Serrania Charter for Enriched Studies


Principal: Luis Alvarado

Governing Board Meeting

Minutes ~ February 2, 2017

Meeting called to order – 2:59PM by Rosa Panayan (Chairperson)

Roll Call

In Attendance: Rosa Panyayan, Marie (Francios) Lamothe, Deborah Ellis, Jenny Pan Hacker,Grant Barbeito,Asal Al-Salman,Laurie O’Keefe, Laurie Rodstein

Old Business:

  1. Approve Minutes – Rosa Pananyanmade the motion to approve and Grant Barbeito seconded the motion.

Principal Updates:

  • Kindergarten gate update – During the last meeting, it was decided that the gate would be closed. A few parents complained that there were no cones in the drop off area, which allowed for double parking. So, cones were laid out and the double parking has stopped. In addition, traffic citations have been issued (approximately 14 so far), which contains the name of the child, room #, location of violation and then sent home with the child. On the citation, it also says that the citation has been forwarded to the LAPD traffic division. So far, Ernie has reported that the morning drop off situation has improved greatly. Principal Alvarado will continue to monitor.

New Business:

  • Charter petition was completed and submitted. Things to note in terms of changes are 1) asking to change the name from ‘Serrania Charter for Enriched Studies’ to Serrania Charter for Advanced Studies’, 2) Sibling preference for lottery children, and 3) ability to revoke the lottery status for chronic absences or bad behavior.
  1. Budget requests - the following items were approved by the majority of the staff on Tuesday:
  2. Core literature sets for the classrooms - $7,200 ($1,200 per grade level x 6)
  3. 1 more year of Lexia reading program for the whole school - $8,500
  4. Money for field trips/assemblies - $5,000
  5. IMA for science - $6,000
  6. 1 more copier machine - $12,000
  7. Individual teacher academic supplies - $8,700 ($300 x 29, which includes Ms. Schussman)
  8. Money for teachers to attend professional development and Gate training - all teachers - $5,000 (includes sub days if PD is on a weekday)
  9. IMA for ELA - $2,000 (supplemental ELA materials).
  10. Reserve funds to purchase Curriculum Associates for grades 3 and 4 next year - $4,500
  11. Reserve funds to purchase kindergarten social studies readers - $937.13
  12. Reserve funds to purchase 2nd grade scholastics - $650
  13. Time of Kids and History Weeklies - $900
  14. 83 Chromebooks for grades 3 to 5 - $22,000

The total for the list of above is $83,387.13. The motion to approve the purchases was made by Laurie Rodstein and Laurie O’Keefe seconded the motion.

  1. Public Comments – there were no public comments

Next Meeting –March 16, 2017@ 3:00 PM in Room 25

Meeting Adjourned –3:32 pm– motion to adjorn made by Jenny Pan Hacker and seconded by Marie Lamothe

Jenny Pan Hacker, Secretary