (15-06-0503-00-003c)

8:20 Closing report for TG4a by Pat Kinney (15-06-0469-02-004a)

Motion: That the 802.15 WG approve the Sponsor Ballot recirculation of the P802.15.4a draft standard upon completion of editing of draft 5 by 802.15.4’s ballot resolution committee and the IEEE sending out requests for letters of assurance to those entities (if any) that have been brought to the attention of the WG chair prior to 18 Nov 2006..

Moved by Pat Kinney and seconded by Vern Brethour. Upon neither discussion nor objection the motion carries by unanimous consent.

Motion: the 802.15. WG make a request of the 802 EC for conditional approval to forward the 802.15.4a draft to RevCom

This motion was moved by P Kinney and seconded by R Alfvin. Following no discussion the vote was taken with the results of 29/0/0; the motion carries.

8:40 Review of 802.16M PAR & 5C by R Marks

Changes to the PAR were made to address 802.15 and 802.19 issues.

8:55 SG4c by C Powell (15-06-0501-02-004c)

Motion: That the 802.15 WG approve extending the 802.15 Study Group 4c through the March Plenary

Motion was moved by Clint Powell and seconded by Phil Beecher. Following no discussion the vote was taken with the results of 28/0/0; the motion carries.

9:00 SG4d by P Beecher (15-06-0506-00-004c)

9:02 802.15 BAN by Art Astrin (15-06-511-00)

This IG will continue its work on the PAR and 5C.

Motion: Move to form an 802.15 study group to draft a PAR and 5C documents supporting the scope contained in document 15-06-0511-00 to investigate the use of approved medical bands for in and around human body communications.

Moved by A Astrin and seconded by B Rolfe. Upon no further discussion the vote was taken with the results of 22/0/0; the motion carries.

9:21 Closing report for TG5 by Chun-Hui Zhu (15-06-0510-00-005)

First round proposal selection is complete.

9:25 802.11n liaison report by R Alfvin (15-06-0509-00-0000)

All comments have been resolved yet controversy still exists such as channel bonding in the 2.4 GHz band.

9:32 ISO report by R Alfvin

ISO did not meet

9:36 ZigBee liaison report by Pat Kinney

ZigBee just announced the first certified products.

9:37 SP100 liaison report by Pat Kinney

9:41 JTC1/SC31/WG5 by John Lampe

This group is in its comment review period

9:42 New Business

Larry Arnett spoke against another Australia venue for the next three years (doc 15-06-0498-00-000).

Motion that: The IEEE 802.15 Working Group resolves that no venues in Australia shall be considered for Interim Sessions prior to January 2010.

Motion was moved by Larry Arnett and seconded by Ivan Reede.

Chair noted that the Melbourne meeting would have broke even if the IEEE had not suspended 802.20.

Significant discussion ensued. Kuor-Hsin Chang asked to amend the motion to add: “We encourage consideration of other venues in Asia in 2008.”

Mover and seconder then agreed to change the motion to:

The IEEE 802.15 Working Group resolves that, while we support consideration of international venues, we encourage consideration of venues other than Australia (only because we have been there 3 time already) in Asia through January 2010.

Following the completion discussion the vote on the above motion was taken with the result of 15/2/4, the motion carries.

10:10 Motion to adjourn was made by I Reede and seconded by R Alfvin. Hearing no objection, the motion carries; the session is adjourned.

Annex A

168 Attendees

Afifi, Hossam
Agre, Jonathan
Alfvin, Richard
Aoki, Mikio
Arita, Takashi
Arnett, Larry
Astrin, Arthur
Bae, Jinseok
Bain, Jay
Barrett, Ed
Beck, Michael
Beecher, Phil
Bosco, Bruce
Brethour, Vern
Cavalcanti, Dave
Chang, Kuor-Hsin
Cho, Hanbyeog
Cho, Sungrae
Choi, Chang-Soon
Choi, Sangsung
Choi, Yang-Seok
Chou, Chun-Ting
Chuang, Yu-Min
Chung, Chan-Hyung
Chung, Jaeho
Chung, Kiho
Chung Hee, Lee
Davydov, Alexey
Deng, Juinn-Horng
Dhaliwal, Upkar
Dombrowski, Kai
Drude, Stefan
Ekbal, Amal
Engelstad, Paal
Eom, SeungSik
Fisher, Reed
Floyd, Brian
Freeland, Graham
Fujita, Yoshitsugu
Fukui, Kiyoshi
Fukunaga, Shigeru
Gilb, James
Grass, Eckhard
Hach, Rainer
Hall, Robert
Hansen, Christopher
Hara, Shinsuke
Harada, Hiroshi
Heile, Robert
Herold, Barry
Huang, Robert
Huang, Tian-Wei
Ida, Ichirou
Ikeda, Hideto
Ikeda, Yutaka
Inoue, Yasuhiko
Iso, Akio
Jang, Yeong Min
Jeon, Ho-In
Jeon, Young Hyeog
Jeong, Yeonkwon
Kang, Hyunduk
Kato, Shuzo
Kato, Toyoyuki
Kawasaki, Kenichi
Kim, Jinkyeong
Kim, Kwang Seon
Kim, Yonggyu
Kimyacioglu, Kursat
Kinney, Patrick
Ko, Young-Chai
Kohno, Ryuji
Kojima, Fumihide
Kudo, Yasushi
Kuratani, Yasutaka
Kurioka, Chiharu
Lai, Zhiguo
Lakkis, Ismail
Lampe, John
Lan, Zhou
Langston, Daun
Lee, In Hwan
Lee, Kyung Kuk
Lee, Myung
Lee, Yong
Lei, Ming
Lei, Zhongding
Li, Huan-Bang
Li, Liang
Li, Sheung
Li, Wei
Lim, Young Chul
Lin, Paul
Lunsford, Forest
Maltsev, Alexander
Mathew, Abbie
Max, Gustaf Sebastian
Mc Laughlin, Michael
McInnis, Michael
Mehio, Rami
Meyer, Klaus
Mo, Samuel
Nagai, Yukimasa
Naganuma, Ken
Nakache, Yves-Paul
Nakamura, Tetsuya
Nakano, Shinji
Nakase, Hiroyuki
Nedic, Slobodan
Ngo, Chiu
Ogawa, Hiroyo
Oguma, Hiroshi
Oh, Mi-Kyung
Orlik, Philip
Park, Tae Rim
Pinel, Stephane
Poegel, Frank
Pollock, Tony
Powell, Clinton
Pyo, Chang Woo
Rabaeijs, Alain
Reede, Ivan
Rentschler, Adam
Rhee, Seung Hyong
Rolfe, Benjamin
Sadri, Ali
Sahinoglu, Zafer
Saito, Kazumasa
Sato, Katsuyoshi
Sawada, Hirokazu
Sayrafian, Kamran
Schwoerer, Jean
Schylander, Erik
Seyedi, Alireza
Shibayama, Hitoshi
Shimada, Shusaku
Shono, Takashi
Sim, Michael
Singh, Harkirat
Slykhouse, Thomas
Sohn, Kyung Yeol
Song, Myung Sun
Soomro, Amjad
Stafford, Robert
Suzuki, Tomohiro
Takahashi, Kazuaki
Takizawa, Kenichi
Tan, Siew Yoon
Tan, Teik-Kheong
Tanahashi, Mike
Tanaka, Hideki
Tou, Jarvis
Toyoda, Ichihiko
Um, Jung-Sun
Umehira, Masahiro
van Bokhorst, Ruud
Van Poucke, Bart
Vidal, Albert
Wang, Xudong
Wiklund, Magnus
Wineinger, Gerald
Yagi, Akiyoshi
Yomogita, Hiroki
Yong, Su-Khiong
Yuza, Masaaki
Zadeh, Mahmoud
Zhen, Bin
Zhu, Chunhui