Persepolis Book Study Menu

You may pick and choose items from the menu below. You must spend $100

Appetizer; REQUIRED

Reading Log $25- Complete the provided reading log as you read. You must include all of the required restrictions and examples.

Dinner Specials: Price $35 each

Poetry $35- Write a poem about the Iranian Revolution. Pretend you were living there. Write a 10 line poem about any topic in the book.

Scenarios $35- You must write a one page essay and include details from the book to support your answer using the given scenario. Include 3 examples. See me for scenarios.

Letter to a friend $35-You have a friend coming to visit you in Iran from another country. You need to write a letter before your friend arrives and explain to them some rules that they will be expected to follow. You must include at least 3 rules, laws, or “need to knows” in the letter to your friend.

Reading Questions $35–Answer the 15 provided questions as you read the novel. You must answer the questions in complete sentences.

Main Entrees: Price $70each

Life Size Marji $70-Using a piece of butcher paper, create a life size cut out of Marji. Make sure to include how she looks according to the description in the novel. Also include 10 things about her on the cut out. You should include her emotion, thoughts, her interests, feelings, concerns, etc. Basically it is a collage of things that represent her. Then create one that represents you. Your cut outs should contrast the life between you and Marji. A summary should be included at the bottom of how your lives are the same.

Video Interview: $70- You are to conduct a film interview of Marji. You will create 10 questions that you would ask Marji about her life during the Iranian Revolution. Then you will pretend to be Marji or draw a life size picture and on video have someone interview you and you answer the questions as if you were Marji. Remember you must stay in character and dress and act like she would act. You must present.

Personal Freedom Powerpoint: -$70 Pretend that you are an activist and you need to tell the world what personal freedoms are restricted in Iran. Create a power point that explains 10 personal freedoms that were restricted in Iran during the revolution. Your powerpoint must have at least 10 slides: 1 personal freedom restricted per slide with a picture and explanation of what is restricted.

Report Live $70-Pretend you are a reporter and pick a scene from the book to “report live” to the class. Pretend that it is happening now and it is your job to report on the news. Method of presentation is up to you. Your story must be written down for full credit. You must present. You may work with someone.

Persepolis book $70-create an ABC book that represents the important themes of the novel. Instead of using the alphabet, you will use P-E-R-S-E-P-O-L-I-S. Each page must have a visual and the words must VERY closely relate to the concepts in the book and be important. MUST BE WORDS THAT ARE ESSENTIAL TO THE BOOK!

Desserts: $5-10 each Questions $5 each -Answer a novel study question in Rascal format. See me for question selection Personal Freedom opinion $10 each-Pick a personal freedom that was banned in Iran and explain why or why not you agree with the banning of that freedom. Must be in Rascal format.

Reading Log

Passages / Restricted Personal Freedoms / Examples of life during war
The Veil
Pgs. 3-5 / 5 / 0
The Water cell
Pgs. 18-19 / 0 / 1
The Party
Pgs. 40-42 / 0 / 2
The Sheep
Pgs. 62-66
105 / 3 / 2
Kim Wilde
Pgs 126-134 / 2 / 1
The Shabbat
Pgs 138-142 / 0 / 1
The Dowry
Pgs. 147-149 AND 151-153 / 1 / 0