Answer the following questions crossing the correct answer:

1- How many people______in your family?

a. are they b. Is it c. Are there d. is

2- What time is it? ______

a. ten and a quarter b. Ten minus the quarter c. a quarter past ten d. Fifteen after ten

3- I get up at 8 o’clock ______morning.

a. in the b. In c. The d. At the

4- How much ______where you live?

a. do houses cost b. Does houses cost c. Does cost houses d. Do cost houses

5- Where are you going ______Friday?

a. at b. In c. On d. the

6- ______come to my party next Saturday?

a. do you can b. Can you to c. Can you d. Do you

7- What ______in London last weekend?

a. did you do b. Did you c. Have you done d. Does you do

8- Is your English improving? ______

a. I hope it b. Hoping c. I hope so d. I hope

9- I’m going to Sainsbury’s ______some food

a. buy b. for buy c. To buy d. For to buy

10- He was working in the garden when I______him yesterday

a. saw b. Had seen c. Was seeing d. Have seen

11- Last Tuesday I ______- to the Passport Office

a. must gone b. Must go c. Had to go d. Had go

12- What time______to bed during the week?

a. do you go b. Are you go c. Do you going d. You are going

13- Do you like Oxford? Yes, ______

a. I like b. So I do c. I does d. I do

14- I’m afraid I Havent’t got______

a. any scissors b. Scissors c. Some scissors d. A scissor

15- This book is mine and that book is ______

a. yours b. Your c. Your’s d. You’re

16- I don’t understand. What language______

a. speak you b. You speak c. You’re speaking d. Are you speaking

17- She came to Britain ______

a.four days ago b. At four days c. Before four days d. Since four days

18- My mother never ______out in the evenings.

a. goes b. Go c. Is going d. going

19- ______car is the red Ford?

a. Whose b. To whom c. Who’s d. Of who

20- The film was very good. It’s ______

a. to write b. Writing c. About writing d. To writing

21- I need to go to______toilet.

a. the b. A c. / d. some

22- Did you______anywhere interesting last weekend?

a. go b. Going c. Was d. went

23- I work as a teacher and my wife______, too

a. do b. Is c. Work d. does

24- I think______taxi driver.

a. her job is b. She’s a c. Her job is an d. She’s

25- How______are you?

a. high b. Wide c.long d. heavy

26-Would you like______help?

a. a b.some d.I

27- This is the best tea I’ve______tasted.

a. never b.ever c.already d.still

28- My girlfriend______born on the 2nd of September1974 b.was c. Had d.has been

29- I’ll return the newspaper when I______through it.

a.will have looked b.looked c.have looked d.look

30- These questions were______hard that I had no chance. b.some c.such d.quite

31- I don’t have a cent to give you. I______bought a new computer.

a.just buy b.had just bought c.’ ve just d.soon will

32- Mum gave______her job when I was born. b.up c. Off d.away

33- You have a terrible fever!______call a doctor?

a.Shall I b.Do I c.Must I d. Will I

34- Joanna looks______in her new dress.

a.nice b.nicely nice d.such nice

35- These bottles______of plastic.

a.are making b.are make c.are made d.made are

36- We wash the curtains______year.

a.three times a b. Once c.three every d.every couple

37- You should give______ your mother this letter b.this letter your mother c.letter this to your mother d.this letter to your mother

38- Marian has______old books.

a.very much b.a lot of c.lots d.a very lot

39- Hania has got two children,______?

a.hasn’t she b.has she got c.has she d.haven’t she

40- Let’s think______something nice.

a.after b.about c.for

41- A Jaguar is______than a Fiat.

a.more expensive b.expensiver c.much expensive d.expensive

42- The TV’s too loud.Please,______. turn down b.turn it up c.turn it down d. Turn down it

43- It’s a pity you______here last night.

a.weren’t b.aren’t c.’ll not be d.’d not be

44- What about______for a walk? go b.I going c.going d.go

45- I made one or two mistakes, but______of my answers were correct.

a.much b.most c.more d.few

46- You can’t cross the road when the light______red.

a.’ll be b.was c.were

47- I have a problem.______help me please?

a.Could You b.Should you c.were you able to d.Will you able to

48- Our neighbour is______to Ireland.

a.going travel b.going to travelling c.go d.going to travel

49- Do penguins fly? No, they______

a.aren’t b.haven’t c.don’t d.won’t

50- ______train are you taking, the express to Newcastle or to Leeds?

a.Which b.How c.Whose d.Who

51- This is______story.

a.a very interesting b. Very an interesting c. Very interesting d.very interested

52- Marta takes the dog for a walk______the evening. c.on

53- We haven’t got______Polish friends. b.any c.none d.some

54- Simon can’t______to you now. He’s busy.

a.talked talk c.talking

55- Have they finished working yet? I don’t think______ b.this d.that

56-We must go now. Call the waitress and ask for the______

a.bill b.invoice c.price d.cost

57- He’s a friend of______

a.them b.theres c.theirs d.their

58- Is______than his father?

a. Matt taller b. taller Matt c. Matt more tall d. Matt as tall as

59- She was 29 on her birthday,______she?

a. didn’t b. hadn’t c. hasn’t d. wasn’t

60- ______is it from here to Berlin?

a. How long way b. How long c. How far d. How many