Annual declaration 2014-15

Completion is required for your continued accreditation (one form per accreditation).

Please submit your completed declaration via e-mail to:

Please post a copy of your latest publicity to:

Accreditation Unit (Annual declaration returns)

British Council

Bridgewater House

58 Whitworth Street

Manchester M1 6BB

Annual declarations and publicity should reach the Unit by 15 February 2015. The Unit will acknowledge all returned declarations.

Part A – key data

Provider (accredited institution)

Name of provider:
Main address:
E-mail (for enquiries):
Web address:

List of Accredited providers

If different details should feature in the A/Z list on our websiteor information for agents, please specify

Accounting address and details

Is the abovethe correct address for invoices to be sent to?

Yes No

If no please specify the address:

Contact details

Main contact person for accreditation:
E-mail for main contact person:
Contact person for inspection results:
Contact person for invoice enquiries:
E-mail for invoice enquiries:
Contact person for publicity enquiries:
E-mail for publicity enquiries:
E-mail(s) for e-news (Newswire) recipient(s):
24 hour emergency contact number for the provider (see W5):


Please provide address(es) of all premises/centres used in 2014

Association membership and other inspections

Member of English UK?YesNo

Other Accreditations? BACASICABLSBALEAP

Educational oversight? ISIQAA Education Scotland ETI Northern Ireland

Structure of provider

Please select:

1.Year-round (ELT courses offered for 25+ weeks per year)

2.Seasonal (ELT courses offered for fewer than 25 weeks per year)

If 1.: Type of year-round provider

Please select:

Single site

Main site + additional premises in same town/city

Main site + 1 seasonal centre

Main site + 2 or more centres

If 2.: Type of seasonal provider

Please select:

Single centre


Size of provider (non-English UK members only)

Please select – please see separate note on calculating student weeks:

Band 1, small (<2K ELT student weeks)

Band 2, medium (2 - 5K ELT student weeks)

Band 3, large (>5.1K ELT student weeks)

Details of key staff (all providers)

Director / Chief executive / Line manager of ELT department


School Principal / Head of ELT department


Academic management/DoS team

Please give names, position and details of the TEFL qualifications held by all members of the current academic management (team). Please do not give the names of the qualifications, but refer to them as qualified teacher status, TEFLI or TEFLQ* (please see the Handbook section 4.2 Academic staff qualifications).
*If you are unsure about the status of qualifications held, please submit a completed Qualifications evaluation form to the Unit.

Name / Position / Qualifications

Part B – 2014 statistics

Students and staffing

Total number of students receiving ELT during 2014 (full and part-time):
Approximate percentage that are visa nationals:
Approximate total number of visa national students on non-ELT courses during 2014:
Number of ELT teachers employed at peak:
Number of additional ancillary staff supporting ELT provision at peak (office, welfare, leisure):

Staff qualifications

Please give details of the TEFL qualifications held by all members of ELT staff. For each box, please write the number of members of staff with the level of qualification referred to (only count each teacher once). To check the status of qualifications, please see the Handbook section 4.2 Academic staff qualifications.

Note: Staff records must be kept for verification of qualifications at inspection, which may take place at any time.

Qualifications of all EFL teaching
staff employed in 2014 / Length of most recent employment agreement
12 months or more / 7 weeks to 11 months / 1 to 6 weeks
Diploma-level (TEFLQ)
Certificate-level (TEFLI)
Young learner initiated
Qualified teacher status (QTS) only
Specialist qualifications only

Courses offered

Select the appropriate box(es) for all courses offered.Please note in Section C any new courses for 2015.

2014 / Minimum age as advertised / Maximum age
General and intensive English for adults* / N/a
English for academic purposes (EAP) / N/a
Foundation and access courses (ELT component) / N/a
English for business/executives / N/a
ESOL (including Skills for citizenship) / N/a
English for other specific purposes / N/a
Teacher development courses / N/a
Exam preparation courses / N/a
English for young learners
Vacation courses for adults* / N/a
Vacation courses for young learners
English plus/work experience courses / N/a
Home tuition/English in a teachers' home / N/a
In-company tuition / N/a
One-to-one / N/a
Other eligible courses (please specify)
In-eligible courses: online/distance learning English / N/a / N/a
In-eligible courses: certified teacher training (CELTA etc) / N/a / N/a

* adult courses may be 16+/18+

Courses with European funding

Do you arrange courses for any of the following funding agreements?

Erasmus plus (teacher development training)

INP/PONS (Italian groups)

Students under the age of 18

Have you accepted any students under the age of 18 in the past 12 months?

No YesIf yes, minimum age

Do you intend to accept any students under the age of 18 in the next 12 months?

No Yes If yes, minimum age

If yes, please give the name of the person responsible for safeguarding

Range of student numbers in 2014

Please fill in range of student numbers (part- and full-time) for each month in the past year (e.g. 35-40 if minimum number of students enrolled on eligible courses at any time during the month was 35 and maximum was 40).

Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / Jun / July / Aug / Sep / Oct / Nov / Dec
EFL for 18+
EFL for 16/17s
EFL for under16
ESP (including business/exec)
Teacher development
Access/ foundation
English plus
Other eligible

Home tuition (English in a teacher's home)

If the organisation offers home tuition, please indicate the numbers of students enrolled for home tuition in the grid below.

Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / Jun / Jul / Aug / Sep / Oct / Nov / Dec
Adults (18+)
Under 18s


Student accommodation

If accommodation is provided, is it (select all that apply):

provided by the institution

provided by an accommodation agency

If provided by an agency, please provide the name and address of the agency:

Students with disabilities – (non-English UK members only)

Can theinstitution cater for students with disabilities?

Yes No

If ‘yes’: types of disability

Please indicate the type(s) of disability that apply:





If ‘yes’: facilities / assistance

Please specify the facilities/assistance you can provide for disabled students and, if necessary, how classroom techniques can be adapted for their benefit

Part C – Notification of changes

Has there been any change to your organisation/provision in the last 12 months or is there any likely to occur in the next two months?

If yes, please give details below / Yes / No / Date(s) when changes occurred or will occur
  1. Name change

  1. New ownership - including part ownership

  1. Change/departureofDirector/Principal/Head of ELT

  1. Change/departure of Academic manager/management team
If yes, please give details below and submit a copy of the qualifications of the new Academic manager(s)
  1. New or additional premises
If yes, please indicate below the address(es) and contact details for the new/additional premises
  1. Change to the courses offered (e.g. new course)

  1. Change in the minimum enrolment age

Year-round providers only (25+ weeks per year) / Yes / No / Date(s) when changes occurred or will occur
  1. Changes in teaching staff

  1. No students for a period of time
If yes, please indicate below the length of time when the institution has not had ELT/ESOL students.

Please add information relating to points 1-9 above and any additional relevant information.

Change in structure, profile or character of the institution

Has the structure, profile or character of the institution changed in the last 12 months?
(e.g. merger with another department or institution affecting ELT provision, shift in student profile, change in the nature or volume of activity)

Yes No

If ‘Yes’ please give the name of the person who can be contacted for information and provide a brief outline of the extent of the changes below.

Part D – Declarations

Declaration of legal and regulatory compliance

I understand that the law of the land is obviously superior to the requirements of the Accreditation Scheme and accreditation does not remove the obligation of providers to comply with relevant statutory or other legal requirements.

I understand that the Scheme requires accredited providers to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

  • Providers must take steps to ensure that they are aware of, and comply with, all existing and new legal requirements.
  • On initial application and annual renewal of accreditation, providers are required to confirm that they are complying with all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Inspectors will check a random sample of items during inspection, in relation to criterion M1; if they find evidence of a breach of statutory or other legal requirements, the provider will be required to submit evidence of compliance confirmed by the appropriate regulatory body.
  • Any breach of the law or regulations will be viewed seriously by the Scheme and may result in the withdrawal or withholding of accreditation.
  • Any sustained breach of the law or regulations which an accredited provider fails upon reasonable notice to remedy will result in accreditation being withdrawn.

I confirm that I have read the guidance notes (Handbook 2014-15, Section 2.1, before submitting this declaration. Yes

I confirm that the ELT provider named above complies with all applicable legislative and regulatory requirements. Yes

Annual declaration for accreditation

  1. I confirm that all statements contained in this form are accurate and accept that any false statement made in this declaration may lead to immediate withdrawal of accreditation.
  2. I undertake to notify the British Council of any changes to the information given in this declaration (Changes should be reported by completing a Notification of changes form, available on the website.)
  3. I agree to provide all necessary assistance to the British Council and its inspectors to verify the statements made in this declaration.
  4. I accept that the British Council may be required to share information from this form and the inspection process with English UK, UK Visas and Immigration, and Home Office approved accrediting bodies.
  5. I accept that reports on inspections of accredited providers will be published on the British Council website.


I have sent a copy of our current printed publicity material to the Accreditation Unit (required for checking and for reference). Yes No N/a: all publicity online only

If No, please tell us why:


Please add here any relevant notes or additional information you think will be of help to the Accreditation Unit in processing the information on this form.

Form completed by:

Name of person completing form:
Job title:

Data Protection

The British Council will use the information that you are providing to administer your institution’s accreditation and contact you with relevant information about Accreditation UK and other relevant services and events.

We may share this information with English UK (our partners in the scheme), other British Council departments, UK Visas and Immigration and Home Office approved accrediting bodies. If you have any questions concerning this, please contact us on 0161 957 7692 before submitting the form.